Seven on Seven 2016 on Livestream
At noon EDT, #7on7NYC broadcasts live courtesy @Refinery29! »
X-Files Documents
My hobby rn is screencapping the X-Files's use of onscreen documents & ephemera as storytelling mechanisms »
@realDonaldTrump, we fixed your immigration plan! The answer? TRUMP TRIDENT HOTELS = infinite detainment! See »
Women Swept The 2015 The Nebula Awards
Women swept the 2015 #NebulaAwards »
Marshall Kirkpatrick's Blog » Facebook Editors, Surveillance Privilege, and People Finding People: My Top 3 Twitter Conversations This Week
FB Editors, Surveillance Privilege & Ppl Finding Ppl: My Top 3 Twitter Threads This Week »
When The Data Bubble Bursts, Companies Will Have To Actually Sell Things Again | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
"If everyone is in it for the advertising dollar, who is left to advertise?" »
Clinton Avenue Enhancements | Feedback Portal
If you bike or walk on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn, please take this @NYC_DOT survey. #bikenyc »
Sun Ra invokes the Egyptian sun god at the Pyramids | Dangerous Minds
Sun Ra invokes the Egyptian sun god at the pyramids #Arkestra #MarshallAllen #music #cosmic https:/… »
Twitter Video
FURIOUS: White cop beats & Tasers a 15 y/o Black girl for riding her bike. Charges HER w/ assault. Charges dropped. ht... »
The Incomparable | The Incomparable Is People (Episode 300)
300 weeks later, it’s @theincomparable episode 300. »
If you only do one thing today please go check out Bowiebranchia (nudibranchs + Bowie = crazy fun) #… »
Little Butler Intro (Steven Universe) - YouTube
We're watching Steven Universe reruns and THEY REMOVED THE LYRICS TO LI'L BUTLER WHY »
Voteman - (Engilsh) Folketingets omstridte valgfilm - YouTube
Denmark wins at voter education [NSFW] »
The Hidden Cost of a Free Lunch — The Submersible — Medium
Reminiscences of the glory days of SouthPark & why free lunch has a cost “The Hidden Cost of a Free Lunch” by @tempo »
千手観音の往復ビンタを検証した - YouTube
Thousand Armed Goddess of Mercy learning to punch optimally in a physics engine »
Bayesian reasoning implicated in some mental disorders | Science News
Bayesian reasoning implicated in some mental disorders I guess? »
Sheryl Sandberg's 2016 Commencement Address at University of California, Berkeley - LA Times
Sheryl Sandberg's 2016 Commencement Address at UC, Berkeley (this is so great, of the best: I hope you'll read it.) »
Experimental Geography: Employment, construction, and the cost of San Francisco apartments
I went ahead and posted my wall of text about SF employment, construction, and rents. Please find all my m… »
Good morning poppies. ❤️ »
OKCupid Leak Checker
So @ryanfb built a tool for #okcupid users to check their usernames against Kirkegaard's misconduct. Spread it!… »
Government Surveillance Program In The Bay Area Exposed « CBS San Francisco
Hidden Microphones Part of Government Surveillance Program in the Bay Area »
The Brody Theater - The best in improvised theater, comedy, and classes in Portland, Oregon
Portland. Tonight. 8 PM. A man comes back to do one last improv show. It's me, I'm the man. »
Pre-Clovis occupation 14,550 years ago at the Page-Ladson site, Florida, and the peopling of the Americas | Science Advances
Wow! A new Pre-Clovis site with a mastodon kill in Florida, dating to 14,500 BP! »
Brainjacking: the future of software security for neural implants / Boing Boing
Brainjacking: the future of software security for neural implants »
BBC - Earth - The bizarre beasts living in Romania's poison cave
A toxic cave, isolated for 5.5 million years, no sunlight. The life within? SUPER WEIRD: https://… »
Police warn residents of a large swarm of bees taking over parts of Concord |
Police warn residents of a large swarm of bees taking over parts of Concord »
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private - The New York Times
The man who would be president, and his treatment of women in private »
A Comprehensive Guide To The Debunked “Bathroom Predator” Myth
1.5 MILLION students in schools that let trans students use the bathroom. ZERO incidents. https://t.c… »
Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai (Ukraine) 2007 Eurovision Song Contest - YouTube
I haven't been so excited about a Ukrainian entry since Verka Serduchka: #eurovision »
Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol: The Craziest Superhero Story Ever Told - The Atlantic
If you like comics, I'm having a really good time reading Morrison's old run on Doom Patrol, HIGHLY recommended. https://… »
Accessibility matters—and here's what we're doing about it | Vox Product Blog
Accessibility matters. I love this illustration showing that everybody can have difficulties h… »
Obama Expresses Support For Making Election Day A National Holiday | ThinkProgress
Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone has the time and opportunity to vote. »
Local Fox Affiliate's Reaction To Brutal Police Beating Is A Dereliction Of Its Duty | Techdirt
Local Fox Affiliate's Reaction To Brutal Police Beating Is A Dereliction Of Its Duty »
Why a staggering number of Americans have stopped using the Internet the way they used to - The Washington Post
Why a staggering number of US citizens aren’t using the Internet: via @doctorow #IPBill »
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private - The New York Times
Special Report: Donald Trump has repeatedly unnerved women in private encounters over 40 years. Their stories »
From Application Metrics to Customer Experience Metrics - YouTube
0.3s latency improvement → £8M revenue gain for thetrainline(.com): - great case study.… »
@Molly23 Logo's stream, linked via .. you might have to jump through a hoop or two to get to it. »