"Apple has advanced the use of Aluminum to such a degree they have reached the pinnacle” This is what is next... htt… »
The Revolutionary Life of Emma Goldman #OrdinaryWomen - YouTube
Was so thrilled last night for world premiere of Ordinary Women at #xoxofest. Emma Goldman blazed the way. »
Myst creator Rand Miller on his favorite puzzle that everybody hates · Interview · The A.V. Club
this is...a deeply self-aware statement from Myst creator Rand Miller from a cool interview https:/… »
Upgrade #106: I've Reached Acceptance - Relay FM
New episode! @jsnell @imyke and special guest @ismh live from Portland - »
All Our Ideas - Bringing survey research into the digital age
What would you most like your smart home to do? »
Mirror Dancing
just launched site from @xoxo »
When your boss is an algorithm — FT.com
Self-employed, but still at risk of being sacked. Life in the gig economy. #ukemplaw https://t.c… »
The Falling Man
Beautiful and heart-wrenching. Never forget. »
Mister Rogers Message on the One-Year Anniversary of 9-11 | The Fred Rogers Company
Mister Rogers recorded this message on the 1-yr anniv. of 9/11 just months before he died. https:… »
And Do You Belong? I Do - Saint Heron
Wrote about the tone, being a minority in predominately white spaces, & having trash thrown your way when u speak... »
This is a brutal lede. Just brutal. Trump took small business money for 9/11 clean up, lied. https:/… »
This is the story of Heather ‘Lucky’ Penney, who was aske | MilitaryTimes
This is the story of Heather ‘Lucky’ Penney, who was asked to do the unthinkable on 9/11 https:/… »
Oh, shit, git!
I made a website to explain how to get yourself out of your git messes in plain english »
Reporter who documented guard dogs charged with trespassing at pipeline protest site | Grand Forks Herald
Methinks Morton county officials are going to regret charging Amy Goodman and other journos with trespassing... https://t… »
And Do You Belong? I Do - Saint Heron
I can relate to everything @solangeknowles experienced. This is real & it happens everyday... »
Sarah and Arnie Exchange Their Vows - YouTube
Someone reminded me that @smaheraja and I's wedding vows are online (if you like that kind of thing). They're funny. »
Violet's Sunday pick for you: Five of Wands. @tiboutoo says, "There's conflict and competition.… »
ESPN.com: Page 2 : Fear & Loathing in America
i mean Hunter S Thompson called it on 9/12 (via @michaelkruse) »
Here's room 1 of 4 of a tiltbrush painting I made for my friends at Google. Check my previous… »
Waggiest Tail Award 2016 »
Help provide a home for a homeless Portland family. #xoxofest x JOIN Fundraiser via @tilt »
@rabble today at xoxo @ Revolution Hall »
The Revolutionary Life of Emma Goldman #OrdinaryWomen - YouTube
Just in time for 2016-17 school year: @femfreq's Ordinary Women series! Teachers take note - »
USATODAY.com - Bush faints at White House, recovers quickly
I'm sure the Clinton camp is freaking out today, but bear in mind two things. One, it happened to Bush, too »
When the Twin Towers Quietly Commanded the New York Skyline - The New Yorker
Photographs of when the Twin Towers quietly commanded the New York skyline »
The Falling Man
The Falling Man: by @TomJunod »
The Revolutionary Life of Emma Goldman #OrdinaryWomen - YouTube
❤️ this new series from @femfreq that premiered at #xoxofest »
Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 Recall Is a Nightmare So Far
Samsung tells customers to buy another one of their phones before they can offer a refund for a Note 7. »
Apple Plug
“Fill your archaic headphone connector with aluminium and plug into the future.” »
Hillary Clinton almost fainted. I’m a doctor. It’s really o.k. | Dr. Jen Gunter
Hillary Clinton almost fainted. I’m a doctor. It’s really o.k. »
On 9/11, Trump Bragged About His Building Now Being the Tallest in Lower Manhattan
On 9/11, Trump Bragged About His Building Now Being the Tallest in Lower Manhattan »
Leigh Alexander is creating Lo-Fi Let's Plays | Patreon
Enjoying digging back in to my Apple IIe emulators this weekend for the community-funded return of Lo-Fi Let's Play! »
The way back. »
‘We’re the Only Plane in the Sky’ - POLITICO Magazine
‘We’re the Only Plane in the Sky’ Previously untold #September11 stories from on board Air Force One. #picks »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
You don't even have to be a conference attendee: #xoxofest »
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money - The Washington Post
"Trump spent $20,000 of money earmarked for charitable purposes to buy a six-foot-tall painting of himself.” https://t.… »
The Hoopla500 - 09/12/2001: "Morning After"
Leslie's post from the day after, archived at the LoC. "Shut the fuck up and make your sandwiches." (thx @holgate) »
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money - The Washington Post
There is only one conclusion that you can draw from this amazing investigative article: Trump is a grifter. »
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money - The Washington Post
.@realdonaldtrump once used $20,000 of his charity's money to buy a six-foot-tall painting of...himself. »
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money - The Washington Post
Wow, via @Fahrenthold: How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money https://t.… »
Our favorite discoveries from the internet's best festival | The Verge
My 12 favorite discoveries from #xoxofest, the internet's best festival »
Weirton terminates officer who did not fire at man with gun | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Cop in fired after trying to de-escalate a confrontation without shooting »
When tech firms judge on skills alone, women land more job interviews - CBS News
When employers review candidates blind, callbacks for women jump from 5% to 54%. »
Entertainment Guests - New York Comic Con - October 6 - 9, 2016 - Javits Center
I'll be at @NY_Comic_Con in October! I have a panel, an Incognito and a signing session. »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
Whoa! The XOXO x JOIN fundraiser is almost at $20K! Have you donated yet? #xoxofest »
XOXO x JOIN Fundraiser - Tilt
We’ve partnered with @pdxjoin to raise money to help move homeless families into permanent housing. Donate now »
The Architect Who Became a Diamond - The New Yorker
"A prank doesn’t engage. A prank is: you throw something in and watch what happens. This is a commitment.” »
If you’re enjoying #xoxofest and like SPAAACE »
{fray} hope - missing pieces
Remembering 9/11 and our missing pieces. »
A Piece of Apple II History Cracks Open « ASCII by Jason Scott
hundreds of cheers for @textfiles and @a2_4am for making so much apple II delight possible »
Guess who bought a green screen! I did. Let’s games. »
Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive
Quick reminder the @internetarchive has the news broadcasts from the entire week of September 11 up »
iOS Games Worth Playing
@kshipwhitecat yes but also »