Who Won Science Fiction's Hugo Awards, and Why It Matters | WIRED
Good wide-ranging overview of the Hugos kerfuffle »
We've Always Been Here in the Fandom. (with image, tweets) · tehawesomersace · Storify
And also this reaction to the piece's missing history of diversity in SF/F: /via @jmkmll »
MIT community: #ILookLikeanEngineer | MIT News
MIT community: #ILookLikeanEngineer »
I’m Sorry I Didn’t Respond to Your Email, My Husband Coughed to Death Two Years Ago — Personal Growth — Medium
“What punishments of God are not gifts?” You should read this Colbert thing: But first read: https… »
anyone in PDX want to run a fund for underrepresented founders? the Inclusive Startup Fund is looking for a manger »
7 things I’ve Learned About Lean Startup — Medium
Spot on & why lean IS NOT ideal everywhere -> "Minimum Viable Products are optimized for learning, not scaling." - h... »
About the exhibition of our computationally-generated tutu @DanielleMartin_ by StyleCurated »
Copy Designer | Slack
Two unusual and awesome jobs at Slack: *Bug Possum*: *Copy Designer*: Let's go! »
Bug Possum - San Francisco | Slack
Two unusual and awesome jobs at Slack: *Bug Possum*: *Copy Designer*: Let's go! »
Apple Music — Gratitude
We asked @MrChuckD to name an album that changed his life. His answer: Run-DMC's Raising Hell »
Support Neighborhood Greenway Assessment Report
Save Our Greenways! Testify on Wednesday morning at PDX City Hall to support stricter bike street standards. »
A nice GIF illustrating the cubic displacement of people in cars vs. better modes of transit »
Recently rediscovered swag »
What the alternate Hugo Ballot would likely have been | Tobias Buckell
What the alternate Hugo Ballot would likely have been »
PNW is on fire...#portlandhaze @ St John's Bridge....Cathedral Park »
Daring Fireball: 'It May Seem Silly'
'It May Seem Silly' TechCrunch asshats are at it again. »
Wiz Khalifa Handcuffed at Los Angeles Airport - The New York Times
"I stand for our generation, and our generation is gonna be riding hover boards." — Wiz Khalifa, rapper/prophet. »
The Obligatory Hugo Awards Recap Post « terribleminds: chuck wendig
And my obligatory #HugoAwards recap and puppy-thwacking post: #terribleminds »
A Brief Comment on the Hugos | Whatever
A Brief Comment on the Hugos »
FBI stages fake wedding, invites mobsters, arrests gift-bearing guests - Boing Boing
FBI stages fake wedding, invites mobsters, arrests gift-bearing guests #10yrsago »
Sad Puppies, Rabid Puppies lose big at the Hugos - Boing Boing
Sad Puppies, Rabid Puppies lose big at the Hugos »
Google ordered to remove links to stories about Google removing links to stories | Ars Technica UK
Google ordered to remove links to stories about Google ordered to remove links to stories about Google ordered to rem »
CDC: Make Cycling Safer With Protected Bike Lanes and Lower Speed Limits | Streetsblog.net
When the Centers for DISEASE Control call for bike lanes & slow speeds, time to stop pretending crashes are accidents... »
Who Won Science Fiction's Hugo Awards, and Why It Matters | WIRED
Who won science fiction’s Hugo Awards, and why it matters »
Boston's WGBH initiates careless, groundless legal action against Fedflix project - Boing Boing
Boston’s WGBH bullies @carlmalamud with a spurious copyright complaint »
CEOs are often the last to know – Signal v. Noise
Execs are the last to know (surprisingly good piece by DHH) »
Jimmy Carter teaches Bible class as usual Sunday - CNN.com
Jimmy Carter has taught 689 Sunday school lessons in his home town: (h/t @stevesilberman) »
Please God, if the media give you any feelings at all, read this thing @johncurley wrote »
China loves the lingo of games - Offworld
Fascinating @xuhulk piece for @offworld on how gaming terminology is influencing Chinese culture/language »
First Timers Only — Medium
Love this idea for open source maintainers: create a failing spec to help people get started »
Europe needs many more babies to avert a population disaster | World news | The Guardian
"across EU,social burden on the young is becoming unsustainable. Meanwhile, tens of thousands plead to be allowed in" »
Stephen Colbert gets serious and awesomely deep »
Planting Trees Could Make Public Transit Wait Times Feel Shorter - The Atlantic
Why it's time for cities to invest in making public transit a better experience »
Walking in War’s Path - The New York Times
'walking war path' reminds me a lot of @lookatthisstory @tylrfishr @oneillclaire »
A Shot, a Glimpse of an AK-47, and U.S. Servicemen Pounced on Gunman on Train to France - The New York Times
These gentlemen will never need to pay for a drink the rest of their lives. »
The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t - The New York Times
Unforeseen effects+new markets in @stevenbjohnson analysis of creatives transition to digital http://… »
Why the New York Times’s Amazon story is so controversial, explained - Vox
Why the New York Times’s Amazon story is so controversial, explained »
12126! My new best score on #PACMAN256 »
Austin Kleon — The work of Margaret Kilgallen
Sunday art: chk out @austinkleon's overview of Margaret Kilgallen's incredible artwork »
Words Without Borders | Lapham’s Quarterly
Here's an excerpt of @MatthewBattles' PALIMPSEST, "Words Without Borders", at @LaphamsQuart »
64 Ways To Think About a News Homepage — TheLi.st @ Medium — Medium
A good one: 64 ways to think about a home page via @LindaStone »
Sponsor - Relay FM
Got 1 open sponsor spot for this week's @recdiffs. LOTTA people look forward to this one, and we'd love to have you! ht… »