Zuckerberg explains what Facebook is going to do about fake news. Good. »
The Future Is Here: Automated Kitchen! - GIF on Imgur
I give up, we’ve reach peak engineering »
Against Bargaining | Laurie Penny
"you cannot stop fascism by turning off Facebook and doing some deep breathing." »
'Vote shaming' Trump supporters is fair. What they have done is shameful - The Guardian via @nuzzel tha… »
Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W. Bush’s ethics lawyer says
1. We talked to George W. Bush's ethics lawyer. Trump is in some serious legal trouble. »
Stop Being Trump’s Twitter Fool - POLITICO Magazine
"Haven’t any of these people raised children? Don’t they know about bait and switch?" »
It's official: NASA's peer-reviewed EM Drive paper has finally been published - ScienceAlert
"It doesn't work and I don't know why" & "it does work and I don't know why" is not just the realm of gamedev. »
Daring Fireball: The Right Way to Oppose Trump
The Right Way to Oppose Trump »
Sneak preview for late night west coast Twitter »
White Nationalists on Trump’s Attorney General pick: ‘It’s like Christmas’
White Nationalists on Trump’s Attorney General pick: ‘It’s like Christmas’ »
I just put some items up for sale on @Poshmarkapp! »
Digital Security training resources for security trainers, Winter 2016 Edition – Medium
Activists! Are you doing security trainings for other people? Here's a great list of resources »
Trump University Fraud Cases Settled for $25 Million - WSJ
Boo this too. And keep booing. via @WSJ »
Who Will Command The Robot Armies?
A new talk from @Pinboard! Who Will Command The Robot Armies? »
Help us collect & map public reports of harassment & attacks against US minorities: (Pa... »
For foreign diplomats, Trump hotel is place to be - The Washington Post
Instead of boo-gate-pocalypse-wow: 1 Trump hotels profiting off diplomats 2 Flynn's history https:/… »
I created a subreddit for @selfracingcars - »
Elad Blog: Facebook Must Really Suck At Machine Learning
Facebook Must Really Suck At Machine Learning. »
westside-historic: Scenes from Pacific Ocean... | Raiders of the Lost Tumblr
Scenes from Pacific Ocean Park in Santa Monica circa 1963. 1/2 »
Clark introduces bill to ensure President-elect addresses conflicts of interest - Press Releases - Congresswoman Katherine Clark
#Breaking: Clark introduces bill to ensure President-elect addresses conflicts of interest https://t… »
Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA - The Washington Post
Um... is anyone else just a wee bit worried about this development? Because holy crap.… »
We’re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump
One of the hard things: not knowing how serious to take all this. Which side to err on? »
Associate Archivist/Records Center Coordinator [ARCH-02], ACLUF, Archives Department, NY | American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU is hiring an Archivist. - AND BOY THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO DO THAT »
GOES-R Weather Satellite Ready For Launch | NASA
GOES-R Weather Satellite Ready For Launch via NASA »
Trump Doesn’t Just Benefit From ‘Fake News’ Sites; He Is One
As trump starts tweeting again let me shill my piece from yesterday: trump himself is a fake news site »
We Are Desert Bus - Official Documentary Trailer - YouTube
We Are Desert Bus - Official Documentary Trailer »
Here’s a Browser Extension That Will Flag Fake-News Sites
Possibly useful: Chrome browser detection tool for fake news sites. »
Trump’s big infrastructure plan? It’s a trap. - The Washington Post
Trump’s big infrastructure plan? It’s a trap. - The Washington Post »
Park dedicated to Adam MCA Yauch vandalized with pro-Trump swastikas / Boing Boing
NYC Park dedicated to Beastie Boy Adam "MCA" Yauch (RIP) vandalized with pro-Trump swastikas »
Here's How To Report Fake News On Facebook - BuzzFeed News
Here’s how to report fake news on Facebook »
Mike Pence’s Hateful Laws Almost Kept Me From My Dying Wife
Mike Pence’s hateful laws almost kept me from my dying wife »
‘Make America Great Again’ billboard features Bloody Sunday
'Make America Great Again’ billboard features Bloody Sunday »
Signal Messenger App Encrypted Chat App
With a Donald Trump presidency looming, the private-messenger app Signal is suddenly much more popular »
Living in Trump’s Soviet Union - The New Yorker
"I grew up in a dystopia—will I have to die in one, too?" @Shteyngart »
The “They Had Their Minds Made Up Anyway” Excuse | Hapgood
Well, this is horrifying. "Facebook is quite literally training us to be conspiracy theorists." »
Spreadsheet of signs of fascism – Valerie Aurora's blog
My spreadsheet for tracking signs of fascism in the U.S. »
His election that November came as a surprise.
"Once the war started, it was too late." »
When you only write unit tests and skip the integration tests : ProgrammerHumor
When you only write unit tests and skip the integration tests. #programming »
Singer Sharon Jones Passes Away - The Daily Beast
When Prince surprised Sharon Jones on stage in Paris. Two legends gone way too soon: https://t… »
Donald Trump Pauses Transition Work to Meet with Indian Business Partners - The New York Times
1. It's not just Ivanka. Donald Trump is still actively involved in his business as president elect. »
New York attorney general announces $25 million settlement in Trump University cases - The Boston Globe
.@realDonaldTrump just paid $25 million for breaking the law & ripping off students. »
Vladimir Putin Knows More About Donald Trump’s Plans Than U.S. Officials Do - The Daily Beast
Trump called Putin before any of his people talked to the Pentagon. That's jaw dropping »
Meet the new Trump, same as the old Trump @AshleyRParker and me »
The End of Identity Liberalism - The New York Times
excellent article: "The End of Identity Liberalism" »
Russia Hackers to Blame for Wikileaks Emails - Proof Vladmir Putin Was Behind the Clinton Email Hack
Like @GreatDismal but not fiction. How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History v… »
Find Your Representative ·
keep these lists on hand. better still, program your reps and senators into your phone »