Trial Balloon for a Coup? – Yonatan Zunger – Medium
“Trial Balloon for a Coup?” by @yonatanzunger »
.@AP learns Donald Trump's voter fraud expert was registered in 3 states during 2016 presidential election. »
Twitter Activist Security – the grugq – Medium
“Twitter Activist Security” by @thegrugq »
Matching Donations
A directory of people that will match your @ACLU donation. via @ProductHunt »
.@AP has learned President Donald Trump's voter fraud expert is registered in 3 states. »
Sign Up For ObamaCare: ObamaCare Sign up Deadlines
Obamacare is still the law of the land, and today is the last day to sign up »
White House aides who wrote Trump's travel ban see it as just the start - LA Times
so then it's not really about national security I guess »
Read the message Sally Yates left for Justice Department lawyers before she was fired »
How Donald Trump Could Build an Autocracy in the U.S. - The Atlantic
Almost every official you think will protect you is removable by the president. »
Inside Dropbox’s Identity Overhaul – Backchannel
I've got the scoop on Dropbox's big move into team collaboration tools at @backchannel »
Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 11.28.20 AM.png
@MaxTemkin @rklau @SenFeinstein »
Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering | The Nation
I'll take any good news I can get.. I fear how this turns out once it's at the Supreme Court we'll have then »
More than 400 NYC tech leaders stand up against keeping immigrants & refugees out #NoBanNoWall »
We're tracking who in Congress is supporting or opposing Trump's agenda ... every member, every vote »
Vacation Rentals, Homes, Experiences & Places - Airbnb
If you're able to host refugees in need via Airbnb, you can sign up »
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia
Watergate was our live politics lesson when I was in junior high. History favors those with backbone. »
MONDAY NIGHT MASSACRE: Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, Who Refused To Enforce Muslim Ban
any democrat who does a single thing to aid the sessions nomination should be run out of the party. »
Laughing to keep from crying. “AP: Trump’s voter fraud expert registered in 3 states” »
View Insomniac Games’ video statement on current US immigration policy - YouTube
View Insomniac Games’ video statement on current US immigration policy. »
.: Galactic Federation Rewards :.
Oh man. What's this? ?? What's this all about?? »
Weak and Incompetent Leaders act like Strong Leaders | Tom Pepinsky
doesn’t square with fact that DHS officers explicitly ignored judicial orders. That is real, quantitative power »
The No T-Shirt | Teespring
also: لا-shirts available in white + black. $ → @ACLU »
New York State of Health | Health Plan Marketplace for Individual and Small Business Health Insurance
Tomorrow, 1/31, is the deadline to enroll in the #ACA for 2017 coverage. In NY: Outside NY: htt… »
Jenn Woodall — Home
Get cool prints by @jenn_woodall and support the @ACLU: #NoBanNoWall »
A vote for Jeff Sessions is a vote for Trump’s Muslim ban
5. Any Senator, Republican or Democrat, who votes for Jeff Session, is endorsing Trump's Muslim ban »
President Trump Is Winning – Michael Slaby – Medium
“President Trump Is Winning” by @slaby »
BREAKING NEWS: Full Text of Draft Dissent Channel Memo on Trump Refugee and Visa Order - Lawfare
We're now at the point where @StateDept is even leaking the *drafts* of its dissent cables. »
Rules for a constitutional crisis – Lessig – Medium
Some rules for a constitutional crisis: @realDonaldTrump »
Jennifer Hom — I Lift My Lamp Beside the Golden Door
My friend @jhomnomnom made this beautiful print and is donating all the proceeds to ACLU. »
What “Things Going Wrong” Can Look Like – Yonatan Zunger – Medium
2017 will make 2016 look like a walk in the park »
Rules for a constitutional crisis – Lessig – Medium
Rules for a constitutional crisis by @Lessig — “We must remind the partisans that they are citizens first.” »
Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany - Jan 30, 1933 -
On this day in history, Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany. »
SEAL, American Girl Die in First Trump-Era U.S. Military Raid - NBC News
This is an important story. Lots of information in this @NBCInvestigates piece. »
Hill staffers secretly worked on Trump's immigration order - POLITICO
Staffers on House Judiciary secretly worked with Trump aides to draft immigration order. Signed NDAs. »
Supporting our Muslim sisters and brothers in tech - Inside Intercom
Something small we're doing to support our Muslim sisters and brothers in tech. »
More Practical Organizing for ANTIFA and Beyond
Practical organizing tips for #antifa and beyond from @AntifaDFW »
Letter to the community: Update regarding Executive Order, thoughts on moving forward | MIT News
President of MIT: "I am convinced that the Executive Order will make us less safe" #muslimban »
#PDXProtest (2 of 2) - YouTube
2nd half of this vid has clearer view of me yelling I LOVE YOU at hate preacher no I will never stop posting these »
Art Under Fascism: Overcoming Hopelessness and Making Something, Because it Matters »
Learning Design vs. Becoming a Designer – Tracy Osborn – Medium
I wrote a bit about my goal with Hello Web Design. Learning Design vs. Becoming a Designer »
ACLU Urges Senate to Cancel Attorney General Vote, Demands Second Sessions Testimony | American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU makes the clear case for a delay in the Sessions vote. Read this, then pick up the phone. »
Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist.
Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He's a White Nationalist. »
Venturing From Silicon Valley – @Shaft – Medium
“Venturing From Silicon Valley” — @shaft »
. @amazon ewww. please don't advertise on a site that promotes racism. @slpng_giants @adstrike_us #defundhate »
Donate to EFF! | Electronic Frontier Foundation
We need your help to defend civil liberties. Please donate to EFF. »
Navigating Mid-Success
Navigating Mid-Success »
None of this is normal »
The Founder: A Game About The Dark Side Of Silicon Valley | Co.Design | business + design
The Founder: a game about the dark side of Silicon Valley »
Veterans | Starbucks Coffee Company
@KazeSkyz To REFUGEES, asshat. Refugees aren't terrorists. See Quebec City. Plus they ALREADY hire vets »
A. Tamboly - Eve's Glory | LensCulture
I love this series of portraits of women posing in antique military uniforms »
The Longform Society: Meeting #1: Robots, 27 Apr 2017, 6.15pm-7.15pm — The Wheeler Centre
On 27 April I'll be at the @wheelercentre with @sophiec talking about my pet topic »
KING 5 - BREAKING: Thousands pack downtown Seattle for a... | Facebook
Here's a look at the crowd in Seattle for immigration ban protest. Watch live >> https://... »
Fuze Cases: Bringing Back the Audio Jack | Indiegogo
I funded an indiegogo for the Fuze case with the headphone jack for iPhone 7. First hour: it really works! »
This is a fixed point in time. Choose wisely. – WIL WHEATON dot NET
This is a fixed point in time. Choose wisely. »
The Strange History of Steve Bannon and the Biosphere 2 Experiment | Motherboard
Remember the insane story of Steve Bannon and the Biosphere 2 experiment? No? Read this: https://t… »
The angel of history
The angel of history »
Attentat à Québec: la SQ confirme un seul suspect | Jean-François Néron, Guillaume Piedboeuf | Justice et faits divers
Quebec shooting suspect was known for posting nationalist and anti-woman messages online »
bricoleur: Change to the National Security Council Backgrounder
A quick backgrounder w/ my thoughts on the Trump National Security Council. tl;dr; NOT GOOD »
Immigration Orders and Odd Tenders - Bloomberg View
Money Stuff’s @matt_levine not pulling any punches this morning »
Trump’s Next Move on Immigration to Hit Closer to Home for Tech - Bloomberg
Tech companies had a very mealy-mouthed response to Trump’s immigration ban. Bet they’ll scream loudly about this »
Know this: Trump and Bannon's version of the Reichstag Fire is just days or weeks away. »
Trump: It's 'Disgraceful' for Pope to Question My Christianity - NBC News
Man who just banned Muslims by EO: “No leader … should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.” »
US Senators and Governors on Muslim Ban
How US senators + governors have responded to the #muslimban on a google doc. I love the internet. »
The Problem with White Liberal Designers – Jennifer Daniel – Medium
“The Problem with White Liberal Designers” by @jenniferdaniel »
Message from Howard Schultz: Living Our Values | Starbucks Newsroom
A) I'm glad Howard Schultz is such a mensch, & B) I like a world where everyone's title is partner. »
Laser cutter fumes suspected in deaths of California couple, cats / Boing Boing
Laser cutter fumes suspected in death of California couple and their cats »
From the outside, it's impossible to tell if Trump is staging a coup or totally incompetent / Boing Boing
From the outside, it's impossible to tell if Trump is staging a coup or totally incompetent »
Quebec police ID all 6 victims of fatal mosque attack - Montreal - CBC News
Several Quebec City victims were fathers of young children. »
Woman whose accusation led to lynching of Emmett Till admits she lied / Boing Boing
Woman whose accusation led to the lynching of Emmett Till admits that she lied #racism »
Acting Attorney General Orders Justice Dept. Not to Defend Refugee Ban - The New York Times
It's temporary win, but I'll take any good news right now. ✊ »
Jamie Kilstein Live at The Observatory Talib Kweli show - YouTube
Check out @jamiekilstein at The Observatory @TalibKweli show! »
Was this weekend a trial balloon for a coup? / Boing Boing
Was this weekend's Trump chaos a test-run for a future coup d'etat? »
African Union criticises US for ‘taking many of our people as slaves’ and not taking refugees | The Independent
African Union criticises US for ‘taking many of our people as slaves’ and not taking refugees #MuslimBan »
Some CEOs 'scared out of their minds about being attacked' by Trump
CEOS 'scared out of their minds' about Trump attacks, so they won’t complain about immigration ban »
Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist.
Suspect in Quebec mosque attack depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He's a white nationalist. by @ggreenwa… »
50 U.S. Code § 3021 - National Security Council | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Lawyer friends: please tell me why Bannon doesn't have to be confirmed by the Senate. »
Estimated Deaths Attributable to Social Factors in the United States
extended the hot meme that's been going around the past couple days with numbers from »
The Data That Turned the World Upside Down | Motherboard
“Pretty much every message that Trump put out was data-driven…” On psychometrics »
Whimsical Storybook Illustrations by Antanas Gudonis | Colossal
Whimsical Storybook Illustrations by Antanas Gudonis »
PDX Activist: A Portland Activist Calendar
Want to stay connected to the PDX resistance without being tracked fb? »
Your Senator Opposes the Muslim Ban—So Tell Them How to Stop It. — Indivisible Guide
Your Senator Opposes the Muslim Ban—So Tell Them How to Stop It »
Google employees are staging a walkout over Trump’s immigration ban - The Verge
DEVELOPING: Google employees are staging a walkout over Trump’s immigration ban »
Trump calls Geneva Conventions 'the problem' - POLITICO
Ah, fuck. We're gonna be the bad guys in World War 3. »
Massive networks of fake accounts found on Twitter - BBC News
Massive networks of fake accounts found on Twitter - BBC News »
Forget protest. Trump's actions warrant a general national strike | Francine Prose | Opinion | The Guardian
Horrified by Trump's executive orders? Francine Prose argues they warrant a national general strike. »
Yuuuge effort by so many people and something I’ve personally been working on for almost 3 years »
Coy Dione | NASA
Coy Dione via NASA »
Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban | Foreign Policy
Trump is lying when he claims his muslim ban EO is like Obama’s 2011 review of Iraqi visas »
Wonder what fresh horrors await us this week with Bannon on the National Security Council »
Exclusive: Google creates $4 million crisis fund for immigration cause
Google creates $4 million crisis fund going to @ACLU »
Who commits mass shootings? -
This is documented, and here’s one citation: Here’s another: I’m no… »
What if Trump Really Does End Money for the Arts? - The New York Times
Brilliant move by @nytimes: punctuation as data visualization »
Google employees staged a protest over Trump’s immigration ban - The Verge
NEW DETAILS: Mtn View keynote speaker was Soufi Esmaeilzadeh, 5-year Googler who was stranded overseas after the ban »
Gender Designation Change
Link to info on changing your gender on US passport »
Resist now! - Houston Chronicle
Houston Chronicle editorial board: "Resist Now!" »
A review of my new Samsung curved TV: I hate it so much - The Verge
This Samsung TV review by @reckless’s wife is the only good article I have read in 2017 so far »
Protest from Pax South attendees following President Trump… | Flickr
You can follow Daniel at @shadmed. We are so grateful to have him. »
Apply Now for Health Insurance | Covered California™
Stop what you’re doing! Tomorrow is the last day to get #healthinsurance for 2017. Act now. https://… »
It took 3 years for George W. Bush to hit 50% disapproval. Trump is there after 8 days. - Vox
It took 3 years for George W. Bush to hit 50% disapproval. Trump got there after 8 days »
Bannon Seizes a Security Role From Generals - The New York Times
This @nytimes article is a hit piece on General Flynn. »
Trump’s hard-line actions have an intellectual godfather: Jeff Sessions - The Washington Post
Only way Bannon's language is remotely true is if you define "Americans" as "white people." https://t.c… »
Silicon Valley’s responses to Trump’s immigration executive orders, from strongest to weakest - The Verge
We continue to update our Trump opposition ratings as they come in. Just added: Foursquare, Instacart, Autodesk »
Steve Bannon, Trump’s Top Guy, Told Me He Was ‘a Leninist’ - The Daily Beast
"I'm a Leninist...Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too." - Steve Bannon »
Trump Fires Acting Attorney General - The New York Times
Trump Fires Acting Attorney General, via @nytimes »
Acting Attorney General Orders Justice Dept. Not to Defend Refugee Ban - The New York Times
Wow --> Acting Attorney General Orders Justice Dept. Not to Defend Refugee Ban, via @nytimes »
Exclusive: Silicon Valley tries to spread wealth to Trump's America
Big story in @usatoday on @venture4america's new EIR program! @shaft @stewart @SlackHQ @MikeGam… »
Senate Democrats have the power to stop Trump. All they have to do is use it. - The Washington Post
I’m on board with Democrats withholding consent: We’ve got to slow Trump down. »
Eliot A. Cohen Responds to Donald Trump's First Week - The Atlantic
A must read from a senior Republican h/t @blue24fox »
For many #LGBT refugees, Trump's immigration order will mean prison or death. »
The very long list of Republicans in Congress who have taken no position on Trump's refugee ban - Vox
List of Republicans in Congress who have taken no position on Trump's refugee ban. Make some calls! vi… »
Scientists Baffled by McConnell and Ryan’s Ability to Stand Upright Without Spines - The New Yorker
an inexplicable ‘ability to stand, walk, and even break into a brisk trot when confronted by reporters’ questions…’ »
Christian Leaders Denounce Trump’s Plan to Favor Christian Refugees - The New York Times
Christian leaders denounce President Trump’s plan to favor Christian immigrants »
Why people are deleting Uber from their phones after Trump’s executive order - Vox
Why people are deleting Uber from their phones after Trump’s executive order via @voxdotcom »
Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich - The New Yorker
@jessevondoom @bkerensa did you see this?! I mean why try to fix anything when you can just hoard all the supplies »
Trump Fires Acting Attorney General - The New York Times
Trump has just proclaimed that no one can honor the law more than they honor him. »
Trump's here. We have four years to write a better story | Molly Crabapple | Opinion | The Guardian
Trump's here. We have four years to write a better story | Molly Crabapple »
5 Calls: Make your voice heard
As of last night, is more readable, more usable, and prettier to boot. Let’s make some calls today. »
5 Calls: Make your voice heard
Let's make some calls, people. »
Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Met with ‘Alt-Right’ Freedom Party Leader | Teen Vogue
Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Met with the Head of a Neo-Nazi Party via @TeenVogue »
The No T-Shirt | Teespring
also: لا-shirts available in white + black. $ → @ACLU »
Here's Why It's Fair—and Necessary—to Call Trump's Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion | Mother Jones
Here's Why It's Fair—and Necessary—to Call Trump's Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion by… »
Already given to the ACLU? Here are some other options: CAIR NLG IRC https… »
• Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2015 | Statistic
This is documented, and here’s one citation: Here’s another: I’m no… »
American Civil Liberties Union
Three super simple actions: 1. Follow @ACLU. Let's get them to 1 million! 2. Donate at 3. RT this… »
Fav Cleaner by Twoolbox - Delete all your Favorites instantly!
I just registered to to delete all my Favorites instantly! »
Affinitweet | Home
[Valentine] @ericaheinz's Valentine should be @destroytoday! Who should be yours? via »
Are You A Big Jazz Boy Or A Little Jazz Boy? | ClickHole
It's important to take time for self-reflection in these trying times »
The White House
"Judicial Branch" removed from RT @kris: this is the matrix. nothing is real…… »
Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act |
Even if you support Trump's immigration E.O., you have to admit that it's roll-out made look com… »
Match Cut Movie Club
Art still matters! Come see a great, under-recognized movie with us at the next Match Cut screening »
Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act |
Tomorrow is the last day to enroll in the Affordable Care Act. Go to to get covered. »