Homme de Plume: What I Learned Sending My Novel Out Under a Male Name
Female author, getting no responses on her queries, sends manuscript to agents under male name. Guess what happens: http://… »
OMG! @snipeyhead created | Thank you for doing this. This is absolutely wonderful. »
Netflix US & Canada Blog: Starting Now at Netflix: Unlimited Maternity and Paternity Leave
Employees now get unlimited maternity/paternity leave at Netflix »
Announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative | Ada Initiative
Announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative Thank you for all your support! »
Monograph | About
Introducing Monograph, a documentation project from @pinwheel & I: Read a little more »
No Flex Zone: Empathy Driven Development — Medium
dollfaces and honeys: I spruced up the speaker notes for my @forwardjs talk ahead of the video release »
How I Gave Up Alternating Current | Mostly Harmless
I'm pretty sure this guy is ill, or is gonna be ill. »
Matt is excited to announce EL VY, a collaboration with Brent Knopf (Ramona Falls / Menomena). htt… »
#ILookLikeAnEngineer Twitter Photo Generator
Hello, engineers! I made a Twitter photo generator to share your #ILookLikeAnEngineer pride: http:/… »
Joining Orbital
If you or someone you love is interested in joining a community of creators, check out @orbitalnyc »
Introducing Monograph — Medium
Introducing Monograph, a documentation project from @pinwheel & I: Read a little more »
I did an interview with @designerfund about side projects, giving back, and working with and for a community. ✌ »
Why CG Sucks (Except It Doesn't) - YouTube
We did a visual essay on why CG sucks (spoiler: It doesn't. You just think it does) »
Don't forget to eat your DESCRAMBLED EGGS today »
Here’s a PDF of the cover and a few pages of the 1922 Everyday Song Book w/Happy Birthday in it. »
Hey everyone, I made it so original-flavor web QWOP no longer requires Flash! Works ok on mobile devices too. »
The First-Ever White House Demo Day | The White House
RT if you agree: Every American should be able to pursue their bold ideas → #WHDemoDay »
What happened when the FBI subpoenaed Boing Boing over our Tor exit node - Boing Boing
What happened when the FBI subpoenaed Boing Boing over our Tor exit node »
America's Best New Restaurants 2015 - Bon Appétit
SF represents, @lazybearsf nominated @bonappetit forHot 10, Chef's vision, Team execution. »
Viral Dusty Dead Identity Quiz by Silverstring Media
good morning #altgames. did u know that the new @silverstring game is out today! Dusty Dead Dusty Dead Dusty Dead! http://t… »
Comic: Hey Now, You're a One-Star | iMore
“No, seriously, file bug reports.” — @rstevens »
The Typekit Blog | New embed code for asynchronous font loading
Typekit now loads fonts asynchronously by default. No more render blocking! »
a site that aggregates #ILookLikeAnEngineer on Twitter, Instagram, and Vine by @snipeyhead »
You May Have Seen My Face on BART — The Coffeelicious — Medium
Understanding where the #ILookLikeAnEngineer meme comes from. & a photo of @gaba programming »
The Lexus Hoverboard: It's here - YouTube
I don't even care if this is real - the Lexus Hoverboard full reveal »
5 animation desks to give away
Emily Carr is giving away some animation desks #animation »
"The FBI alleged in discovery that @mayoredlee took substantial bribes in exchange for favors,” notes the filing. http://… »
Feminist Frequency GIF
That feeling when... »
I love everything about this. /via @lazerwalker »
pupa status
happy to share something i've been working on at @specularstudio #pupastatus »
Santa Ana police officers sue to quash video of pot shop raid - The Orange County Register
Suspended cops say video of them eating marijuana during a raid violated their privacy | http://t… »
The Cupcake Girls Radio Room Fundraiser | Facebook
Here's a way you can support @cupcakegirlsorg in PDX next week by eating and drinking (I know you're good at that) »
One Tweet Shows What Silicon Valley Really Thinks of the People It's Crushing - Mic
One Tweet Shows What Silicon Valley Really Thinks of the People It's Crushing by @jacksmithiv via @… »
The Near Future of Consumer VR — Medium
2015-2016 is SUPER exciting for VR. Here's a hardware rundown of the three biggest new headsets »
Why I Joined Din — Medium
“Why I Joined Din” »
Homebrew users, installing scmpuff* to make git cli awesome is now as simple as: `brew install scmpuff`. *scmpuff »
Joining Orbital
Do you need a community of awesome people to work around and share with in NYC? @orbitalnyc is probably the awesomest »
Megan Prelinger's Inside the Machine RELEASED!
Megan Prelinger's Inside the Machine RELEASED! »
I am officially looking for a “real job;” ideally in a co-learning environment that rejects meritocracy »
Makeshift Brooklyn Will Close in Late October 2015 - Makeshift Society News
.@MakeshiftSocBK is closing...unless you can help/have an idea/want to lease a rad space »
Facebook Has A Zany, Nihilist Doppelgänger That's Made Entirely On Paper | Co.Design | business + design
Visit Facbeook's zany, nihilist doppelgänger that's cut and glued on paper by @ctrlzee via @FastCoDesign »
Theft, Lies, and Facebook Video — Medium
Facebook has a huge image problem with video creators. Thus far I haven't seen much work to fix this. »
Pie chart: Why are we so eager to defund Planned Parenthood? »
"What is out there beyond the kinds of language that we know?" @aparrish on exploring semantic space »
Panic in the streets here! AT&T outage shuts down phones, internet in #Nashville area #ATTocalypse »
Hank Green and Facebook spar over video views
Is Facebook building it's video dominance on lies and half-truths? [Answer: Pretty much yes.] »
Mental note: don't get so lost in weeding that you accidentally snip your own earbuds. #fuck »
Groundbreaking nonprofit for women in tech, the Ada Initiative, to shut down
Founders of the @adainitiative on challenges of running a diversity nonprofit & what's next after shutting down: ht... »
Andy Baio on Makerbase
Congrats to @ginatrapani and @anildash on the @Makerbase launch! Go add yourself: Here's me »
San Francisco schools open in a month but first, they need 51 teachers. High housing costs have driven them away http://t… »
GravityLight is an electric light that draws its power from gravity for use in places w/o electricity »
The problem with vintage magic posters - Boing Boing
The problem with vintage magic posters? You'll always want more. »
Should Prison Sentences Be Based On Crimes That Haven’t Been Committed Yet? | FiveThirtyEight
powerful reporting and stunning data viz on parole assessment from @mathisonian and co »
Hackers Can Seize Control of Electric Skateboards and Toss Riders | WIRED
shocker, electric skateboards can be hacked while you're riding. »
Stripe - Engineering for high growth
SF people: come to an "Engineering for high growth" panel at @stripe with @pmorelli, @emdashry and others. »
A 17th-Century painting reveals the rapid change in watermelons through selective breeding: http://t.co… »
Star Trek Economics: Life After the Dismal Science - Bloomberg View
"Star Trek Economics: Life After the Dismal Science" »
Walker, Clinton lead in Minnesota- General Looks Like 2004 - Public Policy Polling
I'm having such a hard time coping with the fact this is in a release by an actual pollster »
Soylent's new liquid form is kind of spermy, and the guy behind it is sort of creepy - Boing Boing
Soylent's new liquid form is kind of spermy, and the guy behind it is sort of creepy »
Hackers Can Seize Control of Electric Skateboards and Toss Riders | WIRED
Forget hacking cars, hackers can take over electric skateboards and toss riders - »
3D maps of London Underground stations - Boing Boing
These diagrams of London Underground are sweet—very “ant colony castings meets Paolo Soleri insane arcology furutism” »
How to Spend Time Alone in New York City -- New York Magazine
The @NYMag guide to spending time alone in NYC »
Makerbase offers immediate connections, and possible long-term change.
At long last, there's an IMDB for web projects. Web obsessives, meet Makerbase »
A Personal Take on Go Set a Watchman | Book View Cafe Blog
Yet another reason to love Ursula K. LeGuin. »
Movie Studios Seek SOPA Power Through Broad Site-Blocking Order | Electronic Frontier Foundation
MPAA wants to make websites invisible with one court order to bind them all. #SOPApower »
EFF and coalition announce new Do Not Track standard for the Web - Boing Boing
EFF and coalition announce new Do Not Track standard for the Web »
Proposed update for Mac OS beach ball of death - Boing Boing
Proposed update for Mac OS beach ball of death »
WATCH: turn smartphones into 3D hologram projectors - Boing Boing
Your smartphone is secretly a 3D hologram projector that can produce this kind of crazy magic. »
Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all - Boing Boing
Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all #5yrsago »
Steam Greenlight :: BADBLOOD
with a video like that, BADBLOOD by @songfeuds is probably going to set a Steam Greenlight speed record »
Color Genomics
Color is excited to be part of the #WHDemoDay Diversity Pledge alongside some of the largest technology companies. https… »
Open "Chromecast killer" committed suicide-by-DRM - Boing Boing
Open "Chromecast killer" committed suicide-by-DRM »
Privatized, for-profit immigration detention centers force detainees to work for $1-3/day - Boing Boing
Privatized, for-profit immigration detention centers force detainees to work for $1-3/day »
Emotional labor, the Kardashian way - Offworld
Emotional labor and Kim Kardashian: Hollwood »
Creepy 1960s board game for girls included shame tokens - Offworld
Creepy old board games for girls primed you for shame and consumerism »
You May Have Seen My Face on BART — The Coffeelicious — Medium
Today's awesome is by #ILookLikeAnEngineer and it's filled with amazing people. Go read @isisanchalee's blog post https://… »
The Fight for Free Speech - The New Yorker
Ppl who say “but I will defend to the death your right to say it” rarely feel threatened by speech they say they hate »
Netflix to offer “unlimited” maternity AND paternity leave to employees – Women in the World in Association with The New York Times – WITW
.@netflix will give full year of maternity & paternity leave to new moms & dads at full salary »
Facebook patents technology to help lenders discriminate against borrowers based on social connections | VentureBeat | Social | by Mark S...
Facebook patents technology to help lenders discriminate against borrowers based on social connections »
Single Event | Made in NY Media Center By IFP
this thursday is the opening of '(un)familiar interactions' at @NYMediaCenter. see some interactive web-based art! https:… »
3D printed interventions on Stone Age tools, by Dov Ganchrow and Ami Drach »
A chat with Black Hat's unconventional keynote speaker
New, by me: A chat with Black Hat’s unconventional keynote speaker »
What Does an Engineer Look Like? | Vox Product Blog
I wrote a post on the @voxproduct blog about @alishalisha's awesome #ILookLikeAnEngineer image generator! »
Homme de Plume: What I Learned Sending My Novel Out Under a Male Name
A female novelist receives 8.5x more manuscript requests when sending her query w/male name: | @cl… »
"Realizing that you lost can be a powerful thing both depressing and liberating." »
Shooting Down Drones - Schneier on Security
“How hard may you shove if the office robot rolls over your foot?” /via @daviddarts »
Free cross-platform UI kit for Photoshop and Sketch | InVision
Download NOW UI Kit — a beautiful new kit for @Photoshop and @sketchapp — free from @InVisionApp! »
The Misadventures of Issa Rae - The New York Times
I flew to LA to find out what’s up with Issa Rae and her new HBO show. The answer might surprise you! My latest >> »
Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Enters Marathon Valley, Begins Walkabout | The Planetary Society
The @MarsOpportunity Rover enters Marathon Valley and the view is breathtaking »
The Copyright Office and the Orphan Works Report: Top Three Problems | Kyle K. Courtney
You can't talk about angry librarians and the Copyright Office on orphan works without linking @KyleKCourtney's rant »
Sorry Soylent dudes: The clueless tech elite is doomed
I have seen the future and it's a techbro mainlining Soylent 2.0 in a robot car circling Silicon Valley forever. http:/… »
Alabama officer kept job after proposal to murder black man and hide evidence | US news | The Guardian
Alabama cop was recorded proposing to murder a black resident. City paid $35,000 to cover it up and he kept his job http://t… »
Chilly at Work? Office Formula Was Devised for Men - The New York Times
I had a space heater under my desk at one internship: (until they decided it was a fire risk). »
Meet the 17-year-old who breaks cybersecurity news | Poynter.
Good advice from a 17-year-old: “Just write and read. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do journalism.” »
Bodegas Declining in Manhattan as Rents Rise and Chains Grow - The New York Times
Please don't let NYC lose its bodegas, they are one of the best things about this city. »
Blame Society, Not the Screen Time - NYTimes.com
On @RoomforDebate: Teens hooked on Screens > Blame Society, Not the Screen Time by @zephoria - »
The Stranger Election Control Board Cheat Sheet - News - The Stranger
SEATTLE: I always vote the way the SECB tells me to—but this year I made one exception. Vote! ht… »
Beyoncé - Timeline Photos | Facebook
just a friend writing on your wall on your bd »
After 27 Years, Reporter Who Exposed ECHELON Finds Vindication in Snowden Archive
Duncan Campbell, who blew the lid on ECHELON in 1988, finds vindication in Snowden archives: http://t.… »
BREAKING: Pres @BarackObama betrays previous commitment to privacy, endorses #CISA. Take action now: by @IDLtweets »
A poem about Donald Trump, composed entirely of mean tweets about Donald Trump | Fusion
A poem about Donald Trump, composed entirely of mean tweets about Donald Trump: cc @nickmartin »
Makerbase wants to connect you to the creators of the internet stuff you love | The Verge
Makerbase wants to connect you to the creators of the internet stuff you love »
An Old Songbook Could Put ‘Happy Birthday’ in the Public Domain - The New York Times
An Old Songbook Could Put ‘Happy Birthday’ in the Public Domain, via @nytimes »
The time for a Guaranteed Annual Income might finally have come - The Globe and Mail
The time for a Guaranteed Annual Income might finally have come /via @globeandmail »
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Bay Area to Standard American English Translator.
“I’ve identified your value relative to me and wish to start the process of exploiting your talents.” (via @bbaxley) »
Never Read The Comments — Medium
Great response to an all too common negative response to women in tech. Incredibly proud to work with @saraheadler http:/… »
Send Idle Words to Antarctica by Maciej Ceglowski — Kickstarter
With 36 minutes to go, it’s last call for Antarctica. No donation too small-it’s all about the backer numbers now! »
muan/mojibar · GitHub
Mojibar, fucking brilliant. »
"But you don't look like..." | Ellen's Blog
I have a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from @olincollege. #ILookLikeAnEngineer »
BLINKY.SHOES by Ultimate Celebration — Kickstarter
w only 2 days left in KS, we're <$1500 away from reaching our next stretch goal! help push us over the edge! https... »
25 Years of Tomorrow by Tom Tomorrow — Kickstarter
I just backed 25 Years of Tomorrow on @Kickstarter »
Send Idle Words to Antarctica by Maciej Ceglowski — Kickstarter
16 hours left to back @baconmeteor’s voyage to Antartica. Do it! »
Send Idle Words to Antarctica by Maciej Ceglowski — Kickstarter
9 hours left to get that Idle Words commuter omnibus, burrito tunnel poster, painting(!) or handsome decorative grin »
Stoked to see @anildash & @ginatrapani's @makerbase go live! Doesn't hurt that I'm listed under featured. T... »
Makerbase is live! (nice work @ginatrapani @anildash and crew). Here's my career in projects »
Makerbase is live! (nice work @ginatrapani @anildash and crew). Here's my career in projects »
Status Board
Reminder: yesterday saw the launch of Status Board 2! New UI, new panels, and FREE with 6 panel types. Try it out! »
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
On @RoomforDebate: Teens hooked on Screens > Blame Society, Not the Screen Time by @zephoria - »