"Hitler's only kidding about the antisemitism" New York Times, 1922 / Boing Boing
Hitler was just playing the rubes with the anti-Semitic schtick, ventures the @NYtimes in 1922. »
Trans Relief Project
Trans Relief Project: #TransLawHelp cc @AlterConf »
7 years ago today, I had a problematic brain tumor, but it turned out ok. »
Post-election spate of hate crimes worse than post-9/11, experts say »
Ruby Together Store – ruby together
we have a merch store now! it has stickers, shirts, lapel pins, and Bundler packing tape »
On “faithless” (but democratically faithful) electors – Medium
If you're wondering why people are protesting it's to create a mandate for Electors to vote for HRC on Dec 19. »
Please watch and support @rightsrun today as they stream Sonic '06 for 24 hours to raise money for @TransLawCenter! »
Oregon's Exploding Whale - 2012 KATU AM Northwest (KATU's 50th Anniversary) - YouTube
"I'm confident it will work." Happy Exploding Whale Day! »
Let's have a fresh start... (with tweets) · Noahkgreen · Storify
"Let's have a fresh start..." By @davidfrum by »
Media in the Age of Algorithms – Tim O'Reilly – Medium
@alexismadrigal @mathewi is a good start »
Music | scntfc
hello. the scntfc catalog is currently pay-what-you-want aka $0. if you would like to pay, even a small… »
The 2016 Election isn’t over yet – Jackson Cantrell – Medium
“The 2016 Election isn’t over yet” by Jackson Cantrell »
The Mike Pence (Donald Trump) Assault On LGBTQ Equality Is Already Underway | The Huffington Post
"The Mike Pence (Donald Trump) Assault On LGBTQ Equality Is Already Underway" »
Why I Signed That Idiotic Petition Asking The Electoral College To Act Faithlessly – Medium
Why I Signed That Idiotic Petition Asking The Electoral College To Act Faithlessly »
Facebook Is Said to Question Its Influence in Election - The New York Times
here is my story on what is happening right now inside of Facebook. »
Swedish Nazi group hails Trump in largest demo yet - The Local
Trump victory march is largest demonstration in history for Swedish neo-Nazis »
How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour
"If you bother locking your doors at night, you should bother using encryption." »
The Avalon Project : Federalist No 68
The role of the Electoral College: - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No 68 »
Trump’s pledge to separate his business from the presidency lasted two days
“With his kids running his company &transition team, no wall between Trump administration &Trump organization" »
The hunt for women's clothes with pockets - BBC News
The hunt for women's clothes with pockets Because, as we know, pockets smash the patriarchy! »
Voted for Trump? I have only one plea. – jessicashortall – Medium
T H I S “Demand that he finally, vociferously reject the KKK and other white supremacist groups.” »
Many Trump protesters say this is the first time they've protested anything - LA Times
Many Trump protesters say this is the first time they've protested anything »
Mark Zuckerberg - I want to share some thoughts on... | Facebook
Eight hours later, Mark Zuckerberg posts a note on his thoughts on the election. »
nosebeers's photo »
shitheadsteve's photo »
Fresh Start from Ben Matasar on Twitter
A collection on Twitter: “Fresh Start” by @davidfrum »
Ahem. »
@leighleighsf "The best advice I’ve seen so far for Democrats is the recommendation that hipsters move to Iowa." »
Want a security starter pack? | Surveillance Self-Defense
A good weekend project: learn the basics of private communications. »
I made a trans (and otherwise LGBTQA+) hotline masterpost. Please stay safe. I love you. https://t.c… »
Silicon Valley critics cautiously open their arms to Donald Trump | Technology | The Guardian
It took less than 24 hours for Silicon Valley to start cozying up to the new regulator-in-chief »
It appears that every single black freshman student at @Penn got a racial threat today. https://t.c… »
pinsane.com - PPE_16
Incredible 360 panorama of the huge Pacific Pinball Expo taking place now in Alameda CA. »
Farage says UK can 'do business' with Trump after becoming first British politician to meet President-elect | The Independent
‘party sources later said the pair met and discussed "freedom and winning”’ »
A quarter of Donald Trump's transition team are members of his family | The Independent
"A quarter of Donald Trump's transition team are members of his family” Seems legit. »
Petition · Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19 · Change.org
I read @lessig’s post on faithless electors and chose to sign this petition »
THIS. Facebook isn't a social network. It's a news outlet for nearly 1/2 of USA. Demand they hire a Public Editor. »
liveblogging my descent into madness
Best post I've seen all day. Source »
So we're just going to forget WikiLeaks and Russia helped Trump? | TheHill
"So we're just going to forget WikiLeaks and Russia helped Trump?" »
Reckoning with a Trump Presidency and the Elite Democrats Who Helped Deliver It
"If @Snowden leaked during GOP presidency there would be a 50' statue outside of MSNBC HQ in his honor" -@ggreenwald »
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support
Good morning. It’s still true. Here’s a good list of organizations who could use your support »
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Will Likely Increase. Here's How Not To Be A Bystander
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Will Likely Increase. Here's How Not To Be A Bystander »
Trump team rivalries spark infighting - POLITICO
Trump turns to camera, "Fuck it, we'll do it live." »
Zuckerberg denies Facebook News Feed bubble impacted the election | TechCrunch
This is a little like tobacco companies saying their doctors found smoking doesn't cause cancer. »
Guess which president elect has shares in the Dakota Access Pipeline? »
Tabs currently open: 1) Teju Cole's elegant refusal. »
How to Trump-proof your electronic communications.
How to Trump-proof your electronic communications »
The Cinemax Theory of Racism – Whatever
just noticed this bit by @scalzi, who once again explains it way better than i could »
A Time for Refusal - The New York Times
I will not normalize hatred. I will not coddle anyone's feels. »
Donald Trump Prepares for White House Move, but His Tower May Still Beckon - The New York Times
@blackfog he’s “expressed interest in continuing to hold the large rallies that were a staple of his candidacy” »
That Putin's Government Spoke to the Trump Campaign Should Be Dominating the News Cycle
"Why in Christ's sweet name isn't this thundering through the news cycle right now?" via @Esquire »
Protesters Take Anti-Trump Message to His Doorstep, and Plan Next Move - The New York Times
I share the emotion, but worry that protest now looks too much like an inability to accept losing an election. »
People are crying: It's not because they lost a race
More than 200 hate incidents have been reported across the country since Donald Trump's election. »
The pres elect wants to commute to work, not into working weekends. Wish I was making this up »
Autocracy: Rules for Survival | by Masha Gessen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
Autocracy: Rules for Survival | by Masha Gessen via @nybooks »
I Know Firsthand How Obama Differs From Trump On Consent - The Establishment
"And then, Obama said these 10 simple words: 'Can I put my arm around you for the photo?'" »
Gone Home by GoneHome
I upgraded so you can claim these while they're free »
Lieve Oma by Florian Veltman
I upgraded so you can claim these while they're free »
The Problem with Mobile Phones | Surveillance Self-Defense
EFF has an excellent guide on defending yourself from being surveilled your own devices. »
StopMotionsolo On the front lines, Ustream.TV: Stay informed. Get involved. Be active. Follow me on twitter @stopmotionsolo on twitte...
A moment of calm in Fort Greene Park for reflection and hope. #NotMyPresident #DumpTrump https:… »
DESERT BUS IS HAPPENING!! It’s gonna be GREAT! #DesertBusX »
Desert Bus for Hope :: Welcome to Desert Bus for Hope
#DesertBusX starts TOMORROW!! Join us for the start of our 10th run at 10am PT (GMT -8) »
Desert Bus for Hope :: Welcome to Desert Bus for Hope
Caught in the middle of #DesertBusX prep… join us at 10am PST Nov 12 at in support of… »