A big announcement: Today we are launching a new endeavor: @HowdyAI a customizable bot that lives in @SlackHQ. »
Google employee lives in a truck in the parking lot - Business Insider
A 23-year-old Google employee lives in a truck in the company's parking lot and saves 90% of his income »
Medium's @mwichary cared so much about smartquotes displaying properly, he patched Chrome for Windows. Commitment. »
Did the Times violate reporting standards in its Amazon piece? Did Amazon violate decency? My thoughts »
Very personal comic about my fears surrounding being in porn. Been so nervous about this 1! »
Here's a little ditty I wrote about a small design choice that ended up meaning a lot to me. »
Let's Encrypt is Trusted
Let's Encrypt is Trusted Great news. »
Star Wars: The Force Awakens actors react to the new trailer: - »
CASH Music - Open Venue Data
And check out this rad shit @iamkatygoodman has been working on for @cashmusic »
“The Trouble with the ‘uber for…’ Economy” And why it generates so much anxiety by @zeynep https://t.c… »
The Messy, True Story Behind The Making Of Destiny
In July 2013, Bungie rebooted Destiny's entire plot. This is the story of what happened: https:/… »
I'll be keynoting at the #CASBSSummit Nov 5 at Stanford, mostly talking about technology and the future of work »
Excited to be on this list of 20 Influential Women in Devops along with awesome people like @bridgetkromhout @sigje! https://t… »
USPS Coastal Birds - Always With Honor
New project up on the site: USPS Coastal Birds »
Sanjay's Super Team - Clip 1 - YouTube
No, shut up, _you_ teared up seeing a little Indian boy actually depicted in a @Pixar cartoon. »
Covers on Vimeo
55 animated vintage book graphics »
BuzzFeed Press Blog
There are now more female managers than male managers at Buzzfeed. »
Ask questions about it on Product Hunt! »
Tesla shares dive after Consumer Reports yanks recommendation for Model S | Hacker News
Heated Hacker News debate on which is better, Tesla or Mercedes S Class. Sounds like a job for the orbital laser »
I’m offering tech diversity & inclusion bootcamps for startups, confs, & OSS communities. Classes starting soon! »
Why Car Hacking Is Nearly Impossible - Scientific American
comments sections are alive and well »
This Is The Man In India Who Is Selling States Illegally Imported Execution Drugs - BuzzFeed News
A guy in India, who used to work at call centers, is now selling execution drugs to the U.S....illegally »
SeaGL 2015 Schedule | Seattle GNU/Linux Conference
Learn about running a user group with @FeyNudibranch at #seagl2015, more great community talks »
Thanks to @StevenLevy for re/starting the discussion “How Can We Achieve Age Diversity in Silicon Valley?” »
There's a search API and a details API to access all venue info »
CASH Music - Open Venue Data - Echo
There's a search API and a details API to access all venue info »
There's a search API and a details API to access all venue info »
Lovely Weather We're Having | A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - YouTube
EEE! Lovely Weather We're Having has a release date, and we went on Ellen to announce it :) https://… »
And, since we are talking about video games this morning, my friend @knguyen wrote a piece about MGSV for TNR »
All hail Liartown. »
Star Wars: The Force Awakens actors react to the new trailer: - »
“Consent is not the goal. God help us if the best we can say about the sex we have is that it was consensual.” »
New York Times partners with Google to ship over 1 million Cardboards for NYT VR app launch [Exclusive Interview] - UploadVR
Your Sunday paper just got more interesting: NYT partners with Google to ship over 1 million virtual reality viewers https:/… »
WSJ: Technology Startups Feel an IPO Chill »
Human Resource Machine will teach you to program and it will be adorable / Offworld
Game: Human Resource Machine teaches you to program the giant tower of commerce you work for https:… »
Monsters in the Thrift Store – Painting Day | ASIFA Portland
This looks cool (Portland): go paint monsters into thrift store paintings this Saturday! »
On saying "no": creativity, self-care, privilege, and knowing your limits / Boing Boing
On saying "no": creativity, self-care, privilege, and knowing your limits »
Clever art about art, passion and life via @hallstigerts @UTAustin »
Tree Nerds, what is this? It has little kumquats hanging from it. »
A Drought in Mexico Uncovers a 400-Year-Old Colonial Church in the Middle of Reservoir »
Can’t Tell Me Nothing: Independent Hip-Hop | SXSW 2016 Event Schedule
Exciting: My panel w/ @kickstarter, @runjewels, @WeAreDeLaSoul & @thefader will be at SXSW. »
Mother Teresa’s orphanages are shutting down rather than allowing single-parent adoption - Quartz
*clicks on surely they came up with a good story to cover up for this, right ... nope »
Digital currency is poised to reinvent how startups are funded, led by Chroma Fund - TechRepublic
We were profiled in TechRepublic this morning: "Digital currency is poised to reinvent how startups are funded"… »
After the NYT's brutal Amazon story, an official response: NYT's Dean Baquet volleys back: https://… »
How a lobbyist/doctor couple are destroying Worker's Comp across America / Boing Boing
How a lobbyist/doctor couple are destroying Worker's Comp across America »
Responsibility - Matt Gemmell
Having a large audience brings both privileges and consequences; or, The @s_bielefeld Conspiracy. »
Delivering the Hope Diamond - National Postal Museum
In 1958, the US Mail was so dependable they used it to deliver the Hope Diamond. »
An ARG to celebrate open access week, courtesy of the University of Toronto library / Boing Boing
An ARG to celebrate open access week, courtesy of the University of Toronto library »
Tech Industry Trade Groups Are Coming Out Against CISA, We Need Individual Companies To Do The Same | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Apple, reddit, Twitter, Salesforce, and Yelp are standing up for their users' privacy and opposing CISA. Join them »
Doko Roko by Eric Mack — Kickstarter
Doko Roko by @DokoRokogame is the kind of project I love backing. Stylish, modest scope, a single dev. Good luck! https://t.c… »
Apple's Jony Ive: Machines can build beautiful things
Apple's Jony Ive: Machines can build beautiful things via @mashable »
Apple tells judge it's 'impossible' to access data on locked iPhones | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Reuters
Apple confirms in Federal court that it cannot unlock iPhones running iOS 8 or higher »
LA prosecutors won't charge Saudi sheik with multiple sexual assaults because “insufficient evidence” / Boing Boing
LA won't charge Saudi sheik with sexual assault, despite screaming, bloodied woman climbing 8 foot wall to escape »
Girl Gamers: Who gets to call themselves a gamer? | Fusion
Who gets to call themselves a gamer? I explore the gamer identity in part 1 of #GirlGamers: htt… »
Every email NSA says it got after asking Americans for tips on how to protect their privacy / Boing Boing
Every email NSA says it got after asking Americans for tips on how to protect their privacy »
Top 50 most popular non-fiction podcasts in 2015 / Boing Boing
Top 50 most popular non-fiction podcasts in 2015, ranked by @frauenfelder & @kevin2kelly »
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
Welcome to Women of the Hour, a podcast hosted by @LenaDunham & produced by @BuzzFeedAudio »
Bernie Sanders and Felix Salmon talk reforming the economy | Fusion
Bernie Sanders trolling Felix Salmon is what I needed this morning »
How the market for zero-day vulnerabilites works / Boing Boing
How the market for zero-day vulnerabilites works »
Robot Hugs - Technigal
New comic! Don't believe that men and women are treated differently in tech fields yet? Ask my friend Chrissie. http:/… »
3D printed, portable railgun fires slugs at 560mph / Boing Boing
3D printed, portable railgun fires slugs at 560mph »
Five private prison myths that Muckrock will bust with its crowdfunded Freedom of Information Act blitz / Boing Boing
Five private prison myths that Muckrock will bust with its Freedom of Information Act blitz »
Solder a 0.3mm chip onto a credit card and Chip-and-PIN is yours to pwn / Boing Boing
Solder a 0.3mm chip onto a credit card and Chip-and-PIN is yours to pwn »
Can diverse character art invite you into a game genre you normally avoid? / Offworld
#Games: Can diverse character art invite you into a game genre you'd normally avoid? »
Warcraft and Star Wars: Episode 8 Directors Jokingly Spar on Twitter - IGN
ICYMI Rian Johnson (SW VII) and Duncan Jones (Warcraft) went at it last night for the lulz. h/t @jason… »
Best of snark vs. DOT's ambitious plan to register all drones (inc. retroactive) by Dec. http… »
Howdy Raises $1.5 Million From Top VCs To Develop Apps For Slack | TechCrunch
Congrats to @benbrown and @spenceke on the launch of @HowdyAI and getting a certain middle-finger Slack team icon »
Guitar Hero Live review | Polygon
Guitar Hero Live is GONZO. Full motion video, totally new guitar button scheme, and streaming music video channels?! »
New Restaurant ‘Cassette’ brings French-Catalonian Flavor to Franklin Street | Greenpointers
Hey all, I partnered w Henry Rich from Rucola to open a new restaurant in Greenpoint called ‘Cassette’ »
Joe Biden, Narc in Chief - The Daily Beast
“Joe Biden, Narc in Chief. In a country that badly needs a future, Biden is stuck in the past” »
Android 6.0 re-implements mandatory storage encryption for new devices | Ars Technica
Let's Encrypt is now trusted by all major browsers: plus Android 6.0 mandates encryption »!/en-us/games/organ-trail-complete-edition/cid=UP0667-CUSA02791_00-ORGANTRAILCOMPED
Organ Trail Complete Edition is live now! 30% off w/Sale of the Dead on PS4 and PS Vita. https… »
Here's a drone dressed up as a ghost / Boing Boing
A drone dressed up as a ghost. You're welcome. »
How NIMBYs make your paycheck smaller - Vox
Once again, Boomers are ruining everything »
Teen Who Hacked CIA Director's Email Tells How He Did It | WIRED
when the leader of your spy org 1) USES FUCKING AOL and 2) is bested by teenagers, its time to hit the reset button »
How games are keeping traditional symphony orchestras in business / Offworld
“How games keep traditional symphony orchestras in business.” Great story from @offworld »
BBC shuts off iPlayer to UK VPNs, cutting access to overseas fans • The Register
The BBC cuts off access to iPlayer via VPNs. I wish there were a 'expats and Anglophiles' subscription. /via @zeynep »
Next time a government hacks your Facebook account, Facebook will let you know / Boing Boing
Next time a government hacks your Facebook account, Facebook will let you know »
The collapse of the US-EU Safe Harbor: Solving the new privacy Rubik’s Cube - Microsoft on the Issues
“In recent years it has been apparent that a new century requires a new privacy framework. It’s time to go build it” »
Venture Capital World on the Internet
Venture Capital World on the Internet Dec 1996 »
Canada election: Trudeau to give press conference as prime minister-designate – live | World news | The Guardian
Canada's new PM on climate change, feminism, abortion, indigenous rights, marijuana… »
Bernie Sanders Calls For Federal Investigation Of Exxon | ThinkProgress
Bernie Sanders to feds: Investigate Exxon for climate change cover-up »
T-BannerThe James Marshall Homepage Jun 1997 »
Original "Q*Bert" Game Proposal
Original "Q*Bert" Game Proposal. Thanks to @Youloute for finding its expanded history page) ht… »
we need to figure out funding for communities in developing nations to break this cycle »
Family of Ahmed Mohamed, Student Clockmaker, to Move to Qatar - The New York Times
Family of Ahmed Mohamed, student clockmaker, to move to Qatar »
The Odds That a Panel Would 'Randomly' Be All Men Are Astronomical - The Atlantic
Sharing because I just saw an all-male panel. Pretty silly! “@phoenixperry: mathematical odds of an all male panel »
What World Are We Building?
“We didn’t architect for prejudice, but we didn’t design systems to combat it either.” (from my Parke… »
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer: A First Look - The New York Times
"Where was Luke Skywalker in all of this?" asks the Times. Uhhhh... »
You Call That an Election, Canada? | Foreign Policy
A new perspective on Canada's elections from @MattBors »
The math on staying below 2°C of global warming looks increasingly brutal - Vox
The math on stopping climate change looks increasingly brutal »
The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture: Daniel Goldberg, Linus Larsson: 9781609806392: Books
I also have an essay in the just-launched "State of Play" here which had a nice NYT review »
Thanksgiving vs. Christmas | Molly Lewis
Hey guess what @joshacagan & I wrote a holiday musical. ↘️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇⬇️⬇️↙️ ➡️ ⬅️ ↗️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆⬆️⬆ »
Read @dmeconis DRIVE story "Your Distant Homeland" starting here & navigating forward »
Pop-Up Magazine
Portland, this is happening tonight in your town and you'd be a dummy to miss it - »
HOSTS NEEDED: Julia Nunes Living Room Shows November 2015 — Undertow Music Collective
Need Living Room show hosts in NC / VA / SC to complete this tour routing! Submit »
cashmusic/bobo · GitHub
All of it licensed under a @creativecommons CC0 license and fully open source: We'll be maintaining as we use it! »
Congrats, you have an all male panel!
All Male Panels Tumblr: You have been warned »
Let's Encrypt
As of today is trusted by all major browsers. HTTPS certs now simple, automated and FREEEE! https:/… »
How It Works
As of today is trusted by all major browsers. HTTPS certs now simple, automated and FREEEE! https:/… »
eelzon/morgenbot · GitHub
Want a forever-free Slack bot for standup that's less powerful than @HowdyAI but gets the job done? Meet Morgenbot! »
Yosemite, by CocoaConf
I’m going back to CocoaConf Yosemite because it’s too beautiful to miss. »
<10 days left to get Video Game @Storybundle - 8 great PWYW eBooks, charity/curator cut benefits @prisonerlitproj »
Internet Archive: Jobs
Ooh. Internet Archive is hiring. Mostly python. Work on open source, open data, preserving human knowledge. »
Data & Society
So impressed by what the team at @datasociety does—it's *such* important work. Their new site makes it much clearer »
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
I post screengrabs of early web pages, thanks to data from the Wayback Machine Please direct issue… »