Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance. | We the People:...
Let’s make this the 1st White House petition of Trump’s administration that reaches 100,000 signatures. (Please RT.) »
Home - Obama Foundation
nice, is running on WordPress. »
All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website | Motherboard
All references to climate change have been deleted from the White House website: #Inauguration »
HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US | LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner
Jaden Smith has been doing this for more than three hours. »
So, is gone. »
All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website | Motherboard
All references to climate change have been deleted from the White House website »
Eight ways to resist Donald Trump, from @shannondrewthis and @sarahmirk »
HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US | LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner
Jaden Smith is standing in front of a live camera out in the cold to protest Trump. Wish I could join him. »
Home - Obama Foundation
is up and running »
Dear @Jack: It’s Time To Suspend Donald Trump From Twitter
I just published “Dear @Jack: It’s Time To Suspend Donald Trump From Twitter” »
Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns. »
Flights Packed With Women's March Participants Are Cheering All The Way To DC - BuzzFeed News
Flights packed with Women’s March participants are cheering all the way to DC »
Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community |
The new White House website making shit really clear. »
Donald Trump Plagiarized Bane in His Inaugural Speech
Donald Trump plagiarized Bane in his #inauguration speech »
Comparison: President Trump and Barack Obama’s inauguration crowds | PBS NewsHour
Comparison: President Trump and Barack Obama’s #Inauguration crowds #DayOne »
Let's get to work. »
The White House · GitHub
I wonder if they'll take over the Github account created by the Obama tech team. They haven't yet. »
Donald Trump Plagiarized Bane in His Inaugural Speech
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump plagiarized Bane in his inauguration speech. »
My closest Swing District is CA-24, won by only 21,254 votes. Find yours and help swing the House left in 2018 »
Home - Obama Foundation
Watching this, on repeat, instead. »
Help the Cricket Cafe by Kayla Bartkowski - GoFundMe
One of my favorite neighborhood cafes had their windows smashed on Christmas Day. They're raising $ for repairs »
Update: it is now the third most-popular page. »
An America First Energy Plan |
New @Potus, new @WhiteHouse website. Please help sift for flips elsewhere and post here.… »
Dust on the Telescope | Do By Friday
Do By Friday: “Dust on the Telescope” Alex gets a boner, Merlin mulls cannibalism, and Max has had it with cucks. »
The White House |
@PopovichN @ObamaWhiteHouse »
I Watched Neil deGrasse Tyson Take On a Science Skeptic
More empirical data supporting the hypothesis that @neiltyson is a goddamn hero. »
making Celeb
Tim Hunkin's modern takes on '30s novelty arcade machines like 'Celeb' are delicious: (via… »
In Response to Guardian’s Irresponsible Reporting on WhatsApp: A Plea for Responsible and Contextualized Reporting on User Security | tec...
@bccla Until then see @zeynep's response which is signed by basically every cryptographer of note »
Here’s What You Need To Know About Trump’s Obamacare Executive Order - BuzzFeed News
The complex and ambiguous deal with the ACA exec order, from @KateNocera and @pdmcleod »
How to Protest Without Sacrificing Your Digital Privacy | Motherboard
Cops watch and track protest movements. Here's a quick and dirty guide to protesting securely »
The Year of the Body | elevr
eleVR is happy to announce 2017 is the year of the BODY! »
Donald Trump's Presidential Twitter Account Has a Header Picture From Obama's Inauguration In 2009
Donald Trump's Presidential Twitter Account Has a Header Picture From Obama's Inauguration In 2009 »
Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering – ThinkProgress
“Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering” by @AliceOllstein »
CouncilMember Sawant » Blog Archive » My Socialist Response to Donald Trump’s Inaugural Speech
Kshama Explains It All. One of the only responses to Trump's inauguration worth your time. »
Departing Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone Following Him Out Of White House - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Departing Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone Following Him Out Of White House via @theonion »
President Trump's inauguration speech, annotated
Trump's "America First!" was the slogan for America's isolationist Nazi sympathizers in WW2. »
RIP websites for affordable care act, climate change,& so many more »
New poll shows Obamacare is more popular than Donald Trump - Vox
New poll shows Obamacare is more popular than Donald Trump »
The Bee Movie But Every Time They Say Bee We Explain The Deal With Bee Movie - YouTube
NEW EPISODE! The Bee Movie, But Every Time They Say ‘Bee’, We Explain The Deal With Bee Movie »
How to Submit Sensitive Tips and Information to The New Yorker
How to securely send tips and info to the @newyorker »
Donald Trump Had His First Dance On Stage And People Thought It Got Awkward - BuzzFeed News
People thought President Trump's first dance got a little awkward »
This triptych paints itself. »
Grasping for Metaphor, Reporters Flock to Burning DC Garbage Can | Washingtonian
Grasping for Metaphor, Reporters Flock to Burning DC Garbage Can »
29 Powerful Black Women in the Obama Administration |
Meet the powerful Black women who called the shots in the Obama Administration »
Let's Calm Down About Pages "Disappearing" From The White House Website - BuzzFeed News
When @chrisgeidner says calm down, you know he means it. »
Flights of 'nasty women' are headed to Washington
⚡️ “Flights of 'nasty women' are headed to Washington” »
In First of Many, ACLU FOIA Request Seeks Information about the New President’s Conflicts of Interests | American Civil Liberties Union
On day 1 of the Trump Administration, ACLU demands documents related to his conflicts of interest »
How journalists can protect themselves while covering protests
How journalists can protect themselves while covering protests »
Departing Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone Following Him Out Of White House - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Departing Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone Following Him Out Of White House »
Trump sworn in as the 45th president of the United States - U.S. News -
Trump uses slogan of what was once an anti-Semitic organization aimed at appeasing Hitler #Inaugura… »
Crypto Experts Say There Is No Backdoor In WhatsApp | Motherboard
Crypto experts: There is no backdoor in WhatsApp »
Live-Drawing the Trump Inauguration - The New Yorker
.@JasonAdamK is live-drawing #InaugurationDay »
Game Developers Speak Up in the Face of Obamacare Repeal - Waypoint
I love how @waypoint is broadening the definition of games journalism. »
Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump | WIRED
What heroism looks like? Librarians, programmers & scientists archiving at-risk data sets »
Viral WhatsApp Hoaxes Are India’s Own Fake News Crisis - BuzzFeed News
Nice reporting by @PranavDixit on WhatsApp hoaxes »
Demand transparency from Trump | American Civil Liberties Union
Day 1 of Trump Administration: ACLU filed a FOIA request. Let's hold the president accountable - take action now »
The world has changed. Let's not forget each other and how important love is. We will prev… »
Tonight's comic wants to know how you're doing today. »
National Park Service Banned From Tweeting After Anti-Trump Retweets
National Park Service banned from tweeting after anti-Trump retweets »
The Trump Inauguration, Brought to You by Silicon Valley Utopianism | WIRED
How Silicon Valley utopianism brought you the dystopian Trump presidency via @WIRED »
Grasping for Metaphor, Reporters Flock to Burning DC Garbage Can | Washingtonian
this piece is completely correct. a lot of protest live coverage is journalistically useless »
The Sad State of Microphones Is Holding Back Siri and Alexa - Bloomberg
This Bloomberg piece completely missed the point of phased arrays of microphones: see »
The White House’s LGBT rights page has disappeared | TechCrunch
The White House's LGBT rights page has disappeared by @sarahbuhr »
Donald Trump’s new Twitter background is a photo from the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Donald Trump’s new Twitter background is from the inauguration of Barack Obama »
Women's Bureau Resources - U.S. Department of Labor
and here's the DOL Women's Bureau link »
Obama’s Parting Gift: The Power Not to Fear White Racism - The New Yorker
Powerful piece by @carvellwallace on race and Barack Obama »
Trump's here. We have four years to write a better story | Molly Crabapple | Opinion | The Guardian
"Here's your proto-fascism, America. Hope you like the taste" #J20 »
Trump team prepares dramatic cuts | TheHill
This is less an administration than a form of vengeance. »
Trump Promised to Resign From His Companies — But There’s No Record He’s Done So - ProPublica
Trump promised to resign from his companies – but there’s no record he’s done so »
Already on probation, Symantec issues more illegit HTTPS certificates | Ars Technica
Already on probation, Symantec issues more illegit HTTPS certificates by @dangoodin001 »
Grasping for Metaphor, Reporters Flock to Burning DC Garbage Can | Washingtonian
amazing combination of @brfreed headline, Evy Mages photo »
From Obama to Trump: How the inaugurations looked in 2009 and 2017 - Washington Post
Use the slider to compare the crowds at Trump's and Obama's inaugurations. »
Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest
Republican lawmakers in five states propose bills to criminalize peaceful protest by @spencerwoodm… »
Why Trump's Inaugural Celebration Rings Hollow - The Atlantic
Today is a day filled with chatter about how the system works. It’s false. The system has failed. »
A petition to get Trump to release his tax returns is more popular than Trump's official bio.
A petition to release Trump’s tax returns is more popular than Trump's White House bio »
Donald Trump’s new Twitter background is a photo from the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Donald Trump’s new Twitter background is a photo from the inauguration of Barack Obama »
Trump's here. We have four years to write a better story | Molly Crabapple | Opinion | The Guardian
Trump's here. We have four years to write a better story | Molly Crabapple »
Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -
Reminder that "America First" is a slogan first used by Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. »
Malia Obama’s Secret Trip to Bolivia and Peru - The New York Times
Malia Obama's Secret Trip to Bolivia and Peru - New York Times via @nuzzel »
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities - The Washington Post
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities »
We the People: public art for the inauguration and beyond by Amplifier Foundation — Kickstarter
(Just put my money where my tweets are and threw cash at this — »
Trump’s WhiteHouse.Gov Disappears Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights - The Daily Beast
Seriously?? Trump’s Disappears Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights »
Climate Change | The White House
CORRECTION: Trump already removed the *whitehouse* page on climate change, but we have it backed up: sp… »
EFF's 100-Day Plan | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Donald Trump just took the oath. Here's EFF's plan to ensure our civil liberties are protected. »
Trump’s Inauguration vs. Obama’s: Comparing the Crowds - The New York Times
We compared the crowds at Trump's inauguration vs. Obama's »
So You’re Going to Protest... - Trump Resistance Playbook - Portland Mercury
"When you protest, you need to decide what level of risk you’re willing to accept." Read this: by… »
Photos: the crowd at Donald Trump’s inauguration vs. Barack Obama’s - Vox
Photos: the crowd at Donald Trump’s inauguration vs. Barack Obama’s »
12 Alabama legislative districts ruled unconstitutional
BREAKING: federal court rules 12 Alabama legislative districts unconstitutional due to use of race b… »
“Exploregon” graphic tee and pullover crewneck by Melissa Delzio. | Cotton Bureau
Check it out: “Exploregon” by @meldelpdx Only 2 hours left! »
Kristen Stewart has co-authored a paper on artificial intelligence - The Verge
Kristen Stewart has co-authored a paper on #artificialintelligence (& @daryn has bitten his lip) »
Attention Federal Employees: If You See Something, Leak Something — The Intercept
Attention Federal Employees: If You See Something, Leak Something »
[quote] Violence is initiated by those who oppress | Subfictional Studios
To put it another way, "Never in history has violence been initiated by the oppressed." »
A decent breakdown of all things real and fake news. - Imgur
A decent breakdown of real and fake news »
Speaking of doing something today, maybe consider signing up for @ragtag_team? »
Digital Security Tips for Protesters | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Protesting over the weekend? Keep your data safe with these 10 digital security tips »
Trump's America: This is What Happens Now. - YouTube
And so we start a new chapter, in a long history of resistance. We are ready. »
Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC
On The Media’s recent 5-part series on poverty in America is absolutely spectacular. A must listen. »
Resources - iOS Human Interface Guidelines
Apple updates the official design resources with iOS 10 UI Kit. »
Donald Trump True 4% Mostly True 11% Half True 15% Mostly False 19% False 33% Pants on Fire 18% #In… »
Welcome to the White House
On inauguration day, the Obama team launched a full Whitehouse․gov redesign. Before: After »
We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Sole petition on the White House's rebooted "We the People" site right now. »
We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
@anildash signed, awaiting email confirm. q: does this become a race against @potus pulling the plug »
We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
No. wait. Leaving the petitions site with nothing but two Trump financial conflict petitions is the best fuck you. »
The White House
New not using all-Retina assets. Typical Trump. »
The White House
SHAME: Any mention of #LGBTQ people and issues scrubbed from “Gay” appears only once, the… »
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
how many times can i refresh until it tells the truth and i wake up from the nightmare?????????????? »