A bubble of stupid. RT @ClaraJeffery: A startup for San Franciscans too lazy to take out their own trash.
Alright. That’s it. Burn it all down.
I will be discussing @tinysubversions 's analysis of @mossmouth 's Spelunky level gen. 3:05 pm eastern at #irdc : http://…
Wattam Sneak Peek - YouTube
Oh! Footage of #wattam has been released to the wild!? Check it out with all its lovely in-game sounds and music!
Golden snitches for Harry Potter themed party
Charlie Rose | Facebook
Aaron Sorkin's "Jobs" script cut out every women on the Mac team and gave every man a speaking role via…
Superscript Live 2015
I'll be up on the livestream at #superscript15 in a bit more nervous than usual & trying to synthesise every1 ...
That's a solid success, @adamd! Thank you for contributing to the @pdx_startups community.
Woo, back row! This is also streaming free online, so you can maybe get a better view than me