Unity signs lucrative contract to assist with U.S. defense efforts
Unity signs "multi-million dollar" contract to help U.S. government with defense
iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser · Felix Krause
Excellent research from @KrauseFx to discover this nefarious behavior.
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | Defector
Political economy of creative labor. TL;DR it’s very, very bad
Purina’s Fancy Feast Opens NYC Restaurant for Humans
FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago related to nuclear documents, sources say - The Washington Post
Them: If they can do this to Trump, they can do it to you! Me: But I don't have any top secret documents about nuclear weapons. https://t...
PBOT releases plan for bike lane around Elk Fountain statue - BikePortland
*cackles in bike lane*
Trump Asks Allies: Who's 'Wearing a Wire,' Who's Snitching to the FBI? - Rolling Stone
Live shot of Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
C.D.C. Eases Covid Guidelines, Noting Virus is ‘Here To Stay’ - The New York Times
This is incredibly, incredibly fucked up and scary. I guess official policy at this point is explicitly leaning into the "inevitability" ...
AI Chat
Meta's new chatbot has *opinions* about its CEO.
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