GOP lawmaker attended gay son's wedding 3 days after voting against same-sex marriage
imagine trying to talk to your kid after doing this.
Pluralistic: 25 Jul 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread). Inside: Why none of my books are available on Audible; Sarah Gailey's "Just Like Home"; and ...
Publishers are suing the Internet Archive over digital book lending - The Washington Post
Opinion | Climate Change Inaction in Congress Has High Costs - The New York Times
“The public health costs of air pollution (are) so high that a total decarbonization would entirely pay for itself through the public hea...
2020 Election Deniers Seek Out Powerful Allies: County Sheriffs - The New York Times
Yet another example of “law enforcement” as an occupying force.
two day geo streak on wor L dle #Worldle #185 1/6 (100%) ??????
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