Jordan Staniscia · Designer
I have a new personal site! »
Woodland Secrets
my podcast Woodland Secrets is now available to the public! »
Nathan | The Saint Catherine
I'm at The Saint Catherine - @saintcathbk in Brooklyn, NY w/ @embereye »
Today's happy place »
Half-Life 3 Will Never Release, Here's Why - The Know - YouTube
Some very compelling (and depressing) arguments for why we’ll never see Half-Life 3 - TL;DR gamers are dicks. »
NYT on Clinton emails = NYT 20 yrs ago on Clinton/Whitewater. Lots of ‘scandal,’ no actual scandal »
Letters of Note: This, sir, is my resignation
Faulkner’s 1924 commentary on the on-demand economy »
twin toddlers dancing to the new wilco »
The Milk Barn Farm — We Have Goats!
You knew this already but, we have goats! »
Innuendo Studios - Talking To Jack, It Turns Out, Is Complicated
Here's a thoughtful self-reflective follow up from @InnuendoStudios about his “Why Are You So Angry?” video series »
I got my music back. At least most of it
Nice to hear Apple helped Jim, but Apple Music, iTunes Match, and iCloud Music Library are still utterly confusing. http://t.… »
Dark Side of the Pluto - Boing Boing
Dark Side of the Pluto. @NASANewHorizons @NASA @NASAJPL »
That time the Internet sent a SWAT team to my mom's house - Boing Boing
“I set out to research harassment in gamer culture. I never dreamed my mom would get caught up in the middle of it.” »
Despite Agreements, President Obama, Kenyan President Differ on Gay Rights - ABC News
"If somebody is a law-abiding citizen...the idea that they are going to be abused because of who they love is wrong." »
Some recent reviews of the CurrentC app. See if you can spot the MCX executive. »
LukeW | Redesigning the Apple Watch UI
Welp, @lukew fixed the Apple Watch, citing a lot of the reasons mine ended up on Craigslist http://t.c… »
Twitter is deleting stolen jokes on copyright grounds | The Verge
How many people @twitter does it take to screw in a light build? I don't know but they might! — »
The Verge's web sucks -
Saying the web is broken is like saying your car is broken after you filled its gas tank with grilled cheese »
Vice President Cheney on September 11, 2001 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Bush & Cheney reacting on September 11th, 2001. »
1950s fashion from the cover of Life Magazine, 1914 - Boing Boing
1950s fashion from the cover of Life Magazine, 1914 »
How San Francisco's Progressive Politics Led to Its Housing Affordability Crisis - CityLab
“The San Francisco I came here for was only a brief moment in the life of the city.” »
Kepler-452b: What It Would Be Like to Live On Earth's 'Cousin'
Kepler-452b: What It Would Be Like to Live On Earth's 'Cousin' »
Feminist FrequencyOne Week of Harassment on Twitter «
One Week of Harassment on Twitter »
The Singular Mind of Terry Tao -
really beautifully written article ob mathematics, genius, problem-solving, and working across disciplines »
State Of Georgia Sues Carl Malamud For Copyright Infringement For Publishing The State's Own Laws | Techdirt
State Of Georgia Sues Carl Malamud For Copyright Infringement For Publishing The State's Own Laws »
NASA’s Kepler Mission Discovers Bigger, Older Cousin to Earth | NASA
Earth’s bigger, older cousin! @NASAKepler discovers new distant planet that's near-Earth-size:… »
Web Design - The First 100 Years
"Web Design: The First 100 Years" is all over my feed because it's really good »
The New Earth-Like Planet: Notes On Difficulties in Divulgation of Scientific Concepts | Francesca D'Antona
"the planet detection consists in very tiny drops of its light, periodic with the period of the Kepler 452b year" »
HubbleSite - NewsCenter - Saturn's Auroras Defy Scientists' Expectations (02/16/2005) - Release Text
.@NASA_Hubble captured this pic of Saturn’s auroras, which can last for days #SaturnSaturday http:/… »
In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me. - The Washington Post
In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, police raided me. Chilling story by @AlexHortonTX of outrageous… »
Our Moloch by Garry Wills | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
And this: Again and again and again, the same words still carry with the same absolute veracity. »
Exclusive: Feds Regularly Monitored Black Lives Matter Since Ferguson
Exclusive: Feds Regularly Monitored Black Lives Matter Since Ferguson by @georgejoseph94 http://t… »
How to be human: advice for the future | The Verge
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE! The advice column that saved my teenage heart is back: (more context »
New Horizons SOC Observation
#NewHorizons released an image of PLUTO! ⌚ Jul 14, 02:51:36 UTC. »
Send Idle Words to Antarctica by Maciej Ceglowski — Kickstarter
These penguins and icebreaker full of Russians aren’t going to write about themselves. Send me where there is no web »
The Simple Truth About Gun Control | The New Yorker
For Lafayette and Jillian: Still the plain truth. »
Support Lana Polansky creating Digital Art, Art Criticism and Art You Can Eat
hello! in case you'd like to stick it to crap like Pixels, consider supporting some independent game writing instead https… »
TLDR #38 - Ask Leah - On The Media
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE! The advice column that saved my teenage heart is back: (more context »
Games Done Quick
holy moly the summer games done quick schedule is amazing this year »