Obama Reckons With a Trump Presidency - The New Yorker
In just a few short sentences, Obama nails it... »
Associate Archivist/Records Center Coordinator [ARCH-02], ACLUF, Archives Department, NY | American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU is hiring an Archivist. - AND BOY THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO DO THAT »
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
We are deeply saddened to announce Sharon Jones passed away today. More details »
Free Fax • Free Internet Faxing
You can fax over the internet! There's a free option, just click the "Free Fax" button »
Trump is stocking his administration with white nationalists
Of five Trump staffing announcements so far, three were giveaways to white supremacists. »
“Read Real News / NextDraft” graphic tee by Dave Pell. | Cotton Bureau
The Post-Truth Era Ends Right Now. Stop Faking It and Stand Up For Reality. Read Real News! »
The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave
First photo of light behaving simultaneously as a wave and a particle — Photography of quan… »
Introducing the AWS Lambda Tiler – Hi.Stamen
"Introducing the AWS Lambda Tiler” by @chrislhenrick #gistribe @awscloud cc #nacis2016 fund… »
The Story Behind Jared Kushner’s Curious Acceptance into Harvard - ProPublica
“His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it.” How Jared Kushner got into Harvard »
Teaching good manners to soldiers in the 1940s – Waxy.org
Good advice from the U.S. Army circa 1949. »
How we structure our work and teams at Basecamp – Signal v. Noise
Jason outlines the way we work at Basecamp. Cycles, planning, reviews, and more »
We’re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump
Essential reading, from @sarahkendzior: "never lose sight of who you are and what you value" »
LDF on Nomination of Jeff Sessions: Unimaginable He Could Be Entrusted to Serve as Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Civil Rights Laws | ...
Read our statement on the nomination of Jeff Sessions for United States Attorney General https://t.c… »
Volunteer — Foster Campbell for the United States Senate
Volunteer: (out of state phone bankers welcome!) »
Ben Brown on bot tools - O'Reilly Media
Hey! I’m on the O’Reilly Bot Podcast today! Listen here: or find it in iTunes and subscribe to this great podcast. »
Cotton Bureau - Give Back Friday 2016
Cotton Bureau is matching ($3 + $3) donations on all tees purchased today for Give Back Friday. Help us help kids! »
Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General. | The Huffington Post
More on Jeff Beauregard Sessions (and yes I'm going to keep calling him that): @ryanjreilly »
Who Will Command The Robot Armies?
Crossing the streams! RT @Pinboard: text version of a talk I gave last week, “Who Will Command The Robot Armies?” »
Mark Zuckerburg – Dead At 32 – Denies Facebook Has Problem With Fake News – The Shovel
It's so sad Mark Zuckerberg died. Who's gonna fix the fake news problem now? »
Electoral College Was Created to Stop Demagogues Like Trump
Some uncommon good sense from the main stream media »
Facebook Assures Employees Its Internal Team Is Taking Fake News "Seriously" - BuzzFeed News
Facebook Assures Employees Its Internal Team Is Taking Fake News “Seriously” via @sheeraf @buzzfeednews »
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings "This Land Is Your Land" - YouTube
Damn it, RIP Sharon Jones. Her cover of "This Land is Your Land" gave me a lot of comfort this week. »
Elad Blog: Facebook Must Really Suck At Machine Learning
“Facebook Must Really Suck At Machine Learning” »
A Mysterious Giant Foam Blob Is Taking Over A City - BuzzFeed News
"Blake said the foam was 10 feet deep, and that he rode into a sign." »
VATSC60000 - VAT Supply and Consideration - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK
Interesting document from Jack Torrance at HMRC »
Illness as indicator | The Economist
Woah. Bravo @TheEconomist »
Expedition 50 Crew Launches to the International Space Station | NASA
Expedition 50 Crew Launches to the International Space Station via NASA »
Global weirding continues with massive Arctic warm-up
It is *alarmingly* warm in the Arctic right now; currently 36°F warmer there »
Adobe Just Debuted a ‘Photoshop’ for Audio and It’s Kind of Terrifying «TwistedSifter
Adobe demo of speech synthesis. AMAZING tech, and utterly fucking terrifying given the current political climate. »
What Science Is, and How and Why It Works
Actually, were I to meet President Trump I’d discuss with him what science is and how & why it works »
BubbleSort Zines 2.0: moar computer science zines! by sailorhg — Kickstarter
Sharpen your computer science skills with @sailorhg's new zine collection »
A podcast studio for under $100 - Six Colors
For less than $100 you can get a pretty good podcasting set-up. »
Prosthetic elf-ears with built-in earbuds / Boing Boing
Prosthetic elf-ears with built-in earbuds »
Entrepreneurs explain how Obamacare let them found businesses and create jobs / Boing Boing
Entrepreneurs explain how Obamacare let them found businesses and create jobs »
Quick, Draw!
Oh I know, it's addictive! »
Technology Jobs | Site Reliability Engineer – Wirecutter | The New York Times Company
I am also hiring a Site Reliability Engineer for @wirecutter, now a @nytimes Company - New York Ci… »
The Right Way to Resist Trump - The New York Times
The Right Way to Resist Trump, via @nytimes »
Optimal search path for finding Waldo / Boing Boing
Optimal search path for finding Waldo »
Hollywood accent coach critiques 32 actors' accents / Boing Boing
Hollywood accent coach critiques 32 actors' accents »
Conversation from Ana Marie Cox on Twitter
Trump doesn’t just benefit from fake news, he creates it… and then benefits from it. »
The Talk Show ✪: Ep. 173, With Special Guest Jason Snell
If you’ve got a spare 160 minutes, here’s me on The Talk Show with @gruber this week - »
Donald Trump Building Team of Racists
Donald Trump administration building a Team of Racists »
Shirtless Trump Saves Drowning Kitten - MTV
Damn, this is good. "Confusion is an authoritarian tool." @brianphillips »
The 14 Features of Eternal Fascism
The 14 features of eternal fascism, by Umberto Eco (1995). h/t @kottke »
Etsy’s Debriefing Facilitation Guide for Blameless Postmortems - Code as Craft
"The key to ... debriefings is to start treating facilitation as a skill in which to invest time and effort." »
King Tide flooding brings octopus into Miami Beach parking garage | Miami Herald
Octopus in the parking garage is climate change’s canary in the coal mine »
How Could You? 19 Questions to Ask Loved Ones Who Voted the Other Way - The New York Times
A guide for talking. “The holidays are upon us & deep down, you may…want to have this talk…need to have this talk.“ »
Still time for an election audit: Column
Still time for an election audit, with commentary from Rebecca Solnit »
The Democrats are already screwing up the Trump resistance.
Fuck Warren. Fuck Sanders. Fuck them right out to space with their white liberal agenda. »
Singer Sharon Jones Passes Away - The Daily Beast
When Prince surprised Sharon Jones on stage in Paris. Two legends gone way too soon: https://t… »
Check out a comprehensive database of Women/POC/Immigrant/Muslim/DAB Rights & Climate grou… »
Donald Trump Takes Credit for Helping to Save a Ford Plant That Wasn’t Closing - The New York Times
While you were sleeping, Donald Trump was busy pretending to save American jobs. »
We have 100 days to stop Donald Trump from systemically corrupting our institutions - Vox
This is the scariest, most important piece you'll read today »
New York attorney general announces $25 million settlement in Trump University cases - The Boston Globe
.@realDonaldTrump just paid $25 million for breaking the law & ripping off students. »
Fake news on Facebook is a real problem. These college students came up with a fix in 36 hours. - The Washington Post
“Stopping fake news on Facebook is impossible!” 4 kids and 36 hours later… »
Elijah Cummings calls for investigation into Russia's role in US election - CNNPolitics.com
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings calls for an investigation into Russia's role in the US election »
"We're His Problem Now" Calling Sheet
here's a handy Call To Action spreadsheet with issues & scripts: (I forgot where I found, apologies for no cr... »
Larry Summers: ‘Political correctness’ has become a codeword for hate - The Washington Post
Being anti-PC is all contrarian fun and games till someone paints swastikas on your daughter's school. »
The End of Identity Liberalism - The New York Times
I'm impressed at how this piece is both extremely bad and very long »
George Takei: They interned my family. Don’t let them do it to Muslims. - The Washington Post
George Takei: They interned my family. Don’t let them do it to Muslims. »
The Southern Poverty Law Center (@splcenter) is looking for a Drupal developer. Apply & RT »
Trump just took credit for stopping Ford from moving a plant to Mexico. But it wasn’t planning to. - The Washington Post
WaPo confirms that according to union there were never jobs at stake. No "plant" was ever moving. »
Hate Crimes Are Up — But the Government Isn’t Keeping Good Track of Them - ProPublica
Hate crimes are up – but the government can’t keep track of them. So we’re going to start. »
Stephen Hawking just gave humanity a due date for finding another planet - The Washington Post
Stephen Hawking just gave humanity a due date for finding another planet We have 1,000 years #Bon... »
Some autoworkers bristle at Trump's Ford-bashing
1. Lincoln plant was never going to Mexico 2. Ford told Trump this weeks ago… »
Donald Trump Takes Credit for Helping to Save a Ford Plant That Wasn’t Closing - The New York Times
Donald Trump Takes Credit for Helping to Save a Ford Plant That Wasn’t Closing »
Open WhisperSystems >> Open WhisperSystems
#whatsnext today 3: Install and set up Signal on your phone Encryption is like vaccination: we need herd immunity. »
petition: to make "overton's window" slang for one's asshole »