Fiducial marker - Wikipedia
Fiducial markers, for the uninitiated
The nation's poorest state used welfare money to pay Brett Favre for speeches he never made
The nation's poorest state used welfare money to pay Brett Favre for speeches he never made via…
The Collectors Who Save Video-Game History from Oblivion | The New Yorker
hello! earlier this summer i spent some time with @frankcifaldi & @kelslewin to learn exactly what the video game history foundation ...
USB4 Version 2.0 to Offer 80Gb/s Transfer Speeds - MacRumors
USB USB 1.1 USB 2.0 USB 3.0 USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB 3.1 Gen 2 USB 3.2 USB4 And now, introducing: USB4 Version 2.0 ?
Twitter Unveils an Edit Button, Finally - The New York Times
It’s a back to school feature drop
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