His hemming and hawing is as chickenshit as ever, but it's satisfying to see them feel so pressured they felt the need to scramble and an...
High School Journalists In LA Learn About Censorship, From Their Own Principal | LAist
Deep lesson in censorship for LA student journalists, from their high school principal :-/
Statement on Stable Diffusion
This makes me furious. How dare we complain right? 7 years after the Google gorillas fiasco. Ho…
The Monkees' drummer wants the FBI to hand over files on the band : NPR
Whoever wrote this (headline and story) really skimmed the Wikipedia article on the Monkees' long history
This Is Our Last Year With the MetroCard Machine
A fun article on the New York City metrocard machines, which I honestly thought were from the 1980s, but were actually released in 1999: ...
Cloudflare drops KiwiFarms - The Washington Post
SCOOP: Under pressure, security firm Cloudflare has dropped KiwiFarms. By @josephmenn and me #DropKiwiFarms
da share z0ne store
I think it’s broadcast
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