This Is Not Normal | Joshua Foust
Trump: not normal. This is just part of a beyond-disturbing list: Even a couple of these w… »
Shirtless Trump Saves Drowning Kitten - MTV
"In the sharing economy, nothing gets distributed like guilt." »
Theranos Whistleblower Shook the Company—And His Family - WSJ
Speaking of excellent reporting, @JohnCarreyrou has an astonishing Theranos story »
Shirtless Trump Saves Drowning Kitten - MTV
Damn, this is good. "Confusion is an authoritarian tool." @brianphillips »
Quick, Draw!
Hello good morning Google would like you to help program Skyne—I mean ‘neural network’ »
This Is How Facebook Is Radicalizing You - BuzzFeed News
good piece linking alt- and far-right internet movements to the toxic masculinity that fuels them »
Profane, useful, oddly encouraging round-up of useful links: HOLY FUCK NOW WHAT »
A new home for your favorite publications in the Medium app
Anyone can start a publication on Medium (on your own domain), then be highlighted in the app. It's pretty cool. »
Go Inside Your Favorite Video Games with The FOO Show! by Will Smith — Kickstarter
I just launched my first Kickstarter! Back the first season of The FOO Show today! »
Bruno Moraes
I bring you, the shirt I will be wearing on New Year's Eve 2016. (art by »
In just under 2 hours (8pm PST), check out a special livestream from @videodante »
Donald Trump’s First, Alarming Week as President-Elect - The New Yorker
My god, this @RyanLizza piece on Trump's first week as president-elect »
NSA CHIEF: Nation-state made 'conscious effort' to sway the election - Business Insider
NSA CHIEF: A nation-state made a 'conscious effort' to sway the US presidential election »
Last night i put up a new fun project called Driftless Most fun i've had designing in a while. Hope u like it. »
The 14 Features of Eternal Fascism
A list of the 14 features of fascism by Umberto Eco. "5. Fear of difference." »
Quick, Draw!
The future is bleak. »
More fun. Congrats @kcimc, Google et al. on the AI drum machine/ »
A.I. Experiments
This feels like it has @moleitau all over it... »
Growing as fast as Slack – Ilya Fushman – Medium
Slack is growing very quickly and it's part of a new trend that I'm very excited about »
Choose a shirt from this link. »
The Day NYC Came Alive
On disillusionment, hope, and fighting back. A photoessay of last week’s protests on @NewHive: by me. » | Microsoft Docs
Docs for Azure, VS2017, C++, Core, EF & SQL on Linux now on More -… »
How Tech Employees Can Use Corporate Donation Matching by Liz Frost | Model View Culture
How Tech Employees Can Use Corporate Donation Matching by @stillinbeta »
Final Tingler Kickstarter Countdown - YouTube
FINAL COUNTDOWN STREAM watch us all be tired and die: also »
The Power of a Focused Life — Living without regret in the Age of Distraction
Yo. @imyke were interviewed as part of @shawnblanc’s upcoming event about creative entrepreneurship »
Democrats have one final shot to flip a Senate seat | TheHill
Democrats have one final shot to flip a Senate seat. This is important »
Trump Transition Team Discussing Muslim Registry Program
Here we go: Trump Transition Team Discussing Muslim Registry Program »
Donald Trump’s First, Alarming Week as President-Elect - The New Yorker
Lessons learned from @realDonaldTrump's 1st week. Among them: Keep calling him out. It gets to him. »
The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate. | Mother Jones
The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate. »
Google Earth VR on Steam
Just in case you wondered how amazing Google Earth in VR is.... »
Sammus, Rapper/Producer - XOXO Festival (2016) - YouTube
This was one of my favorite XOXO talks this year, @sammusmusic being raw & lettings us all be raw too. Thank you. »
In Stunner, City Strikes Down Major Mission Project » MissionLocal
In case you were wondering how a housing shortage is architected »
Twitter Finally Cracks Down, Banning Prominent Alt-Right Accounts - BuzzFeed News
Well, to that end, looks like Twitter is taking some small plaintive steps forward. A little late though. »
Donald Trump's team 'discussing plans for Muslim registration system' | The Independent
now would be a great time to show the muslims in your community that you stand with them »
Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate - BuzzFeed News
Don't flatter yourself fake news is only a problem that conservatives have. »
The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think
A sobering look at the technological skill level of your customers. TLDR: You're overestimating their abilities. »
Don't Defend Your Work
"Critique with no substance won’t hold up to questioning." Some good tips on responding to design critique here ⬇️ »
Hundreds of Hate Crimes Reported Since Election: SPLC - NBC News
300 hate crimes since the election. Here are some of them. This is NOT normal. »
Here’s How Trump Could Take Down Muslim Civil Rights Groups - BuzzFeed News
Here’s How Trump Could Take Down Muslim Civil Rights Groups via @drnoriega @buzzfeednews »
Cloudscape Over the Philippine Sea | NASA
Cloudscape Over the Philippine Sea via NASA »
Fake News – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Fake News Fake news and filter bubbles are a problem; the proposed solutions are worse »
Accidentally Closing Browser Window With 23 Tabs Open Presents Rare Chance At New Life - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Accidentally Closing Browser Window With 23 Tabs Open Presents Rare Chance At New Life »
Important victory for the kids suing the US over climate change
Judge in the lawsuit against the US govt re: climate change: stable climate is a fundament right »
Oregon court rules that 'nonbinary' is a legal gender | PBS NewsHour
Nonbinary people are now legally valid in Oregon, yay! »
The inestimable Rebecca Solnit is offering her book about activism, Hope in the Dark, for FREE right now »
How To Run OpenVPN in a Docker Container on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
@benbrown Even faster if you use a @CoreOS droplet as you can skip step 1: Setting up Docker »
Obama Is Warning America About Trump’s Presidency. Are You Listening? | New Republic
"it isn’t normal for an outgoing president to have to tell the incoming one he should follow the law" »
Adult Swim Talent Want The Network To Cancel Its Alt-Right Comedy Show - BuzzFeed News
Adult Swim Talent Want The Network To Cancel Its Alt-Right Comedy Show »
Sal Soghoian Leaves Apple — MacSparky
Sal Soghoian Leaves Apple — MacSparky »
Go Inside Your Favorite Video Games with The FOO Show! by Will Smith — Kickstarter
I just backed Go Inside Your Favorite Video Games with The FOO Show! on @Kickstarter »
Twitter adds QR codes for some reason - The Verge
Twitter added QR codes, finally giving us an easy way to follow people »
The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight
We found what appears to be a major NSA spy site hiding in plain sight in Manhattan Amazing @moltke @rj_gallagher »
Derek Powazek - My Holiday Wish List
Will you consider forgoing holiday presents this year to help keep the world safe and good? »
In a wealthy SF neighborhood, residents fight low-income housing - San Francisco Chronicle
In case you were wondering how a housing shortage is architected »
It's Time to Pay More Attention to Jared Kushner | Mother Jones
Trump admin would make for a good HBO series »
Daring Fireball: Sal Soghoian Departs Apple
"I find this to be a profoundly worrisome turn of events for the future of the Mac. I hope I’m wrong." »
Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak Accuses NPR Of Racist Content : NPR
Bannon’s people defend him from accusations of racism by calling anti-racists the REAL racists. Expect more of this. »
Ask Polly: Will Anything I Do Make a Difference?
#AskPolly: "I don’t believe anything I do will make a difference!" »
Subway Ad Celebrity 'Gregg T.' Is an NYPD Lawyer Who Bullies Civil Rights Protesters Into Submission | Village Voice
like as if the world isn't terrible enough now you have to take gregg t from me? fuck everything »
Use TogetherList to find a few awesome advocacy groups to set up a recurring donation to! (via @swissmis… »
How Many Planned Parenthood Donations Came From 'Mike Pence'
Here’s How Many Planned Parenthood Donations Have Been Made in Mike Pence’s Name via @thecut »
Man Who Called Hillary Clinton a ‘C*nt’ Up for Cabinet Job
This, this is where we're at— "Man who called Hillary Clinton a c*** might join Trump’s cabinet." »
Ideas about how to use AWS - Julia Evans
A great post from @b0rk looking at and learning from AWS design examples, including @SkylinerHQ »
"We're His Problem Now" Calling Sheet
Guys. Someone made a call congress script Google doc. »
Was Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s Attack Dog, Paid Illegally? - The Daily Beast
Billionaires secretly paid Bannon while he drew no salary from Trump »
Japanese road reopens one week after vast sinkhole appeared | World news | The Guardian
You know that 30-metre sinkhole on a road in Japan? It was fixed in 2 days. Two days! Good… »
Biggest Spike in Traffic Deaths in 50 Years? Blame Apps - The New York Times
This is why people need to STFU about why autonomous cars are dangerous. »
Jim | Library
In this dark timeline, I've been thinking a lot about the Stockdale Paradox (cn: text desc… »
China Tells Trump That Climate Change Is No Hoax It Invented - Bloomberg
China tells Trump climate change isn't a hoax it invented »
Schumer is next top Senate Democrat, adds Sanders to leadership ranks - The Washington Post
News on new Democrat leadership following Reid's retirement »
Twitter suspends alt-right accounts
Twitter suspends several of the most high-profile accounts in the alt-right movement »
Guess which president elect has shares in the Dakota Access Pipeline? »
Watch Carson Price's Vine "walrus
Nauseatingly, here’s another announcement. Bonanza! This Friday! 8 a.m. CST/9 a.m. EST! »
Finally! @SkylinerHQ is open for business. Sign up at and give us a whirl. Single-user accounts are free! »
Unattended Consequences
This week me and @PatrickRothfuss are pretty bummed out. Plus a bonus song from @Molly23 »
Home : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site
Docs for Azure, VS2017, C++, Core, EF & SQL on Linux now on More -… »
A petition to require grown-ass men riding Razor scooters to shout "Wheeeeeee!" as they coast. »
Google AMP makes fake news look real. (Because they serve it from @cramforce »