Jam Preserves - The Jam Journal
Sad to see @ThisIsMyJam go, but kudos to @Han & @flaneur on transitioning it in the classiest way possible »
Alternate universe Mac Pro »
Apparently Sanders has updated his stance on racial justice after yesterday's protests which is... good, I guess »
America's Great Lakes are filling up with the beads in your toothpaste. Now fish are dying http://… »
A mathematician may have uncovered widespread election fraud, and Kansas is trying to silence her »
#Facebook Now Tells the Cops When You Talk About Criminal Activity in Private Messages http://t… »
Sexist or soothing? Why your device has a female voice by Rivet Radio | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Interesting interview including w/my wife (about 2:20 in) about why most devices have female voices »
Twitter Video
A black man had a stroke in his car and could not move. Watch what US cops did to him. #Insane #BlackLivesMatter https://t.c… »
Finding Ferguson - by Nikkolas Smith - YouTube
I still watch this piece on #MikeBrown's murder from the artist @4NIKKOLAS. It still chokes me up a year later. »
Design Matters With Debbie Millman: Virginia Postrel by Design Matters | Free Listening on SoundCloud
The Power of Glamour, by @vpostrel, is the most thought-provoking book I’ve read this year. A strong preview »
Watch Jon Swaine's Vine "Canfield Drive falls silent at 12.02pm on Aug 9, a year after Mike Brown's death"
Canfield Drive falls silent at 12.02pm on Aug 9, a year after Mike Brown's death »
Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Adds Young Black Woman As New Public Face - BuzzFeed News
Just an FYI to future politicians: this is how you make up for gaffs during your campaign »
A year later, Ferguson quietly struggles forward - LA Times
Mike Brown's death radicalized a cadre of millennials who turned Black Lives Matter into a force to be reckoned with. http… »
Mr. Roboto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first episode of Mr. Robot is good. Hero is a Linux hacker who hates Facebook. Bonus Christian Slater. <3 »
Trump Fails to Back Up Misogynist Slurs with Anti-Woman Proposals, Rivals Say - The New Yorker
Trump Fails to Back Up Misogynist Slurs with Anti-Woman Proposals, Rivals Say »
M3.3 - 11km SSW of Tamalpais-Homestead Valley, California
Magnitude 3.3 - right off the coast of SF »
No girl wins: three ways women unlearn their love of video games - Offworld
No girl wins: three ways women unlearn their love of video games »
Sometimes You Need to Draw Animals // Speaker Deck
This was a tough personal decision, knowing when to stop always is »
Wichita State mathematician says Kansas voting machines need audit | The Wichita Eagle
Expert with a PhD in statistics finds potential voter fraud in Kansas, now being stonewalled. »
Anti-Piracy Group Hits Indie Creators For Using the Word 'Pixels' - TorrentFreak
Indie creators being hit by copyright notices for using the word 'pixels' because of the movie "Pixels"? »
More reasons I'm leaving Mozilla (with tweets) · christi3k · Storify
.@christi3k on huge structural issues at Mozilla, which apply to so many other orgs »
My legendary tweet storm about Mozilla (with images) · christi3k · Storify
.@christi3k on huge structural issues at Mozilla, which apply to so many other orgs »
Wanz, the musician who sang the hook on "Thrift Shop," now does QA at Tableau: Seems like a cool dude. »
Uber Is Pulling Out All the Stops for Its California Labor Lawsuit | Motherboard
“But the argument that Uber seems to love best is some version of ‘not all drivers.’” »
Ferguson and beyond: how a new civil rights movement began – and won't end | DeRay McKesson | Comment is free | The Guardian
Everyone should take 5 minutes and read this article by @deray - #BlackLivesMatter »
Free IoT Reports - O'Reilly Media
Opportunities and Challenges in the IoT — A Conversation w/ @doctorow and @timoreilly »
Gorgeous nerdy textiles - Boing Boing
Gorgeous nerdy textiles »
Saying Goodbye to a Secret Bookstore - The New Yorker
This was my favorite place in NYC, which like everything else that didn't fit, is now gone. »
Curios Cargo 5: Of Battled Matter & Chains Supplied Soylently
In which @doingitwrong politely vivisects the empathy automation industry »
Ahimsa Online — The Message — Medium
For the better part of a year, I have embarked on a terrifying social experiment: Being a kinder person. »
This Is My Jam Shuts Down Without Screwing Users | TechCrunch
“it’s so legit that the company will preserve what was shared on it” v cool + understanding article by @joshconstine »
Police killings since Ferguson, in one map
The shocking number of police killings since Ferguson, in one map »
Why some American black men are dressing in suits to survive
Hey startup ppl, not everyone gets to wear hoodies. so stop w your sartorial culture fit bullshit. »
"we’ve built an industry on free labour … and shame" »
"The web is awesome" - or, I wanted to write about what doesn't suck for my next post »
The Five Elements of the Socratic Website | Hapgood
"Wiki valued the timeless over the timebound, iteration over utterance, description over narrative" @holden »
Yes, Mr. President, We Remade Our Atlas to Reflect Shrinking Ice
Whoa... Arctic sea ice has melted back so much, @NatGeo has to keep updating their atlas. http://t… »
Why are only 2% of open source developers women? IT IS A MYSTERY. »
The Ghostly Love Triangle of the Mission School - The New Yorker
Terrific profile of artists Barry McGee, Clare Rojas, and the late Margaret Kilgallen »
This chart shows sexist tweets to Megyn Kelly exploding since she questioned Donald Trump - Vox
Sexist tweets explode on twitter to @megynkelly since GOP debate in defense of Trump »
The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here - Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone on climate change."Historians may look to 2015 as the year when shit really started hitting the fan." »
Distraught people, deadly results - The Washington Post
The police shoot and kill someone with mental illness once every 36 hours »
Teacher Shortages Spur a Nationwide Hiring Scramble (Credentials Optional) - The New York Times
Teacher Shortages Spur a Nationwide Hiring Scramble (Credentials Optional), via @nytimes #edchat »
The Hall of Fame Speech Junior Seau’s Daughter Couldn’t Give - The New York Times
"Congratulations, Dad; you made it." See the full speech Sydney Seau hoped to give at #PFHOF15 http://t… »
This chart shows sexist tweets to Megyn Kelly exploding since she questioned Donald Trump - Vox
This chart shows sexist tweets to Megyn Kelly after questioning Trump (h/t @iglvzx) »
The Problem We All Live With | This American Life
A thing to do today, to remember Mike Brown, is to listen to a This American Life episode, on St. Louis's schools. http:/… »
Heuristic Outcomes by Ade Oshineye: Omnivorous inclusiveness and the closing of the browser parenthesis
Fantastic @ade_oshineye summary of a smart modern web theory; native apps are just domain-specific user agents »
#Ferguson (with images, tweets) · deray · Storify
#Ferguson tweets from Aug 9th - 11th. Remember the beginning. Remember why we fight. #MikeBrown. »
Olin College
Every once in a while, I remember that I helped found a startup with the intention that it'd exist in perpetuity. »