Day 1 In Trump's America
⚡️ “Day 1 In Trump's America” by @Incilin It's happening. »
DNC Staffer Screams At Donna Brazile For Helping Elect Donald Trump | The Huffington Post
DNC held its first staff meeting today since Clinton's loss. This happened. »
Autocracy: Rules for Survival | by Masha Gessen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
In which a little Russia experience may be handy. Autocracy: Rules for Survival via @nybooks »
‘Parks and Recreation’: Leslie Knope Writes Letter to America Following Donald Trump’s Victory
‘Parks and Recreation’: Leslie Knope Writes Letter to America Following Donald Trump’s Victory »
The Cinemax Theory of Racism – Whatever
The Cinemax Theory of Racism: Or, why voting Trump was racism, even if you don't see yourself as A r… »
The forces that drove this election’s media failure are likely to get worse » Nieman Journalism Lab
How fake news fed into "weaponized filter bubbles" on Facebook helped elect Trump. »
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support »
Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 - Rolling Stone
and in the final ignominy, 2016 robs us of the voice of dignified heartbreak. »
QT Solidarity PDX
Want to help organize to protect Q/T folx in PDX? visit and join us!!! »
Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia
A California vote is worth 1/3 of a vote in smaller states. Electoral College must go »
National Popular Vote
National Popular Vote shift is 2/3rds of way to state representing 270 votes implementing it. »
President-Elect Donald Trump – Elizabeth Warren – Medium
Over on Medium: America's greatest living politician weighs in on the election. A positive message. »
Donate to the ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union
Renewed my ACLU membership tonight. Donate »
Day 1 in Trump’s America – Sean O'Kane – Medium
“Day 1 in Trump’s America” by @sokane1 »
Planned Parenthood Federation of America :: Planned Parenthood
Important job alert: Planned Parenthood is hiring a Director of Information Security! »
The Babylon Bee | Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.
TIL there is a Christian version of The Onion and it's actually pretty funny. »
Almanac - Relay FM
I and @_RelayFM are launching a brand-new podcast! Check out "Almanac." Episode 1 is live. »
Donate | Brennan Center
5. Voter suppression is one of the purest evils there is. Help fight it by donating »
Whether or not you trust/ hate the media - this should bother everyone »
Children are already being harassed in the name of our president-elect
Children are already being harassed in the name of our president-elect »
National Popular Vote
National Popular Vote: SIGNED. Come on, Oregon! »
Leonard Cohen (1934-2016), Legendary Songwriter, Poet, Artist and a True Voice of Many Generations
Rest in peace Leonard Cohen Your music touched my soul in so many ways. »
Bernie Sanders | Keith Ellison for DNC Chair
I'm with @BernieSanders. The next DNC Chair should be @keithellison. Add your name if you agree »
Safety pins as a symbol of solidarity against racism
Safety pins as a symbol of solidarity against racism »
Leonard Cohen - Anthem - YouTube
"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." -Leonard Cohen »
Leonard Cohen - Timeline | Facebook
Legendary musician Leonard Cohen has died, according to his official Facebook page »
Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 - Rolling Stone
Leonard Cohen has died at the age of 82 »
You’re Not Leaving, You’re Not Seceding – Hanna Brooks Olsen – Medium
“You’re Not Leaving, You’re Not Seceding” — @mshannabrooks »
The Development, A Band
OR you can buy it direct from us thanks to the work of @cashmusic, supporting musicians with open source software. »
Unavoidable | The Development
GOOD NEWS. In this terrible week, @rcarver and I are happy to release our first EP as @thedevband. 4 songs, 4 bucks. »
@mingtea A copy of the full video. »
13 Podcasts of Pure Joy and Delight For Uncertain Times – Medium
Aww @DoFriendship was listed as a podcast of pure joy and delight! I'm VERY proud of this! »
Appoint Garland Now (Senate Has Waived Its Rights) | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
SIGN THIS NOW, AND RT, PLEASE! Appoint Garland Now (Senate Has Waived Its Rights) »
US election: A rash of racist attacks have broken out in the US after Donald Trump's victory — Quartz
A rash of racist attacks have broken out in the US after Donald Trump’s victory »
After Trump, Soul-Searching In Silicon Valley - BuzzFeed News
The big news here is that people in Silicon Valley have souls »
American Civil Liberties Union
I exhort all of you to join @ACLU and be vigilant and strong. »
This is what happens when we stop paying for quality journalism – Medium
This is why I'm re-subscribing to the @Oregonian. Please join me in supporting #journalism. »
Concrete Suggestions in Preparation for January (by demographic) - Google Docs
concrete suggestions for how LGBT people, immigrants, women can protect ourselves come Jan. 20 »
A Time to Act – kev/null/writing
Tech friends: If you feel, as I do, that we have much opportunity to help, I'd love your thoughts and shares. »
nathanjurgenson: factiness
“Factiness is the taste for the feel and aesthetic of “facts,” often at the expense of missing the truth.” »
Bot Landing - YouTube
Cute robot vending machines will sell you Snapchat Spectacles… »
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support
This is a good list of organizations that could use your financial support, if you’re able to give some. »
The first transgender suicide hotline: 877-565-8860. / Boing Boing
The first transgender suicide hotline: 877-565-8860. »
Why Trump voters are not “complete idiots” – Chris Arnade – Medium
“Why Trump voters are not ‘complete idiots’” by @Chris_arnade »
Here’s to the return of the journalist as malcontent - Columbia Journalism Review
My least favorite election take: that racists should be coddled. No, they should be challenged »
Stop Shaming Trump Supporters -
this is the article i'm referring to if you haven't read it »
After Donald Trump Was Elected President, Aaron Sorkin Wrote This Letter to His Daughter | Vanity Fair
Your tears last night woke me up, and I’ll never go to sleep on you again. »
Jay Smooth - Re-posting my comment from Kris Ex's thread... | Facebook
What I learned from a day of arguing with Trump voters on Facebook »
Solidarity Forever (Pete Seeger) - YouTube
A sliver of good news: Fusion is now a union shop. #FusionUnion »
Advice from Jason Jones to Upper West Side Parents: Don't Talk to the Press - WNYC
prime Limousine Liberalism might be @iamsambee and her husband fighting *FOR* segregation on the down low »
Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 - Rolling Stone
"Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich" »
Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 - Rolling Stone
FUUUUUCK.... This week is so fucking fired. »
A Running List Of Reported Racist Incidents After Donald Trump's Victory - BuzzFeed News
A running list of reported racist incidents after Trump's presidential victory »
President Trump: How America Got It So Wrong - Rolling Stone
Matt Taibbi on President Trump and How America Got It So Wrong via @RollingStone »
I’m a Coastal Elite From the Midwest: The Real Bubble is Rural America
As a costal elite who now lives in a rural area, I completely agree with this. »
Facebook admits it must do more to stop the spread of misinformation on its platform | TechCrunch
Facebook admits it must do more to stop the spread of misinformation on its platform »
Figure seen hanging from balcony in downtown Tuscaloosa has been - WBRC FOX6 News - Birmingham, AL
Figure seen hanging from balcony above Tuscaloosa coffee shop has been removed »
Nobody Is Sure What Trump's $1 Trillion Transportation Plan Will Actually Look Like - BuzzFeed News
"We're gonna have the best cars, folks, believe me. We're gonna make cars great again, so bigly." »
Tech CEOs Respond Like a Bunch of Helpless Robots to Trump's Election
Tech CEOs Respond Like a Bunch of Helpless Robots to Trump's Election »
Getting to Know the Getz Ice Shelf | NASA
Getting to Know the Getz Ice Shelf via NASA »
Trump Was Stronger Where The Economy Is Weaker | FiveThirtyEight
This analysis from @JedKolko has a lot of explanatory power »
Russia reveals that it "was in contact" with Trump's campaign during race / Boing Boing
Russia reveals that it "was in contact" with Trump's campaign during race »
Facebook Must Either Innovate Or Admit Defeat At The Hands Of Fake News Hoaxsters - BuzzFeed News
Recommend rereading this, and others by @CraigSilverman - FB enables populism, a growing issue… »
One theory as to why election polls were so skewed
This sounds incredibly plausible: ⚡️ “One theory as to why election polls were so skewed” »
Epic shot from the protest tonight. »
Silicon Valley Is Worried That Trump Is Going To Grab Them By The Data - BuzzFeed News
Silicon Valley Is Worried That Trump Is Going To Grab Them By The Data via @sheeraf @buzzfeednews »
Clinton aides blame loss on everything but themselves - POLITICO
Well this is depressing and disheartening »
Trump’s kids to run businesses via ‘blind trust,’ Trump attorney says - POLITICO
The potential for corruption here is massive and essentially unprecedented »
Defunct 19A0s Computer Company Name Generator / Boing Boing
Defunct computer company name generator »
KKK will hold Donald Trump victory parade rally in North Carolina | McClatchy DC
KKK plans Donald Trump 'victory' parade in North Carolina »
Geek 12 | MoYou London
@ninjanails @lady_ada_king @kosamari @moyoulondon er, yes. paging @notwaldorf »
It’s Time to Fight | American Civil Liberties Union
Are you ready to fight for an America that believes in all of us? Join @ACLU and me to fight for our rights »
What Trump can—and can't—do all by himself on climate | Science | AAAS
Somewhat heartening take on the difficulties Trump may face in backing out of Paris accord »
Trump Administration: a climate denier for the EPA, a Goldman-Sachs banker for Treasury / Boing Boing
Trump Administration: a climate denier for the EPA, a Goldman-Sachs banker for Treasury »
How science fiction can help us survive Trump's America / Boing Boing
How science fiction can help us survive Trump's America »
Ti Point Tork » Blog Archive » On Moving to New Zealand
Some information for my American friends considering moving to #NZ. »
If Donald Trump Implements His Proposed Policies, We’ll See Him in Court | American Civil Liberties Union
“We will be eternally vigilant every single day of your presidency. We will never waver.” »
Coffee with Queer Game Devs - Seattle Indies (Seattle, WA) | Meetup
Are you a Queer Game Dev in Seattle? Come get coffee with your peers! »
Kickstarted in the Butt: A Chuck Tingle Digital Adventure by Zoë Quinn — Kickstarter
An extremely personal message: why we're still making our goofy queer game despite the current clusterfuck »
Russian hackers throw Trump victory party with new spear phishing campaign | Ars Technica
Russian hackers throw Trump victory party with new spear phishing campaign »
Welcome to the Second Redemption - The Atlantic
There are so many dark layers to this future, that crush me anew when they are spoken aloud. »
Ask Polly: How Do I Feel Hope at a Time Like This?
Election edition of Ask Polly: How do I feel hope at a time like this? @hhavrilesky writes… »
Adam Fisher on Philosophy and Lifting, How I Met Your Mother, & Conquering Fear - Side Quest Fitness
Adam Fisher on Philosophy and Lifting, How I Met Your Mother, & Conquering #fitness #weightl... »
The Democratic Party establishment is finished after Trump.
The Democratic Party establishment is finished. What a joke »
Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition - Scientific American
The nightmare begins: Trump Picks Top Climate Denier to Lead EPA Transition … #science »
The one scenario that could still get Hillary into the White House | New York Post
The one scenario that could still get Hillary into the White House »
Putin applauds Trump win and hails new era of positive ties with US | US news | The Guardian
Holy shit. Russia *admitted* they helped swing the election to Trump. »
How Trump Made Hate Intersectional
"making hate intersectional" »
The architect of the most racist law in modern American history has been named to Trump's team
The architect of the most racist law in modern American history has been named to Trump's team »
Donald Trump can absolutely ban Muslims from entering the US, without Congress - Vox
Trump can absolutely ban Muslims from entering the US. He doesn't even need Congress »
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Two of the better pieces parsing through WTF happened with the election. »
Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says - The Washington Post
Russia's deputy foreign minister says there was contact w Trump team during campaign »
Clinton’s data-driven campaign relied heavily on an algorithm named Ada. What didn’t she see? - The Washington Post
Clinton campaign relied on algorithm -that hey guess what - was fed crap data »
Obama has handed a surveillance state and war machine to a maniac | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
Obama has handed a surveillance state and war machine to a maniac | Trevor Timm »
On the election of Donald J Trump
It is not elitist to look fascism in the face and reject it. @PennyRed brilliant take on #Trump »
The number of women of color in the Senate is about to quadruple.
The number of women of color in the Senate is about to quadruple »
A letter to America from Leslie Knope, regarding Donald Trump - Vox
#LOVETRUMPSHATE #HeIsNotMyPresident A letter to America from Leslie Knope, regarding Donald Trump via @voxdotcom »
Donate Today - Planned Parenthood
Good morning! Here's something all right you can do today. »
The Good, Racist People - The New York Times
“The Good, Racist People” by Ta-Nehisi Coates »
Kate Brown First Openly LGBT Governor Oregon
Meet the first openly LGBT politician to be elected governor »
Election 2016: Exit Polls - The New York Times
@ColinNorthway @GreyAlien @roncarmel here's some of the most pertinent charts I think »
States with new voting restrictions flipped to Trump - NY Daily News
States that passed voting restrictions saw decreased turnout, flipped to Trump »
Her Loss -
Why it is hard not to take Hillary's loss personally, from @thelindywest. »
Zuckerberg: the idea that fake news on Facebook influenced the election is “crazy” - The Verge
Zuckerberg: the idea that fake news on Facebook influenced the election is "crazy" »
Trump’s election marks the end of any serious hope of limiting climate change to 2 degrees - Vox
My new post: Trump’s election marks the end of any serious hope of limiting climate change to 2 degrees »
Donate to the ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union
I just made my donation to the @ACLU – please support their work, too »
How Bystanders Can Defuse Islamophobic Hate | The Mary Sue
If you see someone being harassed, ignore harasser, go right up to them, and start talking about something else. »
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Need something to channel your energy into? Check out the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact »
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win | MICHAEL MOORE
what's worse than trump winning? trump winning & michael moore saying "i told you so" worth a re-read via @Ja... »
FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States. #Election2016 »
Chrome Dev Summit 2015
Can't make it to Opening Keynote of #ChromeDevSummit? »