Every last one of you needs to read this article by @mikeyface. Please. »
Tomorrow Looks Bright
I’ve created a newsletter showcasing quality creative projects/products from black women. You should subscribe. »
The Web 1.0 Conference 2015
Wow, this looks like but as a live in-person conference I'm totally going //cc @ftrain »
Tech Marketing Generator #airbnb #propf »
Why Angry Old Men Calling a Meeting to Yell at a Woman Is Always a Spectacular Failure
Why Angry Old Men Calling a Meeting to Yell at a Woman Is Always a Spectacular Failure: Thx, @annamerlan »
<input> I ♡ you, but you're bringing me down – Monica Dinculescu
&lt;input&gt; tag still a mess but you know what I miss is &lt;isindex&gt; »
Ohayo - Satoshi Kon [HD] - YouTube
I guess today is Satoshi Kon Day on Twitter. Fine by me. This is his final short film Ohayō »
We're hiring new staff writers at Autostraddle! Could it be you? Could it be youoou? ✨ »
Portland Startups Switchboard
The Recompiler is having a Fall Subscription Drive »
Compassionate Motorcyclist Stops Traffic to Rescue a Tiny Orange Kitten Stranded on a Busy Roadway
Hats (and helmets) off to this amazing woman who saved a precious life. »
Playing with sex: This year&apos;s IndieCade shows how games are getting intimate - LA Times
When about a decade ago I started a blog called 'Sexy Videogameland', this was basically the world I wished to see »
“when you’re surrounded by your abusers all day every day, it’s easier…” — @SuperbitchComic »
Tested: SteamVR Game Demos at Valve! - YouTube
we visited valve software and tried some new SteamVR demos! here are our impressions »
BuzzFeed News Reporter Assaulted At Rally Of Jewish Extremists In Paris - BuzzFeed News
BuzzFeed News Reporter Assaulted At Rally Of Jewish Extremists In Paris »
GitHub - Application Engineer - Backend
My team @GitHub is hiring! It’s a wonderful small team of engineers, shipping excellent software. DO IT »
Botnets running on CCTVs and NASs / Boing Boing
Botnets running on CCTVs and NASs #IOT »
@umairh speaking my language! humans with #tummel skills to forge a better social web. “Why Twitter’s Dying...” by »
DOJ to Court: because Apple licenses rather than sells iOS, it can be forced to unlock. »
Hurricane Patricia nears Mexico at record strength.
"Patricia is now very close to the theoretical maximum strength for a tropical cyclone on planet Earth." »
70% of CEOs' effect on company performance can be attributed to random chance / Boing Boing
70% of CEOs' effect on company performance can be attributed to random chance »
#HomeFreeMyDog Voting
Vote for a real dog to appear in Home Free (I voted for Kush) »
Emoji diplomacy? DFAT asked meaning behind Julie Bishop's use of a red-faced emoji to describe Vladimir Putin |
"I'd like to understand what the diplomatic message is of the red face?" h/t: @heresathought cc: @fredbenenson »
Airbnb to employees: 'We failed you' with controversial ads - CNET
CNET got Airbnb's internal memo on the bad ads »
Love and Sex with Robots conference cancelled in Malaysia - BBC Newsbeat
Sex with Robots conference cancelled over fear people would have sex with robots »
Choreographer Tanisha Scott Explains How She Helped Drake Find His Groove | The FADER
legend Tanisha Scott explains: Drake choreographed his "Hotline Bling" dances, knows he is making memes »
Investing in David v Goliath: hundreds of millions slosh into litigation finance funds / Boing Boing
Investing in David v Goliath: hundreds of millions slosh into litigation finance funds »
Coming soon: “808”—a documentary about the immortal drum machine that changed music. »
What will people do if they don't have to work for a living? — Hopes&Fears — flow "Business"
What will people do if they no longer have to work? Answers from @ftrain, @rushkoff, more http… »
FCC trying to stop phone companies that rip off prisoners' families / Boing Boing
FCC trying to stop phone companies that rip off prisoners' families »
Why is the US military funding robots that play jazz? / Boing Boing
Why is the U.S. military funding robots that play jazz? »
Cop bravely attempts to stop mother from breastfeeding her baby / Boing Boing
Cop bravely attempts to stop mother from breastfeeding her baby »
Austin Kleon — “Have you tried making yourself a more interesting...
“Have you tried making yourself a more interesting person?” Love this blog - by @austinkleon »
A beautiful data-drive Tube ad from 1928 / Boing Boing
A beautiful data-drive Tube ad from 1928 »
Adele’s new video proves she is a powerful sorceress | Fusion
.@dodaistewart solved it: adele's actually a powerful sorceress »
Climate change science fiction contest: win $1000 and publication / Boing Boing
Climate change science fiction contest: win $1000 and publication #sf #writing #ksr #climate »
Antioxidants protect cancer cells, help tumors to spread / Boing Boing
Antioxidants protect cancer cells, help tumors to spread »
The Reasons We Work via @farnamstreet »
Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Hurricane Patricia Hits Category 5 En Route to Mexican Coast | Weather Underground
Patricia is now officially tied as #3 for strongest hurricane on record in W. Hemisphere, and its ranking may rise http… »
Brewster Contacts App Team Gets Acqui-Hired By Burger King Owner RBI, Brewster Lives On | TechCrunch
Burger King acquires a company for managing online contacts, and intends to run it as startup incubator. Not satire. https://… »
ESA - European Space Agency
A man-made object will re-enter Earth's atmosphere around 06:20 UT on 13 Nov 2015, off the so. coast of Sri Lanka. »
Mozilla Launches Open Source Support Program | Mitchell's Blog
This includes some security work I’m involved within… “Mozilla Launches Open Source Support Program” »
How Many Of These Hayao Miyazaki Films Have You S... | ClickHole
How Many Of These Hayao Miyazaki Films Have You Seen? »
Amazon reports price of Elemental acquisition: $296 million |
Amazon appears serious about growing its new outpost. @elementaltech is hiring for 27 job categories in Portland:… »
Pandora will pay RIAA $90 million for playing pre-1972 songs | Ars Technica
Teenagers streaming tay, will pay middle-aged record execs, for music written by geriatrics, who will see nothing. ht… »
CEO @markkawano on stripping the social network out of the latest version of @Storehousehq. »
Drones, IBM, and the Big Data of Death
How IBM uses big data to help Army kill people (literally). Smart story by @tinyrevolution. https://t.c… »
Arizona tried to illegally import an execution drug not approved for use in U.S. / Boing Boing
Arizona tried to illegally import an execution drug not approved for use in U.S. »
Daniel Craig Tells Us What He Really Thinks of Bond
"But let’s not forget that he’s actually a misogynist." I'm greatly enjoying Daniel Craig's no fucks press tour. https://t.… »
not martha — Coffin Surprise Cookies
New thing on the blog: Coffin Surprise Cookies »
How Texas Teaches History -
“Grammatical choices can be moral choices, and these publishers made the wrong ones.” »
Uber Said to Plan Another $1 Billion in Fund-Raising - The New York Times
that's a 20 to 40 percent jump in valuation in just months. that target could move as talks ramp up in coming weeks. https:/… »
Gather the People by Sarah J. Bray
“…instead, make something small, over &amp; over again.” @sarahjbray on creating out loud »
Bush to Limit Testimony Before 9/11 Panel - The New York Times
We are entering the 11th hour of Hillary testimony on Benghazi. Total time Bush spent testifying on 9/11: 1 hr https://t.… »
Paul Ryan as Speaker: A Preview of the Fights He Will Face, in Plain English - The New York Times
"Do you promise to shut down gov in Dec. if Dems fail to give in to all of our demands?" Love this NYT explainer »
Lady Gaga and the Life of Passion - The New York Times
"We are the only animals who are naturally unfinished." »
In a blissful life upended, the gift of man’s best friend endures - The Boston Globe
Incredible story about living each day to the fullest by @GlobeMoskowitz #boston #longreads https://t… »
Anita Sarkeesian just created a cool new genre of video game review | The Verge
Anita Sarkeesian just created a cool new genre of video game review »
Fellows Program || Data & Society
Exciting things are brewing at @datasociety—join us! Now accepting applications for the 2016-17 class of fellows: https://t.c… »
Beginners Workshop powered by Rails Girls Berlin & OTS
@boennemann @davidgruebl Here’s the coaches sign up for the CSS (and optionally Rails) workshop »
Join pdxstartups on Slack!
You should come share your awesomeness with more than 840 equally awesome Portland startup types #pdx »
Tested: The Show Tickets, San Francisco | Eventbrite
There are still some tickets left to tonight's Tested live show in San Francisco. I'd love to see you there! »
If you're not listening to Limetown... well... you should start... @limetownstories »
Work on Stuff that Matters: First Principles - O'Reilly Radar
as true today as when @timoreilly penned it RT @newsycombinator: Work on stuff that matters, first principles (2009) »
Wow, this looks like but as a live in-person conference I'm totally going //cc @ftrain »
up.front – webdesign & frontend meetup berlin
@plexus Here's some more background: Feel free to submit an idea and we can take it from there :) 2/2 »
The 17th Annual Independent Games Festival - Submission Page
REMINDER: you've got 'til Monday Oct. 26th to submit to the 18th annual Independent Games Festival - go for it »
Internet Archive: Jobs
Ooh. Internet Archive is hiring. Mostly python. Work on open source, open data, preserving human knowledge. » - Free music downloads, radio, lyrics, songs, and playlists
This, in my hand, is all the metadata and html and band images of »