Oh, shit, git!
I made a website to explain how to get yourself out of your git messes in plain english »
revealing Dropbox’s dirty little security hack |
Shameful behaviour from @Dropbox. I'd have expected better from them. »
Compelled to Act – Medium
“Compelled to Act” by @moskov This is awesome. »
Give Forward Day 2016
If you’d like to donate to our non-profit student loan fund, there’s still time. Please donate »
hartley Miller
friends! i'm now looking for a full-time design gig in SF »
Give Forward Day 2016
We’re live! Today’s Give Forward day! Join us: for live interviews on design. Support @CenterCentre students. »
Merriam-Webster dictionary tweeted no one cares about how you feel
Dropbox Wants More Access to Your Computer, and People Are Freaking Out | Motherboard
So that hack that Dropbox does? The one described at Seems they'll using it to add a kext »
Replace Qrion's stolen laptop by Chelsea Moon - GoFundMe
Qrion's Gofundme for her laptop: (will repost in the morning) »
this is hands down the most exciting research i've seen exploring sound generation with neural nets »
Watch time lapse videos of bacteria evolving drug resistance
Watch evolution in action as bacteria develop drug resistance while moving across a petri dish »
HELP: The Game | War Child - The charity for children affected by war
If you buy this game compilation, all the proceeds go to help children affected by war »
Review: Modsy try out furniture before you buy it - Business Insider
Modsy lets you try out furniture before you buy it — and it changed the way I see my home http… »
Voting is really important. Here is a new thing I helped support to make it easier: Please RT! »
Fight for the Future
I have been asking for help. I have not been getting it. I need help. =( #hungerstrike »
Dropping Dropbox – Medium
I just published “Dropping Dropbox” »
U.S. government seeks halt to North Dakota oil pipeline | Reuters
This is a step towards victory but we must permanently halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. #noDAPL https… »
Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike
We have learned that @xychelsea has begun a hunger strike. Here is her full statement via @TIME »
Apple Plug
Buy one. You know that you want one. #apple #ApplePlug »
BrooklynJS 0.3.11
Pst. Hey you. Yeah, you over there. Without the BrooklynJS ticket. »
“Would you like to see an invisible sculpture?” | elevr
“Would you like to see an invisible sculpture?” Doing guerrilla art to @SFMOMA »
WikiLeaks Release Excludes Evidence of €2 Billion Transfer from Syria to Russia | The Daily Dot
I remember when wikileaks was supposed to be a force for good. »
Talkshow: Headed to Portland for XOXO
We're talking about you, XOXO »
Seattle VR Hackathon IV Tickets, Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Design #VR/#AR apps with fun & diverse creators at Seattle VR Hackathon Sept. 16-18! Anyone & everyone is invited :) https://t.co... »
Believe Us: Retention Strategy is Recruitment Strategy – Medium
“Believe Us: Retention Strategy is Recruitment Strategy” by @CODE2040 »
GitHub - airbnb/react-with-styles: Use CSS-in-JavaScript with themes for React without being tightly coupled to one implementation
I'm happy to announce react-with-styles: abstraction layer for CSS in JS that we use at @AirbnbEng! »
Dropbox's Dirty Little Security Hack - YouTube
Revealing Dropbox’s dirty little security hack I don’t like this one bit. »
discovering how Dropbox hacks your mac |
How Dropbox hacks your Mac. This is unbelievable. Apple should blacklist the Dropbox app for this, it’s malware. https://t… »
75,000,000 Toddlers Can’t Be Wrong - The Morning News
had to go manual rt on that one because it is an internet history iceberg @ftrain @SteveBurnsAlive »
Hacker News
Woah. Dropbox uses a “fake” OSX login dialog then secretly caches your password. #darkpatterns »
Archiving Digital Experiences using Emulation with Jason Scott on the Hanselminutes Technology Podcast: Fresh Air for Developers
Brilliant podcast on Archiving Digital Experiences using Emulation with Jason Scott. via @shanselm… »
Daring Fireball: ‘Courage’
This is a quote from an article about the headphone jack on a cell phone »
Looks like Samosa House is for sale tip @foodgps @EatingLA »
Vector 2016 - The Nuance of Juice Talk - YouTube
Did you like the "Juice it or lose it" & "Art of screenshake" talks? If yes, watch this important @Wertle talk now. »
When @jolbyandfriends says you can smash a cake in his face, you do it. »
Wells Fargo Opened a Couple Million Fake Accounts - Bloomberg View
Can't shake feeling that and Scott's follow-up drug post, are somehow about the same thing. »
Feds: Stop Using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Feds Finally Issue Warning on Exploding Samsung Note 7s »
Joint Statement from the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior Regarding Standing Rock Sio...
BREAKING. The Army Corps of Engineers steps in to halt construction near Sacred Stone Camp #No… »
s3e27: It's Difficult
I newslettered this thread at - archive episode »
Trump Vows He Would Never Kill Journalists: ‘But I Do Hate Them’ | Mediaite
That time last December, Trump praised Putin then joked about killing reporters. »
Feinstein-Burr 2.0: The Crypto Backdoor Bill Lives On | Just Security
The Feinstein-Burr crypto backdoor bill is still alive. I got a look at a new draft version; here’s my analysis: https://t.… »
New Social Network Gab.ai Is Growing Fast Thanks To Its Free Speech Policy - BuzzFeed News
This @Kantrowitz story on is interesting: Social networks as political statement »
On The Horizon: NerdCon Stories 2016
Did y'all know I helped start a convention? I did: You should come. Because it's awesome. A… »
Scientists discover giraffes are actually four separate species
Whoa, genetic testing has found that giraffes belong to *four* different species, not just one »
Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline? | Food & Water Watch
Hi did you need a good overview of the Dakota Access Pipeline and why it is really bad, here you go »
Proposals – interaction17
Our deadline for talk and workshop proposals is indeed tomorrow at 11:59 Pacific Time. Don't miss it. »
Daring Fireball: iPhone 7: Jet Black vs. Black
@s_newave Based on my time in hands-on area, jet black is *less* slippery. Just published this »
The Enduring Lessons of “Star Trek” - The New Yorker
@mallelis for your enjoyment on #StarTrek50 day, my piece in @NewYorker »
Gimlet Media | » We’re Hiring: Intern, New Narrative Nonfiction Show
Anybody out there want a paid internship at @Gimlet? »
St. Pete family says Jeep totaled by exploding Note 7 - Story | FOX 13 Tampa Bay
This is why Samsung recalled the Galaxy Note 7. Don’t be an idiot; get yours replaced NOW. http… »
Facebook bans famous war photo because the screaming, napalmed child's genitals are offensive / Boing Boing
Facebook bans famous war photo because the screaming, napalmed child's genitals are offensive »
"Who is the highest ranking executive, if any, to have been thrown out?" What would it take to get Wells' CEO fired? »
How Hong Kong's vulnerable, reviled refugee community saved Edward Snowden / Boing Boing
How Hong Kong's vulnerable, reviled refugee community saved Edward Snowden »
Wells Fargo fires 5,300 employees for opening 2M fake accounts in customers' names / Boing Boing
Wells Fargo fires 5,300 employees for opening 2M fake accounts in customers' names »
Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes 'napalm girl' post | Technology | The Guardian
Facebook is a media company making editorial decisions, episode 9,371 in an ongoing series »
Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews - The Daily Beast
Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist. We Just Hate Jews. »
Nextdoor Breaks a Sacred Design Rule to End Racial Profiling | WIRED
An example of a company doing the work on a Hard Problem: - pay attention to who Nextdoor worked with. »
Let's help #xoxofest get to $20k to help homeless families in #pdx with @WelcomeHomeOrg @pdx »
I’m Joining Stripe to Work on Atlas | Kalzumeus Software
Fantastic on potential of Internet broadly and Stripe (and Atlas) in particular (❤ Atlas: https:… »
I’m Joining Stripe to Work on Atlas | Kalzumeus Software
I'm joining @stripe to work on Atlas. »
Talk 1) Game/DEVS by Austin Haas & Talk 2) Spec/Regex by Russell Mull - Clojure PDX (Portland, OR) - Meetup
Clojure PDX 10/6 Game/DEVS by @AustinTHaas & Spec/Regex by @mullr »
Basemental: Streaming music service Spotify is a bust for local artists
i got some spotify angst out in my most recent column »
» A Reading from the Book of Poultry THE SHELF
Harvard just digitized a book full of AMAZING chicken portraits »
The Dakota Access Pipeline, the Sitting Rock Sioux Tribe, and the Law - The Atlantic
As the Standing Rock Sioux and Army Corps brace for a major ruling today, here’s the legal case for blocking #DAPL: https://… »
Sewable Circuits Part I
An interactive guide to making light up clothes! »
Costa Rica has gone 76 straight days using 100% renewable electricity - Vox
Costa Rica has gone 76 straight days using 100% renewable electricity »
ian curtis rides a rollercoaster - YouTube
Ian Curtis rides a rollercoaster (via @chantalclaret) #JoyDivision »
Bundler: Bundler 1.13: The one with steady improvements
Bundler 1.13 improves required_ruby_verson, fixes broken compiled gems, and adds new experimental features! »
Out Of It – Scott Andrew
Hung out w/ @bradsucks at @xoxo and was reminded that today is the 8th anniversary of his "Out Of It" release »
List Leaders: Meet the 5 largest minority-owned firms in Oregon - Portland Business Journal
So proud to have played a tiny part in the @uncorkedstudios story. Congrats on the recognition @mrlnmarce and crew! »
When tech firms judge on skills alone, women land more job interviews - CBS News
When employers review candidates blind, callbacks for women jump from 5% to 54%. »
Stunning Videos of Evolution in Action - The Atlantic
I use "stunning" in headlines sparingly, but here I think it's totally deserved. You're actually SEEING evolution. https://t… »
9/11 tapes reveal raw and emotional Hillary Clinton | US news | The Guardian
9/11 tapes reveal raw and emotional Hillary Clinton »
Wells Fargo Fined for Fraudulently Opening Accounts for Customers - The New York Times
"[Wells Fargo] has fired at least 5,300 employees who were involved." »
Apple Is Said to Be Rethinking Strategy on Self-Driving Cars - The New York Times
Apple shutters parts of self-driving car project and lays off dozens, via @daiwaka @bxchen »
5,300 Wells Fargo employees fired over 2 million phony accounts - Sep. 8, 2016
Wells Fargo fires 5,300 for creating millions of phony accounts FIFTY THREE HUNDRED »
Government Pauses Construction on Part of North Dakota Pipeline - The New York Times
We're still screwing Native Americans, even violating treaties we forced them to sign »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
We’ve partnered with @pdxjoin to raise money to help move homeless families into permanent housing. Donate now »
Announcing South by South Lawn: A White House Festival of Ideas, Art, and Action | whitehouse.gov
Underrepresented folks: do submit your nominations for the @WhiteHouse #SXSL event. Deadline's coming soon! »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
XOXO raising funds for Portland's affordable housing crisis through the weekend... trying to get to $20K --> »
The Heroic Future Scholarship Ticket
We have Heroic Future scholarship tickets! Help us get them into good hands? Please RT https://… »
Three days after removing human editors, Facebook is already trending fake news - The Washington Post
Facebook removed human editors. Now it is telling me 9/11 was caused by bombs, not planes. https:… »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
We hit $10,000 on our fundraiser! @pdxjoin can now help TWO more Portland families into permanent housing »
Trump attacks U.S. foreign policy, political press corps on state-owned Russian television network - The Washington Post
Reagan never gave interviews to Pravda while campaigning to be our president. Who advised Trump to appear on RT? »
The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America - The Atlantic
majority women speakers, 50% women, 20% poc at #xoxofest. also addressing homelessness & oregon's racist history https://t... »
Memex #001
Wonderful: An actual memex built by @TrevorFSmith that looks like it was built 70 years ago. #xoxofest »