I've been thinking about this post and its argument ever since election night >>> via @TPM »
Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President - The New York Times
In-depth: Trump's conflicts of interests put US "in uncharted territory." »
Trump’s lies have a purpose. They are an assault on democracy.
If you are trying to figure out WTF is going on with Trump, @resnikoff has answers »
The Liberal War on Christmas
Join the Liberal War on Christmas »
Please: support important journalism and subscribe to the Web's top news source »
This lion represents my goals tho »
We're digging a hole.
Spending the rest of my evening watching »
Donald Trump: "Millions" voted illegally in election - CBS News
Despite being trashed on Twitter for two hours, CBS News headline still there. Journalism Fail. »
No. 17 — Give Advice? — Should We
Should we give advice? @dianakimball and @catehstn discuss in today's episode of @shouldwepodcast. »
Donald Trump is now questioning the legitimacy of the election he won - Vox
A few thoughts on the underlying habits of mind exposed by Trump's tweets this weekend:… »
Elaine Welteroth Named new Editor-In-Chief of Teen Vogue, And we all Rejoice
"Why do I keep seeing better journalism from Teen Vogue than some major publications?" Well, friends »
No Man's Sky
The No Man's Sky update looks interesting. I still haven't played the game at all yet. Worth it? »
Finding Hope in a Loveless Place | tressiemc
"To be professionally smart is to concede always to rational science, to polls and confidence intervals." #research »
Hackers Hold SFMTA's Computer Network Hostage For $73k Ransom | Hoodline
@mat @markasaurus haven’t been on a bus today but hoodline says fare system is back up »
Hackers Hold SFMTA's Computer Network Hostage For $73k Ransom | Hoodline
Hackers Hold SFMTA's Computer Network Hostage For $73k Ransom »
Evidence-based vs. accusation-driven reporting (with tweets) · jayrosen_nyu · Storify
@stewart read @jayrosen_nyu on evidence versus accusation journalism too »
The new MacBook Pro is kind of great for hackers – Adam Geitgey – Medium
"I/O-wise, the new MacBook Pro is possibly the most open device Apple has ever built." »
But we saw no reason to doubt the results. There »
Ransomware creep accidentally hijacks San Francisco Muni, won't give it back / Boing Boing
Ransomware creep accidentally hijacks San Francisco Muni, won't give it back »
Cory Booker Calls For Federal Investigation Into Police Tactics At Dakota Access Pipeline - BuzzFeed News
Cory Booker Calls For Federal Investigation Into Police Tactics At Dakota Access Pipeline https:/… »
How to Be a Person in the World: Ask Polly's Guide Through the Paradoxes of Modern Life by Heather Havrilesky, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®
How to Be a Person in the World is $11 w/ code bnbfriday16 at Barnes & Noble. Perfect gift for your angry fri... »
Designing digital services that are accountable, understood, and trusted (OSCON 2016 talk)
“Debates about workers rights are increasingly debates about code.” @richardjpope #Indieweb »
Right after this explosive exposé drops, Trump launches diversionary "recount" tweetstorm. Follow The money »
Trump's presidential hires and advisors own a hell of a lot of fake news sites / Boing Boing
Trump's presidential hires and advisors own a hell of a lot of fake news sites »
See, for example, @nytimes. Who isn’t perfect by any means, but did much better »
Trump: The Choice We Face | by Masha Gessen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
A persusive argument against compromising with the president-elect and his administration. »
Roland Martin Debate Vs. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Is Must See TV! - YouTube
Please watch every single minute of this. It's 30 minutes long. Make some popcorn. Bring a friend. »
Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President - The New York Times
Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President »
Trump Adviser Steps Up Searing Attack on Romney - The New York Times
Ok, this is just straight fucked up. Is this a preview of the next 4 years? #nohealing #fuckyouconway »
Radical self-care for activists in the time of Trump – Valerie Aurora's blog
If "existential terror" describes how you have been feeling the last two weeks, you might like this »
Raccoons in Central Park Draw Crowds, and Warnings to Stay Away - The New York Times
Nighttime in Central Park: gang of 22 raccoons on the prowl... »
Why I Left White Nationalism - The New York Times
Why I Left White Nationalism see more »
A Good Bundle by Michael Koloch, JayMFernandes, hexdie, Cute Bobs, sutopat, KYLE REIMERGARTIN, Alex Huang, PixelTitans, NeonChameleon, Vi...
Hey if you wanna donate some money to PP/ACLU and get some games in return here's a good way! »
Souless Golem: Knuckles | The Art of Molly Crabapple
Last day to get #SoullessGolem shirts. Money goes to @theCCR »
Old ice is vanishing -
NASA wants you to see this video of the Artic ice disappearing »
An incredibly eloquent op-ed by a young man who was brought up in hate and opened his heart to love. »
Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by 'Illegal Aliens'? :
tracks down the apparent fake-news source for Trump's (false) claim: http… »
Ladies, Join Us — Tech Ladies™
If you want to become a member of Tech Ladies, now is a good time --> Incredible things ... »
Save 10% w/coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2016 thru Nov. 28! #WhiteboardFriday #doodle #BlackFriday https://t… »
Art Prints by Lisa Hanawalt - INPRNT
100% of funds from prints sold this weekend will be donated to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe » Urban Legends Reference Pages
tracks down the apparent fake-news source for Trump's (false) claim: http… »