Deborah Friedell reviews ‘Never Enough’ by Michael D’Antonio · LRB 22 October 2015
A brilliant profile of Donald Trump, featuring this splendid titbit, via @mehdirhasan »
inessential: When the Weapon Was Pointed at Me
When the weapon was pointed at me »
"Ultimately, the best PMs are those that make others great." @stevesi on product management – http://t… »
Watching @AustinCHowe speak on performed masculinity in Final Fantasy... amazing #qgcon »
Getting Over Taxis My response to @scrawford’s Getting Over Uber »
Facebook's East German Secret Police - Tech in America
Zuckerberg admits hiring ex East German Police & KGB staff #ffblackout h... »
Psst, weekend Twitter, new screenprint »
Bob Marley - Pomps and Pride Demos - YouTube
*looks at tracklist* "Whoa, that jam is 50 minutes long?" *listens for 20 minutes* "It's ONLY 50 minutes?!?" »
So good. “Don’t Outsource Your Thinking” by @blakeross »
Iris’ CVS Birthday Party | Sarah Fortune
This little girl having a CVS-themed birthday (and life) is the greatest living child »
Speaking of @Medium: A Message for Bosses and People Who Have Them. I wrote a thing. »
An Engineering Theory of the Volkswagen Scandal - The New Yorker
On Engineering: How Do We Build a Safer Car? A Theory of the Volkswagen Scandal »
Bernie Sanders keeps promise made in private to Sandra Bland’s mother
Wow. @BernieSanders promised Sandra Bland's mother he'd #SayHerName at the democratic debate & kept his promise. ht... »
“the presence of resources (jobs, housing, etc.) in communities leads to safety…” — @deray »
TeeVee | Doctor Who S9E5 review: "The Girl Who Died" (Episode 103)
This week @dmoren joins @jsnell for our #DoctorWho review, this time of "The Girl Who Died" - »
The Incomparable | Let's Hear It for Botanists (Episode 268)
New! Talking "The Martian" (movie version) with @Ihnatko @HollyGoDarkly @lschmeiser @ThatChipGuy and @ismh! https://t.… »
Ada Lovelace Day: Warum weibliche Vorbilder für Frauen in der Tech-Branche so wichtig sind | WIRED Germany
Fürs Wochenende: Ich schrieb für @WIRED_Germany übers Programmieren lernen & den Quereinstieg als Webentwicklerin. »
If you're seeking a talented and awesome product person you can't do better than @LauraGlu “Last Day of Camp” »
Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA | Fusion
Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA »
Squanchify - Chrome Web Store
@JustinRoiland @danharmon Squanchify is a Chrome addon that... well.. Squanchifies. :) »
When is a terrorist not a terrorist?
You can tell a great deal about a society by the violence it is prepared to tolerate. on mass murder i… »
The Lonely Death of George Bell - The New York Times
Haunting, and illuminating, feature story in today's @nytimes: "The Lonely Death of George Bell" »
Real-time Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment - YouTube
This is some creepy shit. Put one person's facial expression on someone else. What could go wrong? »
Anheuser-Busch InBev, SABMiller's Plan to Kill Craft Beer
Big Beer's 5-point plan to put craft beer in its place, or even kill it off if possible via @MONEY »
CodePen - Into the woods
Needs 5 seconds to get interesting. »
Last Night, My Uber Driver Said He Was Going To Rape And Kill Me: SFist
Last night, @eveb's Uber driver threatened to rape and kill her (and then charged her $5) »
Downwell is the best game I've played in 2015 | Polygon
@KommanderKlobb Have a gif demonstration of it and some more info »
Here Comes the Berniebro: The Young, Male, and Earnest Bernie Sanders Supporters - The Atlantic
i can't read this b/c the opening photo of the man holding an oil painting of bernie sanders made me too embarrassed »
Exploring Apple’s 3D Touch — Medium
Interesting look into some 3D touch force implementation details. »
Former Stanford dean explains why helicopter parenting is ruining a generation of children - The Washington Post
Dear Parents: Stop. "Former Stanford dean explains why helicopter parenting is ruining a generation of children." http:… »
The question I asked before any play date - The Washington Post
Being a parent immediately changes your perspectives, or should. "The question I asked before any play date" #guns »
How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously - The Atlantic
“Women are likely to be treated less aggressively until they prove that they are as sick as male patients.” »
Why I Unfollowed You on Instagram — Medium
“Why I Unfollowed You on Instagram” — Smart thoughts on the shift from social networks to interest feeds by @iancr. »
@raulagrait Yes, they come for and stay for the huge pointer. »
Rock Band 4 Charity - Home
#RockBand4Charity is LIVE! 24 hours of @RockBand 4 to benefit the @CPCharity Domestic Violence Shelter Initiative. http://t… »
Rock Band 4 Charity - Home
#RockBand4Charity IS LIT AND ITS ONLY TEN AM »
#rockband4charity GOING LIVE »
SIGNAL BOOST! PLEASE RT! @TheMikeRobles & @TifaRobles are playing @RockBand for Charity! Watch them »
Amazing high level competition right now at Killer Queen X in Chicago. Watch it live »
Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records at
Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA »