64 Stitches
I designed a language to make knitting pattern ! (code reads like regular knit pattern too »
Sesame Street goes to HBO: Practically, it's great. Symbolically, not so much.
“The historical moment that made Sesame Street possible is unimaginable today.” »
Jindal Campaign Defends Plan To Block Removal Of Confederate Monuments In New Orleans - BuzzFeed News
Jindal opposes taking down a white supremacist monument because of "political correctness" http://t.c… »
The U.S. Digital Service - Sam Altman
yes!! @sama on @usds: tech people, consider doing a tour of duty with the government »
Twitch Plays Dark Souls! This is not a drill »
A NEW T-SHIRT! how to succeed at the internet: ✨ available in tanks, tees, v-necks, & hoodies!... »
Fantastic Arcade Announces The 2015 First Wave Lineup! | Fantastic Fest
amazing @fantasticarcade news! thanks to @humble, this year we're debuting 6 brand new games »
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Donald Trump, Through the Ages.
The “Trump Through the Ages” thing on McSweeney’s is as good as everyone says »
The World of Hidden Technology Underground - The Atlantic
I wrote about competitive utility locating »
Very excited to announce Unfamiliar Matters, an event on politics & power of infrastructures, September 12th #... »
Bad comments are a system failure — The Message — Medium
The definitive view on why comments on the web are often bad, and how we can fix them. Because @jessamyn would know. https://… »
Janelle Monàe Cut Off During Her Message About Black Lives On 'Today'
Janelle Monàe Cut Off During Her Message About Black Lives On 'Today' #SAYTHEIRNAMES #HELLYOUTALMBOUT »
The Haunted Mansion (Minecraft 1.8) - YouTube
@doctorow The Haunted Mansion recreated in Minecraft, from the Stretching Room to the Ghost Hostess: "Hurry baaack!" »
Some Sketches
Hi! Happy Friday! I just put up a sketchbook .pdf – 90ish drawings, mostly full color, $1! ♪ http://… »
How GQ cut its webpage load time by 80 percent - Digiday
GQ worked hard on their mobile pageload performance. Results: pageload time is ⬇ 80%. Traffic is ⬆ 80%. »
Email, meet Slack. Slack, email. | Several People Are Typing
Slack: now 100% compliant with Zawkinski's Law #1997jokes »
T-shirt extols the best response to Twitter trolls - Offworld
Getting harassed on Twitter? You know what to do. And so does this tank top. »
Bodies, I Have In Mind — Mammon Machine: ZEAL — Medium
This article by @radiatoryang about bodies and ragdolls and performance is amazing »
Even when you turn on Win 10's "privacy" flags, it still spies on you - Boing Boing
Even when you turn on Win 10's "privacy" flags, it still spies on you »
By 2100, Earth Will Have an Entirely Different Ocean | Motherboard
By 2100, Earth Will Have an Entirely Different Ocean via @motherboard »
Apple's products are getting harder to use because they ignore principles of design. - jnd.org
@eli_schiff, would love to see your take on this— has echoes of your Humanist Interface series! »
So you want to manage a product? — The Product Management Coalition — Medium
Fantastic read on the realities of being a digital product manager (via @FutureGov ) »
August 2015 Requests
@whale_eat_squid @kosamari thanks for the support! This will probably require ab it of explanation, but it's up »
Roadtripping man annoys his sister with seven hours of lip syncing
Can I get this guy on our trivia team? @secretcrumpet @pdxcocktails @zachkpearson »
Mountain painting by Peter Mohrbacher #mountaingame »
at Thington HQ with tomcoates »
Women’s Voices in Type, On- and Offstage | Typography Commentary | Typographica
Women’s Voices in Type. A 4-part series by Dyana Weissman. »
Slack and The Future of Online Communities — Medium
Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm the Slack »
You’re on our mailing list, right? »
The Magazine: The Complete Archive
The Magazine: The Complete Archives (about 300 stories & 500K words) now out as an ebook! »
RE: NOLA's alleged charter school "miracle". Read list of grievances from one student walk out h… »
Eyeo 2015 Ignite! – Vanessa Shen in Eyeo Festival 2015 on Vimeo
A coworker thought my @eyeofestival talk In Defense of Mayonnaise was about an obscure JavaScript library. It wasn't »
AIB : Save The Internet 2 - Judgement Day - YouTube
India is having a huge battle over Net Neutrality right now. Thanks to @AllIndiaBakchod for taking up the fight! »
Louise Downe
That @LouiseDowne said it best yesterday »
Explore the legacy of Sonic the Hedgehog in these truly weird minigames - Offworld
Sonic is weird and sonic fans are weird but the appeal of Sonic Dreams is broader than that »
The Power of Taking Reading Breaks - 99u
Unorthodox & very cool productivity tip "The Power of Taking Reading Breaks" #learning #feedly »
Actual.GOP's post on Vine
this vine is extremely good »
What's Actually Inside Your Phone? - #NatAndLo Ep 4 - YouTube
Fun Friday video! A look inside your phone with #NatAndLo and the excellent Mr. @dagalpin »
Chinese theme-park queue-jumping techniques - Boing Boing
Chinese theme-park queue-jumping techniques »
Teletubbies do Die Antwoord's "I Fink U Freeky" - Boing Boing
The Teletubbies do @DieAntwoord's "I Fink U Freeky." It's pleasantly traumatizing. »
Fix the broken pieces of this pot, also your life - Offworld
I love the idea of kintsukuroi—that damage doesn’t inherently make things less beautiful http://t.… »
Documents confirm Apple is building self-driving car | Technology | The Guardian
Please take a look at the biggest story I've ever written: Apple building a self-driving car http://t.… »
How hard is it to find the original 1977 Star Wars? - Boing Boing
How hard is it to find original 1977 Star Wars? “Nearly impossible.” Oh, how we covet this. »
Product Designer & Front-end Developer at Wildbit ~ Authentic Jobs
#Hiring: "Anywhere." @Wildbit is on the hunt for a Product Designer & Front-end Developer: +@chrisbowler »
Man not allowed to pay $25 parking ticket with 2500 pennies - Boing Boing
Gentleman won't be allowed to pay his $25 parking ticket with 2,500 pennies. »
Trickle-down kids' TV: Sesame Street will air on HBO 9 months before PBS - Boing Boing
Trickle-down kids' TV: Sesame Street will air on HBO 9 months before PBS »
California Becomes First State to Ban Grand Juries in Police Shooting Cases | Mother Jones
California becomes the first state to ban the use of grand juries in police shooting cases (h/t @mai_… »
Shut Up & Sit Down | The 2015 Gen Con Special!
My boyfriend went to GenCon and I am finally getting to watch their video about it... »
2015 Traveler Photo Contest | National Geographic
Some crazy great photos from the @NatGeo contest. »
VW Has Spent Two Years Trying to Hide a Big Security Flaw - Bloomberg Business
Oh. So THIS is why my Eurovan threw a rod. What's that? Oh. Oh I see. »
Transgenic mouse company pays academics who cite them in papers - Boing Boing
Transgenic mouse company pays academics who cite them in papers »
Time Is a Privacy Setting - The Awl
let us delete our tweets »
Student suspended for tweeting two words will get to sue his school, police chief - Boing Boing
Student suspended for tweeting two words will get to sue his school, police chief »
Fruit leather purses are a thing now - Boing Boing
Fruit leather purses are a thing now »
Gallery: 13 images that helped define the look of the electronic age - Boing Boing
Gallery: 13 images that helped define the look of the electronic age »
Watch: Venus flytrap takes up smoking - Boing Boing
Watch: Venus flytrap takes up smoking »
my company, @airbnb is hiring for a head of diversity & belonging. know anyone? »
The New York Times built a Slack bot to help decide which stories to post to social media » Nieman Journalism Lab
More bots that help people do their jobs, like this Slackbot from The Times that helps pick stories to tweet »
Richard Feynman - Session V | American Institute of Physics
Feynman on creative work. I wonder how many bosses accept regular working gaps of months? http… »
helicopter, helix, pterodactyl | Lexie Kahn: Word Snooper
About once a year I have the pleasure of reminding everyone the etymology of helicopter. It's HELIX + PTERON »
How I Helped Todd Akin Win — So I Could Beat Him Later - Sen. Claire McCaskill - POLITICO Magazine
This is just amazing: Sen. Claire McCaskill explains how she worked to get Todd Akin as her opponent. »
This Crazy Town: A collection of poems Jon wrote about New York City - SBNation.com
if we could get serious for a moment: i wrote some intensely personal poems about New York. http://t.c… »
Apple Begins Taking Orders for Standalone Modern Buckle Apple Watch Bands - Mac Rumors
@mantia OMG LOUIE your long nightmare of not being able to pay money for a watch band has ended!!!! am i too late »
The 199 Most Donald Trump Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said - Michael Kruse - POLITICO Magazine
This whole sentence is a masterwork... Think the "oftentimes" really does it. »
Rightcorp teams up with lawyers to mass-sue people who ignore blackmail letters - Boing Boing
Copyright trolls Rightscorp team up with bullying shitbag lawyers to mass-sue all who ignore their shakedown letters »
Above Avalon: Finding iPad's Future
Finding iPad’s Future »
Second Life college campuses: A tour of abandoned worlds | Fusion
Every time someone goes on about the future of VR I just want to send them this and say "Behold, your future" »
The Bail Trap - The New York Times
The US criminal justice is unfair, brutal and rage inducing »
How is the Apple Watch Doing?️ WatchAware
This post on WatchAware really nails why I love my Apple Watch. It's about the little things, not the wow factor. http://t.… »
You can pre-order this hexagonal colored vinyl Super Hexagon soundtrack - Offworld
Get @chipzel's awesome soundtrack for the vicious puzzle game Super Hexagon—on hexagonal vinyl »
Yuan or Renminbi: What's the Right Word for China's Currency? - MarketBeat - WSJ
This has bugged me for a while, so I was happy to find an explanation: "What's the right word for China's currency?" »
"Some people say 'vast confusion' like it’s a bad thing." Wonderful @JamesGleick on Twitter: http://… »
The Closing of the Canadian Mind - The New York Times
Must read Op-Ed for Canadians in today's @nytimes: "The Closing of the Canadian Mind" »
Giants masterfully recreate 'Full House' opening theme song | MLB | Sporting News
The Giants recreating Full House's opening credits is easily the best thing you'll see today. http… »
Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep : Shots - Health News : NPR
Brains sweep themselves clear of toxins while you sleep. I prefer to call it disk defragmentation. #sleep »
Jeb Bush Leaves Door Open for Use of Torture by Government - The New York Times
This is what happens when you don't prosecute officials for illegally torturing people. »
The President's Summer Playlist: Day on Spotify
President Obama hand-picked his favorite songs for summer. Listen now on @Spotify »
Modernized Space Camp Allows Kids To Simulate Frustration Over Lack Of Funding - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Modernized Space Camp Allows Kids To Simulate Frustration Over Lack Of Funding »
Car vs Drones TCP on Vimeo
.@ekai check @gmunk's Short Film made for @CreatorsProject "Car vs Drones" #drones @FRiFFest »
The Knight-Mozilla Fellowships | Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Write code and want to make a difference? ONE WEEK until it's too late to become a 2016 Knight-Mozilla Fellow »
The Design Sprint — Google Ventures
Next week we’ll choose a few beta readers for our Sprint book. Sign up if interested »
Blingee.com | A Creative Community for Fans, Photos and Fun
Blingee.com | A Creative Community for Fans, Photos and Fun