35 Bill Cosby Accusers Tell Their Stories -- The Cut
.@nymag interviewed and photographed 35 of 46 women assaulted by Bill Cosby for the print mag »
35 Bill Cosby Accusers Tell Their Stories -- The Cut
35 women speak about being assaulted by Bill Cosby, and the culture that wouldn't listen »
Power Lines in Anime
this is a good tumblr --> »
@jsnell and I talked about Pluto, Kepler-452b and why space is cool again. »
Facing regulatory roadblocks, Uber ramps up its lobbying in California - LA Times
Uber now spends more on lobbyists in California than Wal-Mart, Bank of America or Wells Fargo. »
Robert Scoble makes a cameo in Magic Leap's latest patent application. /via @kcimc »
Class Day Lecture 2009: The Uniqueness of Humans - YouTube
Robert Sapolsky, The Uniqueness of Humans — Stanford Class Day Lecture (2009) YouTube: https://… »
Don’t order the fish – Marco.org
Oh, you got the fish? Rookie mistake. Don’t order the fish, it’s terrible. But everything else there is good! »
wrobstory/pydataseattle2015 · GitHub
Python Data Bikeshed: "What #PyData library should I use?" feat. toolz, dask, pandas, blaze, bcolz, & dask: https:... »
Rebuttal to the Nails Rebuttal (with image, tweets) · michaelluo · Storify
I posted an @Storify, collecting my tweeted responses to the @nybooks piece criticizing Unvarnished. »
Flaw Fest | Joseph Scrimshaw
Did you know I made a comedy album that comes with a whole separate music album based on the comedy? Well, I did. http… »
on forgiveness — The Shape of Words — Medium
maybe today is a good day for forgiveness. maybe forgiveness is what makes a day good. ––"Forgiveness" on @Medium »
A Life-Affirming Weekend at EVO, the World's Biggest Fighting Game Event | Motherboard
Great EVO 2015 round-up by @Zerochan - _love_ this photo from @tempusrob, too »
Great Talks
Robert Sapolsky, The Uniqueness of Humans — Stanford Class Day Lecture (2009) YouTube: https://… »
School for Poetic Computation — Code Poetry classes open for auditing! | Blog | School for Poetic Computation
Code Poetry @SFPC is starting tomorrow. You can audit individual classes by @nickmofo @aparrish @toddwords @superSGP »
Trump To The Future - YouTube
Trump to the Future! »
Adult Swim Streams - Daily Marathon
Marathon of Rick and Morty S1 on at [AS] site, followed by a stream of Drunk Justin™ at our premiere party! »
Good morning! @bradleege @incanus77 @ Angel's Rest »
Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire 2015 by Brian Jepson — Kickstarter
I just backed Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire 2015 on @Kickstarter »
Twitter is deleting stolen jokes on copyright grounds | The Verge
Sweet, @benhowdle will no longer be able to steal my jokes »
Dunkin' CEO makes $10 million a year but $15 minimum wage is "absolutely outrageous" - Boing Boing
Dunkin' CEO makes $10 million a year but $15 minimum wage is "absolutely outrageous" »
It's Time to Get Real About Racial Diversity in Comics | WIRED
“It’s Time to Get Real About Racial Diversity in Comics” yesssssss. My sigh of relief was so loud m… »
Vizio reveals how it secretly tracks what you're watching in IPO plan - Fortune
Vizio reveals how it secretly tracks what you're watching in Its S-1 filing. »
35 Bill Cosby Accusers Tell Their Stories -- The Cut
35 women tell of being assaulted by Bill Cosby--and the culture that wouldn't listen. @NYMag http… »
5% of the world lives in the blue highlighted area. Another 5% lives in the red zone. http://t.co… »
A response to Naomi Wolf | language: a feminist guide
New on Language: a feminist guide: my response to Naomi Wolf on young women's speech. »
It's the 30th anniversary of my first movie, Pee-wee's Big Adventure!! - My Log
It's the 30th anniversary of my 1st film, Pee-wee's Big Adventure! #PeeweesBigAdventure http://… »
Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post | TechCrunch
Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post »
Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post | TechCrunch
“If you don’t understand how technology works … then don’t write about it. … just accept that you don’t know. http://t.… »
Diversity: The Elusive HOW — Medium
“Diversity: The Elusive HOW” by @ninavizz »
Trump talk dominates the Sunday shows, providing an opening for low-polling rivals - The Washington Post
7 GOP candidates were on Sunday shows today. 4 were asked directly about Donald Trump 2 were not 1 was Donald Trump http:… »
I’m not letting my son see ‘Pixels.’ Here’s why. - The Washington Post
Check out @kpagekirby's piece on the harmful sexist "humour" of Adam Sandler’s Pixels. »
Salesforce Makes Strides Toward Gender Equality in Silicon Valley - The New York Times
Salesforce Makes Strides Toward Gender Equality in Silicon Valley »
In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me. - The Washington Post
This piece in WaPo by an Iraq war veteran on the misuse of military tactics by local police forces is worth a read: https:… »
What My Landlord Learned About Me From Twitter - The New York Times
What my landlord learned about me from Twitter via @NYTmag »
Naomi Wolf wants young women to stop speaking with "vocal fry" - Boing Boing
Naomi Wolf wants young women to stop speaking with "vocal fry" »
Using Algorithms to Determine Character - NYTimes.com
"Algorithms" is never the word you want, please just stop using it. Here is an article about heuristics »
Is This a Selfie? - The New York Times
1. The Times misuses "selfie" 2. I demand a correction 3. Instead, it lets me define selfie myself »
Aging Infrastructure Plagues Nation’s Busiest Rail Corridor - The New York Times
This doesn't start to get fixed unless we embrace trains with 1/10 of the fervor with which we embrace Uber »
School for Poetic Computation — Code Poetry Students | Blog | School for Poetic Computation
Filled w admiration for the new @sfpc Code Poetry students, & thrilled for my incoming grad student @katierosepipkin »
The Sunday Times' absurd DMCA takedown notice is part of a larger problem | The Verge
my follow-up article, How Andy Greenberg is Like This Dancing Baby »
Library of Babel
Someone has fully implemented Borges' Library of Babel on the internet, and it's so beautiful it's making my cry. https://t… »
#SGDQ2015 HYPE! Tune in NOW for a full week of speedrunning madness, for a great cause »
We are live! Tune in for Andrew, Matt, & eventually special guest @Jer_LRR playing some Destiny! »
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system
With all the ♇ talk, I’ve been pondering how to visualize the vastness of space. Stumbled on by @misterjworth. »