How I Gave Up Alternating Current | Mostly Harmless
I was certain this was satire until I saw it was written by the creator of Soylent. »
You May Have Seen My Face on BART — The Coffeelicious — Medium
I have never really used Twitter before, but I suppose I should post this here too :P »
Theft, Lies, and Facebook Video — Medium
I'm a little angry with Facebook: Please check for mistakes! »
hey everyone, i spent a couple months earlier this year making an alternate-world Facebook. it's live »
Designing for Performance by Lara Callender Hogan
I'm thrilled to announce that Designing for Performance is now available for free online »
today's morning chuckle goes to @AdrianChen »
Women take a place at the pinball table - Offworld
Today on @offworld Laura takes us inside a women's pinball league. Amazing story! »
Watch Netflix at the same time as someone else - Tech Insider
this plug-in allows you to sync up your Netflix with someone else’s h/t @lindseyweber http://t.c… »
Y'all #BlackStockImages is LIVE! Check it out »
Darren Wilson Is Racist, As It Turns Out
Darren Wilson Is Racist, As It Turns Out »
apple-watch-hero.jpg • Droplr
I’ve had an Apple Watch for 3 months. Here are my thoughts so far. »
The League's Montauk party - Business Insider
A democratic meritocracy of like-minded users »
A 3D Printed Chess Set That's Also a Micro Planter »
The Kingdom of Loathing
August's Item-of-the-Month is here! Come dance with us at the fabulous That 70s Volcano! »
Foo Camp by zlite - 3D model - Sketchfab
3d model of @oreillymedia campus and #FooCamp via @3DRobotics drone and @sketchfab Thanks @chr1sa! »
Purify for iOS: [Refined] Sneak-Peek - YouTube
My relationship with ad blockers is obviously a bit conflicted. But it's easy to see how nice it could be on mobile »
Hooters, Little Big Burger, it’s all the same thing now (sorta). »
An Open Letter to My White Friends - Life as I Know It
Dear White friends, everyone will need to retake the entrance exam »
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
What! An open access journal for sociology simulations? This is an @Explorables GOLD MINE »
Sell Tickets, Create Events & Discover Experiences - Universe
So, just so you know, mails people who run Eventbrite events and tries to make them switch services. Scummy. »
Should we stop developing the web for a year? Is it getting too complicated? I don't think so htt… »
wish these worked like the video on the site (gifs on actual cards) »
bird and moon
New comic about bees. Thanks @bug_gwen for some bug tips! »
Flash is Dead!! - YouTube
"Hypertext Markup Lotion" »
Cockney Speak MLE David Beckham Innit - YouTube
Multi-cultural London English »
How Oregon is taking a leading role in the national tech scene. (Hint: it involves @skipnewberry) »
Silicon Valley Wants To Sell You Co-Living Like It Sold You Co-Working - BuzzFeed News
Great @nitashatiku unpacking of "co-living" spaces, but I'm 99% sure the lead art is a $$$ Connecticut Ave. condo »
The Declining Marginal Value of Crazy
"Trump has flooded the market with a new, purer brand of Crazy that has left other candidates scrambling" @joshtpm »
The other reasons F.A.T. Lab died. · GitHub
R.I.P. @fffffat. Immensely proud to have been a part of this collective. Goodbye letters: & »
Privacy Lab Tickets, San Francisco | Eventbrite
In the bay area? Interested in online privacy? Come join us at Thoughtworks on August 27th for Privacy Lab! »
Silicon Valley Wants To Sell You Co-Living Like It Sold You Co-Working - BuzzFeed News
I have been so excited to publish this @nitashatiku story on co-living. You’re going to love it. »
Review: Three Months of Apple Watch — 512 Pixels
I’ve had an Apple Watch for 3 months. Here are my thoughts so far. »
A giant inflatable Minion flew loose and caused traffic havoc in Santry
A giant inflatable Minion flew loose and caused traffic havoc in Santry this afternoon: http://t.… »
How I Gave Up Alternating Current | Mostly Harmless
The creator of soylent has seen fit to please the gods of Ha with this further blog post (thanks @waxpancake!) »
Internet Law Is a Garbage Fire, Let's Watch It Burn Together | Motherboard
Color me V STOKED to have @sarahjeong join MB as a contributing editor: The perfect voice for very u… »
And we're live! Meet @broadly, the site you thought would already exist by now »
Bizarre moment BBC reporter taps imaginary iPad in his hand - YouTube
BBC reporter signs off news bulletin by swiping on an imaginary iPad. »
Keep watching. This will blow your mind »
It took 2 years of training for Robbie Maddison to pull off this dirt bike stunt on the iconic waves of Tahiti. »
Horse Skull Soundsystem
Archeologists think horse skulls may have been used as primitive amplifiers. Which is the most metal thing ever. http://… »
Mike Bracken – Leaving government
By me, on my blog: Am off. My last challenge will be to set up digital centre of Govt for next Parlia… »
Provincial student loans now replaced with grants in N.L. - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
Student loans have officially been abolished in Newfoundland & Labrador. #cfsfcee #cdnpse »
find my long-form goofing on this dude »
The Web We Have to Save — Matter — Medium
“The Web We Have to Save” by @h0d3r »
Eat More Comics! The Best of The Nib by Matt Bors — Kickstarter
We've got four originals from @gemmacorrell up for sale on the Kickstarter »
The Apogee MiC: Hands-On Review - YouTube
A quick hands-on video with @haddiebird on the Apogee MiC, an awesome, portable USB mic. »
David Cameron will publish the financial details and viewing habits of all UK porn-watchers - Boing Boing
David Cameron will publish the financial details and viewing habits of all UK porn-watchers »
Wellesley in Tech/Art: Edlyn Yuen ‘09 (@edlynyuen)... | Wellesley Underground
Wellesley in Tech/Art: Edlyn Yuen ‘09 (@edlynyuen) at - WU: Thanks for taking the time to... ht… »
Daily Dose from Joey X
On this day, August 3rd, in 1979: Talking Heads and Sire Records released “Fear of Music” »
Internet Law Is a Garbage Fire, Let's Watch It Burn Together | Motherboard
Internet law is a garbage fire, let's watch it burn together. Also, WELCOME @sarahjeong! http://t.c… »
"Join us. We can do this. It’s time for America, and the world, to #ActOnClimate change." —@POTUS #CleanPowerPlan http://t.… »
Lion-killing dentist vs. Donald Trump's sons: spot the difference - Boing Boing
Lion-killing dentist vs. Donald Trump's sons: spot the difference »
DeepBeat: What Happens When a Robot Writes Rhymes for Rappers? :: How We Get To Next
We asked a robot to write rhymes for real-world rappers. The results aren't bad! »
Drake Performed In Front Of A Whataburger Tweet At OVO Fest | The FADER
Drake performed in front of a @Whataburger tweet at OVO Fest »
Where to return your ballot, a list of ballot drop boxes and vans - King County Elections
If you don’t have postage stamps, or never learned to use the mail, you can still drop your ballots these places! »
67 donors and gusher of cash change 2016 race - Kenneth P. Vogel and Tarini Parti and Theodoric Meyer - POLITICO
"The 67 biggest donors [to super PACs]...donated 3 times as much as the 508,000 smallest donors combined" »
Windows 10 defaults to keylogging, harvesting browser history, purchases, and covert listening »
Hong Kong protesters take to the street in bras: "breasts aren't weapons" - Boing Boing
Hong Kong protesters take to the street in bras: "breasts aren't weapons" »
5 bizarre board games you should try playing just once - Boing Boing
5 bizarre board games you should try playing (but maybe just once) »
The Problem We All Live With | This American Life
This week’s @ThisAmerLife episode has me thinking a lot about my own schooling. »
Best podcast episode ever - Mystery Show Case #3: Belt Buckle - Boing Boing
This is correct, episode 3 of @MysteryShow is the best single episode of a podcast ever. »
NSA conducted commercial espionage against Japanese government and businesses - Boing Boing
NSA conducted commercial espionage against Japanese government and businesses #tpp »
R.I.P. @fffffat. Immensely proud to have been a part of this collective. Goodbye letters: & »
Apartment Hunting & Commuting Survey
Do you have opinions about apt hunting & commuting? Take my survey & help me research my @Hackbright final project! »
Episcopal Priest on road trip with interracial family shares harrowing story of police harassment
Episcopal Priest w/ interracial family pulled over by police, put in police car. Asked if he had cocaine, etc.… »
Proof-of-concept firmware worm targets Apple computers - Boing Boing
Proof-of-concept firmware worm targets Apple computers »
UK ECHELON journalist: "Snowden proved spies need accountability" - Boing Boing
UK ECHELON journalist: "Snowden proved spies need accountability" »
Set background svg color in CSS
Ooh, great resource! Sass functions to convert normal SVG code into cross-browser data URIs: Thank… »
You're Worrying About the Wrong Bees | WIRED
This @bug_gwen article clears up a lot of bee misconceptions I didn’t even realize I had. (via @beatricebiology) »
Virtual Reality is not Filmmaking, incisive look on how mediums find their vernacular by @justincone »
The Teen Who Exposed a Professor’s Myth - The Daily Beast
Crazy: A 14-year-old girl unraveled a professor's widely believed hoax that said Irish Americans weren't persecuted. … »
Daring Fireball: Tony Fadell on Apple Watch
[Interesting update to this post from a few weeks ago on Tony Fadell’s thoughts about Apple Watch »
Senate Vote Fails to Defund Planned Parenthood - NBC News
BREAKING: Senate Republicans fail to pass procedural vote to defund Planned Parenthood »
panda eating popcorn
This day will be a good day. Because it's @map day. »
OMG! First Use of Abbreviation Found in a 1917 Letter to Winston Churchill |
This is the first recorded use of "OMG": a 1917 letter from John Fisher to Winston Churchill http://… »
Status Board on the App Store on iTunes
Yes. Status Board 2. New UI. New panels. Multiple boards. And… FREE?! Yes, 6 panels free! ($9.99 for six more.) Go!! https://t.c… »
Humanity Still Producing New Art As Though Megadeth’s ‘Rust In Peace’ Doesn’t Already Exist - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Humanity Still Producing New Art As Though Megadeth’s ‘Rust In Peace’ Doesn’t Already Exist http://t.c… »
Just because you don't know what changes protests have produced doesn't mean changes aren't real
For anyone who doubts what I said in my last video, that our work can move the mountain: (via @shaunking) »
Inside the sad, expensive failure of Google+
The biggest lie we tell ourselves when we've failed to make something people want. »
Why women start small businesses on Etsy - Fortune
Women are opening Etsy shops at a much higher rate than they are starting other types of small businesses > »
Inside the sad, expensive failure of Google+
Welp, it's that time of year where we remember Google Reader and its killer »
Thank you, Mike Bracken –
"@MTBracken's work and the work of the amazing @gdsteam cannot be undone" - @pahlkadot »
Thank you, Mike Bracken –
Thank you, Mike Bracken. »
239 Years Ago, Adam Smith Predicted Fury of Seattle Business at CEO Who Pays Workers Well
Adam Smith predicted in 1776 that Seattle CEOs would get *very angry* about well-paid workers: h… »
Intelligence is Never ‘Artificial’ - Cyborgology
"Machine intelligence is not more or less artificial, but more or less autonomous" »
Chilly at Work? A Decades-Old Formula May Be to Blame -
"The study concludes that buildings should “reduce gender-discriminating bias in thermal comfort”" »
True Detective Season 2: A guide to the plot of this confusing season.
Confused about True Detective Season 2's twisting, turning plot? Here's a very impressive comprehensive guide: http:/… »
Ms. Lauryn Hill: Feeling Good - The Tonight Show
Lauryn Hill singing Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” is transcendent. »
Chinese Textile Mills Are Now Hiring in Places Where Cotton Was King - The New York Times
Rising wages in China and depress manufacturing earnings in US have made it cheaper for some industries »
In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me. - The Washington Post
Cops spend 60 hrs learning w/ guns. They spend 8 to de-escalate situations. Why @fairfaxpolice raided me by mistake http:… »
25 Years of Tomorrow by Tom Tomorrow — Kickstarter
Next 32 hours are culmination of 25 years of work--I will be immensely grateful for all RTs and other signal boost. https:… »
High Frequency Dating | Mostly Harmless
@waxpancake I thought his High Frequency Dating post was pretty funny »
Support Arielle Grimes creating Alternative Games
I’m writing a really cool interactive visual story w gorgeous visuals & cosmic wonders! Prototypes »
Wellesley in Tech/Art: Edlyn Yuen ‘09 (@edlynyuen) at - WU: Thanks for taking the time to... ht… »
Responsive Field Day
Our first topic announcement: …drumroll… @jensimmons will be presenting, “Modern Layouts: Getting Out of Our Ruts” https://t.… »
Writing job ads? »