The New Devil’s Dictionary
This is so delightful I passed out »
Build A 300-Mile Wall Around SF During Burning Man
Apologies to for the local interest tweet, but »
Build A 300-Mile Wall Around SF During Burning Man
Funding I can get behind: Build a 300-Mile Wall Around SF During Burning Man - »
Here Are the Internal Documents that Prove Uber Is a Money Loser
Uber $$$, or How To Destroy An Industry And VC Money At The Same Time (GOOD ASS KINJA) »
Homme de Plume: What I Learned Sending My Novel Out Under a Male Name
A woman sent out her novel under her name, and under a man's. »
The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here - Rolling Stone
"The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here" »
Undercurrent – A 21st Century Business & Strategy Consulting Firm
A sincere 'Thank you, and Goodbye' from your friends at @undercurrent. »
Ask Me About My Trex | Trex flip t shirt
Wore my "Ask me about my T-Rex" shirt to chemo today. 60ish-year-old lady in waiting room ASKED M… »
Netflix’s New Parental Leave Policy Could Make Things Worse for Women
These have got to be the dumbest arguments against Netflix's new policy. Not fair to babies?!? http://t.c… »
The Making of Overland — Medium
spent a couple days on a massive #Overland pre-mortem, accidentally got the best-worst URL http://t… »
A Campaign to Build a 300-Mile Wall Around San Francisco During Burning Man To Keep Attendees From Returning
Campaign to build 300 mile wall around SF during @BurningMan to keep attendees from returning. »
Luigi has a lot of stuff on his mind. » \\ creative code sketches
Some crazy beautiful code art from @codedoodl_es »
Demographic of One: An Open Letter to Lena Dunham’s Lenny Newsletter,...
Open Letter to Lena Dunham's people on why I can't work with her while she opposes the decriminalization of sex work »
The Meme-ification of Misandry — Matter — Medium
Me on what misandry as a meme does well, and what it doesn't do at all »
Strangers Trailer on Vimeo
Late Night Work Club is proud to announce STRANGERS, a new original animation anthology coming this winter. https://t.… »
How popular is in Turkey? - Album on Imgur
The web game is so popular in Turkey, two political parties used it in campaign ads. »
BOS000005's post on Vine
Richie Shaffer silent treatment on first big league HR, handles it PERFECTLY »
Lamp post destroyed by urine falls in street, just misses driver - SFGate
The Chronicle's @lizziejohnsonnn continues to dominate the urine beat in San Francisco. »
Tufte CSS
Tufte CSS »
The Great Pacific Northwest Python Migration
Check out this article about the Great Pacific Northwest Python Migration! »
Love Doesn't Have Restrictions - Ember Nickel (primeideal) - Twitter - Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
Another @stupidcounter/@pentametron collision! (via @AsherVo) There's a love story about this »
facebookexperimental/spacetime · GitHub
Introducing spacetime: live transforms for parts of layers. Cylindrical web view demo »
Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor / Dracula Themed - YouTube
One time, @fox told us: Update: "This should play in the background when you do," she says »
Watch Isiah Whitlock Jr's Vine "Here at #Kickstarter offices to celebrate the launch of my new bobblehead. #Sheeeeeeeeeit! Ships next week"
Here at #Kickstarter offices to celebrate the launch of my new bobblehead. #Sheeeeeeeeeit! Ships next week https://t.c… »
A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing
No one should be killed over a non-violent drug crime, even if fleeing. Especially not marijuana. #ZacharyHammond »
100 TV Theme Songs on Guitar | Reverb
100 theme songs on guitar. »
Raising $75 million to fund global expansion | Fastly
Today’s a big day for Fastly. We’ve raised $75 million in Series D funding led by Iconiq Capital. More details here: http://t.c… »
There is no such thing as "the gig economy." My latest at @PacificStand. »
How is Makerbase different from…? — Making Makerbase — Medium
One frequent question about @makerbase is how we're different from other sites. Well, we are A Place For Friends. https://t.… »
Cornell University - World’s largest natural sound archive now fully...
'World's largest natural sound archive' now fully online: via @cornell »
Half Marathon on Sealand
ilu @SealandGov »
Living In The Disneyland Version Of Startup Life - BuzzFeed News
Faux outrage is kinda crushing. Apparently live-work spaces are evil now, too. »
Lamp post destroyed by urine falls in street, just misses driver - SFGate
Epic lede. Only way this story could be more San Francisco would have been for it to fall on a Google bus »
Richie Shaffer silent treatment on first big league HR, handles it PERFECTLY »
The Republican Forum: They Run A TIGHT SHIP! from Andy Bush
We made a supercut of all the factual statements at the Republican Forum »
Stunning Illustrations for a Deluxe "Dune" 50th Anniversary Edition - Heavy Metal
Check out the art on the 50th anniversary edition of Dune: I want the Guild Ships one for my wall. »
Netflix: New Parents Get 'Unlimited' Paid Leave for a Year - NBC News
@Kickstarter was featured on @NBCNightlyNews about our benefits policy: PS: we're hiring! »
Twitter Bot Love Song - YouTube
Here, @tinysubversions! I just made a song out of parts of that @stupidcounter/@pentametron love story »
From a Million Miles: The Moon Crossing the Face of Earth
“And everything under the sun is in tune…“ /via @vruba »
A year after Ferguson, whites are far more likely to admit racism is a problem - Chicago Tribune
A year after Ferguson, whites are far more likely to admit racism is a problem »
BART Riders Racially Profile via Smartphone App | East Bay Express
Surprise! BART's see-something-say-something snitch app is largely used to say something racist or anti-homeless »
The Benefits of Nothing — Older. Wiser? — Medium
From the vaults at @Medium: “The Benefits of Nothing” by me. »
British Library releases over a million public domain images - Boing Boing
British Library releases over a million public domain images »
Happy Birthday Auntie @xeni !!!! »
The Moon crossing the sunlit face of the Earth
Incredible animated GIF from a NASA satellite of the Moon crossing the face of the Earth »
Report: Police in Norway haven’t killed anyone in nearly 10 years »
Gen Con 2015 - World Championship Russian Roulette - YouTube
Here's a video about a board game I'm co-designing with @AlanGerding and @seanmccoy »
The schedule is now live!!!! »
This whole elections + capitalism thing just gets weirder and weirder »
How to Really Defend Planned Parenthood - The New York Times
Indeed, all of society benefits with motherhood is chosen, not a legally-compelled result of accidental pregnancy. http:… »
Just Admit It, Part Three — Absurdist — Medium
“Twitter is experimenting with a news tab. News orgs should experiment with one” — @davepell »
No Flex Zone: Empathy Driven Development — Medium
Empathy driven development... ALL TEH ZOMGYES!!!! by @duretti »
Saudi Arabia may go broke before the US oil industry buckles - Telegraph
A collapse that couldn’t happen to a nicer set of complete assholes. Bring it »
For CEOs, Correlation Between Pay and Stock Performance Is Pretty Random - Businessweek
@GlennF Here’s more evidence CEO pay has no correlation with company performance »
Major update to Kidpost—now send your first Kidpost with just a few clicks, without hashtags! http:… »
It’s Our Duty To Support The Troops And The Secon... | ClickHole
It’s Our Duty To Support The Troops And The Second Amendment In Case We Need To Kill Them All http://… »
Another day, another movie theater shooting in America: Nashville Edition. Open Thread. - Boing Boing
Another day, another movie theater shooting in America: #Nashville Edition. Open Thread. WTF. »
Germany's top prosecutor fired for bringing "treason" charge against Netzpolitik - Boing Boing
Germany's top prosecutor fired for bringing "treason" charge against Netzpolitik »
20-lb human battles 600-lb dog for possession of bed - Boing Boing
20-pound baby human battles 600-pound adult dog for possession of bed »
Rhizome | Announce: Executive Director, Rhizome
So @rhizome is looking for a new Executive Director and I'm helping them with the search. Know anyone? Get in touch! »
Mindy Kaling's Guide to Killer Confidence:
"Work hard, know your shit, show your shit, and then feel entitled." »
Add Reminder - fast and easy reminders on the App Store on iTunes
Hey I made a little app for very quickly adding a timed reminder when you can't use Siri. You might find it handy! »
India's porn ban collapses in less than 48 hours - Boing Boing
India's porn ban collapses in less than 48 hours »
Carry the frustration of injustice in this game about racist police violence - Offworld
I talked to to @akira_t about &maybetheywontkillyou, his live game about police violence & being black in America »
Actual questions from my Green Card questionnaire - Boing Boing
“Actual questions from my Green Card questionnaire,” swears @doctorow. »
Whole Foods withdraws $6 "Asparagus water" from sale - Boing Boing
Whole Foods withdraws $6 "Asparagus water" from sale. 16-oz bottles of water with 2 stalks of asparagus in 'em. »
About that "bottle of gin" in Sam Dubose's car: #BlackLivesMatter #Ask1000Questions »
Common mistakes well-meaning feminists make when trying to be supportive of trans women »
TOM THE DANCING BUG - Cecil the Lion Is Gone, Save Pumpkin the Rhino - Boing Boing
NEW COMIC on @BoingBoing- Cecil the Lion's Legacy: To Save Animals, We Must NAME Every Animal htt… »
The only furniture you need is a single smooth stone that reminds you of your mother - Boing Boing
The only furniture you need is a single smooth stone that reminds you of your mother »
Homeland Security worker's triple homicide was blue moon ritual killing, says Florida Sheriff - Boing Boing
Homeland Security worker's triple homicide was blue moon ritual killing, says Florida Sheriff »
Drinking Soylent With The Last Of The California War Boys | MORNING, COMPUTER
How posterity will remember our decade, by @warrenellis »
Parenting and the Internet: the smarter, missing third way - Boing Boing
Parenting and the net: the smarter, missing third way (my new @guardiantech column, pls RT!) »
Daring Fireball: 'Made Recruiting Here More Difficult'
‘Made Recruiting Here More Difficult’ »
New Report Uncovers Staggering Inequality for Anyone Not Young, White, Straight, and Male in Hollywood | Vanity Fair
Report reveals staggering inequality for anyone not white, young, straight & male in Hollywood »
Warren Buffett should buy Uber - Fortune
I think we could all benefit from a closer look at Uber's financials http:… »
What a book about British wizards taught me about American blackness | Polygon
Another incredible piece from @xoxogossipgita - What a book about British wizards taught me about American blackness: http://t… »
Sorry Soylent dudes: The clueless tech elite is doomed
"Soylent is mental illness as a service" »
Introducing Live for Facebook Mentions | Facebook Media
Expect to see Live Video on Facebook from @LesterHoltNBC soon, & keep an eye out for other journos too »
Dear Veronica: Your brain on code
#DearVeronica: Your brain on code, with special guest @acarboni! »
Tindie Becomes A Part Of The Hackaday Family | Hackaday
W00t! @tindie and @hackaday join forces! »
How baseball’s tech team built the future of television | The Verge
One of my favorites from this shoot didn’t run, this shot of MLBAM’s archive. 5+ petabytes.… »
Jealous of what? Solving polyamory’s jealousy problem -
Jealous of what? Solving polyamory’s jealousy problem - »
Hillary Clinton and the 'Makeup Tax' That Hurts All Women - The Atlantic
Here's how much makeup costs women in lost money and time each year »
Hackers Exploit 'Flash' Vulnerability in Yahoo Ads - The New York Times
Wait, what? The malware searched for out of date Flash? Didn’t the malware use Flash to install? »
New Effort to Rebut Torture Report Undermined as Former Official Admits the Obvious
The CIA’s former executive director makes a stunningly blunt admission »
bendc/animateplus · GitHub
Animate Plus 1.2 lets you stop the animations. That’s a nice to have. bendc/animateplus via @bdc »
Content Policy Update : announcements
redditors are really really bad at making a case for their involvement in decisions »
I am Nate Silver, editor-in-chief of ... Ask Me Anything! : dataisbeautiful
.@NateSilver538 on whether statistics has dramatically changed his opinion on anything. AMA: htt… »
YouTube is getting rid of its weird '301+' view count
YouTube is getting rid of its weird '301+' view count »
Facebook patents technology to help lenders discriminate against borrowers based on social connections | VentureBeat | Social | by Mark S...
FB patented a tech that could deny you a loan based on friends' credit (via @claudiakincaid) http… »
A16z Podcast: How Innovation Ecosystems Grow Around the Globe | Andreessen Horowitz
Why do so many-gvt led efforts to build next Silicon Valley in one geography or another fail? because its wrong goal »
Netflix Announces Its New ‘Unlimited’ Maternity And Paternity Leave Program | TechCrunch
Hey @drew maternity/paternity leave isn't a "perk," please correct your article to properly frame it as a "benefit." »
The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says - Forbes
@GlennF Also no evidence CEOs pay is positively correlated with company success. And some evidence of the opposite »
Tom Cotton: We can bomb Iran’s nuke program back to ‘day zero’ - The Washington Post
Religious and nationalistic extremists armed with nuclear weapons threatening war »
How to build creative confidence as a designer? Women leaders from @dropbox @IDEO - invites @ http… »
Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Enters Marathon Valley, Begins Walkabout | The Planetary Society
The @MarsOpportunity Rover enters Marathon Valley and the view is breathtaking »
Let’s Kill Til It’s Dead The Myth That Mom’s Salary Pays For Childcare - The Billfold
"If everyone benefits from childcare, everyone pays for childcare. Period." »
How Missing Jet’s Debris Could Have Floated to Réunion - The New York Times
New model shows how debris from MH370 could have floated to Reunion island. »
Long-exposure photography + violin = SO COOL (attn: @SunnieLarsen) »
500px | Toilets Around the World
New #500px Photo Quest! »
China is putting police officers in internet company offices | The Verge
China is putting police officers in internet company offices »
What Does an Engineer Look Like? | Vox Product Blog
What Does an Engineer Look Like? via @VoxProduct »
This article singlehandedly reignited my love of editorial design. Incredible piece on the power of design »
The New Full-Length Studio Album from Seth Boyer by Seth Boyer — Kickstarter
Hello: I backed @sethboyer’s new album on Kickstarter. I think you should do it, too. »
ROADKILL RIVALS: An Animal vs Vehicle Multiplayer Card Game by Pygmy Giraffe Games — Kickstarter
Oh man… sweet crossover art from @jolbyandfriends - check out @RoadkillRivals on kickstarter: http://t.c… »
Eat More Comics! The Best of The Nib by Matt Bors — Kickstarter
This kickstarter for rad comics from The Nib is getting close in both the good and the bad way. Go take a look! »
Jewelbots: Friendship Bracelets That Teach Girls To Code by Jewelbots — Kickstarter
.@jewelbots wanted $30k, raised over $150k @kickstarter Here's why @wired #… »
Superfit Hero - Size Inclusive High Performance Leggings by Micki Krimmel — Kickstarter
I just backed @Mickipedia's Superfit Hero @Kickstarter because fitness doesn't stop at size 12. »
Explainer Academy
The next big thing we're doing over @commoncraft is our Explainer Academy (@explaineracad). More »
Hi friends! @anildash & I launched @makerbase today. It's a directory of people who make things out of bits & by... »
How To Get Rid Of Clutter And Live Abundantly
"If you’ve ever used them to hold a smartphone in bed, consider getting rid of your hands. They clutter up the arms." »
Dashboards | Android Developers
Good news for owners of newer Android devices but »
Work at Kickstarter — Kickstarter
@Kickstarter was featured on @NBCNightlyNews about our benefits policy: PS: we're hiring! »
Someone is Coming to Eat You – Rands in Repose
The future is invented by the people who don’t give a shit about the past »