ACLU enrolls in startup school Y Combinator | TechCrunch
April 1 came early this year: (thanks @JoshSchoen!) »
Be in great company.
A small project I made to find out which companies oppose the immigration ban: #greatcompany. »
You Decide, Cast Your Vote | Fox Nation
Some "porblems" with rollout, indeed. From Fox News poll... »
Sources: Nearly 1,000 at State Department Officially Dissent on Immigration Order
Nearly 1,000 at State Department Officially Dissent on Immigration Order »
Republicans move to sell off 3.3m acres of national land, sparking rallies | Environment | The Guardian
Has @jasoninthehouse SEEN his beautiful state? If yes, how could he do this? Unconscionable. #utah #midterms2018 »
This Medium Essay Kills Fascists – Patrick Blanchfield – Medium
This post is the greatest thing I have read since January 20th. »
A bunch of direct phone numbers for White House staff have been leaked. #WHCommentLine »
Tweets with replies by Justice Neil Gorsuch (@JusticeNGorsuch) | Twitter
So did they just leak the SCOTUS announcement by still not understanding Twitter? »
Anonymous Group Reveals Direct Phone Numbers For White House Staff: Gothamist
Anonymous Group Reveals Direct Phone Numbers For White House Staff »
Trial Balloon for a Coup? – Yonatan Zunger – Medium
Trump will break America for generations. »
!!!important!!! »
New game EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK is temporarily available as PWYW, all »
Another typical day at @Lumi... Updating the team page »
CASH Music
You can see a preview of our free platform's subscription functionality today »
San Francisco sues Trump over executive order targeting 'sanctuary cities' »
Request for Startups: News, Jobs, and Democracy
Request for Startups: News, Jobs and Democracy »
ACLU Bundle by Kitty Horrorshow
Hey! You can get Anatomy, a good game, in this bundle supporting the ACLU, a good cause. »
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
cop culture is so racist and terrifying even the fbi is worried about it »
The Intercept
Trump's FBI has many ways to abuse power, hundreds of pages of internal documents reveal. Cheers @coracurrier et al »
The Problem with White Liberal Designers – Jennifer Daniel – Medium
Dang. This is good. In #UX? Want to be? Read this. »
The psychology of why Americans are more scared of terrorism than guns, though guns are 3,210 times likelier to kill them — Quartz
The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns »
As opioid deaths rise, pharma firm hikes price of antidote more than six-fold
Maker of naloxone injector (opioid overdose treatment) has hiked price from $690 to $4,500 »
House to repeal Obama coal rule Wednesday | TheHill
House to repeal Obama coal rule that prohibits pollution of water sources near mines »
Twitter Activist Security – the grugq – Medium
Seriously good security rules if/when you go rogue. »
Well said, Sufjan. @asthmatickitty »
Developer Content Writer | Slack
Join our developer relations team and write about @slackapi with me »
Making Paid Parental Leave work at Etsy - YouTube
I really, truly believe that Etsy walks the walk, and I'm so proud to work here. »
Subscribe to read
Just in case facts still matter … »
Objectivity is dead, and I’m okay with it – Lewis Wallace – Medium
The blog post that got @LewisPants fired is an essential read. »
Plugging into the Grid – Slack Platform Blog – Medium
What does #Slack Enterprise Grid mean for developers @SlackAPI »
In 2015, Jeff Sessions Demanded Sally Yates Do Exactly What Trump Just Fired Her for Doing | GQ
In 2015, Jeff Sessions Demanded Sally Yates Do Exactly What Trump Just Fired Her for Doing vi… »
Family of Syrians Deported From Philadelphia Voted for Donald Trump | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Family of Syrians Deported From Philadelphia Voted for Donald Trump via @nbcphiladelphia »
GitHub - bkeepers/stop-trump: a list of public projects on GitHub resisting the Trump administration
If code is your tool of resistance, then here are a list of projects you can contribute to »
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
FBI so worried about white supremacist infiltration of police it hesitates to share info with them »
FBI: U.S. law enforcement infiltrated by white supremacists / Boing Boing
FBI: U.S. law enforcement infiltrated by white supremacists »
President Trump Is Winning – Michael Slaby – Medium
“President Trump Is Winning” by @slaby »
Supporting our Muslim sisters and brothers in tech - Inside Intercom
Wonderful gesture from @intercom - "Supporting our Muslim sisters and brothers in tech" »
My Brother, My Brother, And Me - Tickets - Revolution Hall - Portland, OR, March 18, 2017 | Ticketfly
Anyway! I AM VERY EXCITED! Tickets go on sale this Wednesday, at 12pm PST »
The Constitution |
Just noticed White House website changed 2nd, 4th, & 5th amendment to apply to CITIZENS and not PERSONS. »'s-voter-fraud-expert-registered-in-3-states
Trump's voter fraud "expert" registered in three states. Says he "didn't know." »
my latest >>> This Is Probably A Bigger Deal that the Pyrotechnics at DOJ via @TPM »
What if Trump Really Does End Money for the Arts? - The New York Times
Brilliant move by @nytimes: punctuation as data visualization »
White House aides who wrote Trump's travel ban see it as just the start - LA Times
so then it's not really about national security I guess »
Birdhouse in your soul - YouTube
6,500 kids singing Birdhouse in Your Soul »
President Trump had the chance to select... - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren | Facebook
Based on the long and well-established record of Judge Neil Gorsuch, I will oppose his nomination. »
To the point. #resist @ US Federal Courthouse Minneapolis »
This is what democracy (combined with the promise of pizza) looks like. Combined we made o… »
NASA Day of Remembrance | NASA
NASA Day of Remembrance via NASA »
Indians Are Freaking Out Over Plans To Change The US Visa System - BuzzFeed News
Fantastic story from @PranavDixit on the shockwaves a proposed change by @RepZoeLofgren to H1-B is causing in India »
Chromium Blog: Open-sourcing Chrome on iOS!
Chrome on iOS is now open source! »
@SenJeffMerkley You're kicking ass on Stay strong. @RonWyden get in there! »
Jeff Sessions: 10 Things to Know About Donald Trump's Attorney General Pick | Teen Vogue
Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing is underway. Here's what you need to know about him »
Wall Street Journal Editor: Stop Calling The Travel Ban Countries “Majority Muslim” - BuzzFeed News
Editor of Murdoch-owned @WSJ orders journalists to conform to Trump language on Muslim-nation visa ban » Tracking the U.S. Congress
@fullbright I also recommend »
Introducing Linea • The Breakroom
Introducing @linea_app. A new digital sketchbook for iPad that stays out of your way »
Linea: An Elegant Sketching App for the iPad from The Iconfactory – MacStories
Spent $100 on an Apple Pencil? Spare $10 more for The Iconfactory’s awesome new sketching app, designed for Pencil »
Necroboomicon: the first expansion for Two Rooms and a Boom! by Alan Gerding — Kickstarter
The first expansion pack for @2roomsandaboom: #Necroboomicon is LIVE on kickstarter now! »
Adventure Owl by Bre & Co. — Kickstarter
The team at Bre & Co. just launched a little Kickstarter for Adventure Owl. »
James Corden's Post-Ban Trip Through LAX - YouTube
We taped all new shows for this coming week last week. This is how tonight's episode opened. »
Read the message Sally Yates left for Justice Department lawyers before she was fired »
The future of computing –
Is the iPad still the future of computing? What if it isn’t? »
Potential nominee profile: Neil Gorsuch - SCOTUSblog
Here is our profile of Judge Gorsuch. »
At PAX South, gamers gather to protest Trump | Ars Technica
A lovely writeup of the #NerdWalk protest at #PAXSouth by @KyleOrl: I am delighted. »
After record-breaking donations and members, ACLU signs up for the Y Combinator startup accelerator / Boing Boing
Wow, turns out Trump really is creating tons of jobs—at @ACLU, fighting his fascist BS in the courts and streets. »
Exclusive: President Trump's Supreme Court Pick Confirmed
@okdan Or maybe they're just reading this? (On my phone, haven't checked timestamps.) »
Trump's bookcase, Old State Department Library / Boing Boing
Trump's bookcase, Old State Department Library »
Dial-a-Grue: play Zork with nothing but an old phone / Boing Boing
Dial-a-Grue: play Zork with nothing but an old phone »
A Fortnight of Trump – Whatever
Steve Bannon is incapable of 11-dimensional super-chess political moves (by @scalzi) »
Senate Democrats boycott Trump cabinet confirmation hearings / Boing Boing
Senate Democrats boycott Trump cabinet confirmation hearings »
Deutsche Bank fined for laundering Russian money / Boing Boing
Deutsche Bank fined for laundering Russian money »
YOUWILLNOTWIN.pdf - Google Drive
ALSO consider pasting every page of this zine on the walls of your house like I am now doing: via @RealAvocadoFact »
This raw C-SPAN clip pretty much speaks for itself without any opinionated annotation. »
Silicon Valley technology firms meet to plan legal challenge of Trump #MuslimBan / Boing Boing
Silicon Valley technology firms meet to plan legal challenge of Trump #MuslimBan »
Jeff Sessions asked Sally Yates in 2015 if she'd say no to 'improper' presidential orders / Boing Boing
Jeff Sessions asked Sally Yates in 2015 if she'd say no to 'improper' presidential orders »
On Deniability and Duress
@dphiffer @dicey__ More information on this, with sources && legal context »
Hands On: the Original Digital by Glenn Fleishman — Kickstarter
If that’s of interest to you & you’ve done all your political giving, check out the book I’m making »
My Great Pyrenees apparently wants to go outside / Boing Boing
“My Great Pyrenees apparently wants to go outside” —@jlw #doggos »
Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trump’s Scandals? | Vanity Fair
Some juicy analysis from Vanity Fair on Jared and Ivanka »
Imagining the White House’s Black History Month Schedule
Imagining the White House’s Black History Month Schedule // @rembert is so good. »
News Feed FYI: New Signals to Show You More Authentic and Timely Stories | Facebook Newsroom
News Feed FYI: New Signals to Show You More Authentic and Timely Stories | Facebook Newsroom »
Feds detain Katy High School student from Jordan following President Trump's immigration ban - Houston Chronicle
Feds detain Katy High School student from Jordan following President Trump's immigration ban »
At least 17 bomb threats called in to JCCs nationwide in third wave of harassment | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
BREAKING — 13 JCCs now confirmed to have received bomb threats today »
Woman whose accusation led to lynching of Emmett Till admits she lied / Boing Boing
Woman whose accusation led to the lynching of Emmett Till admits she lied #racism »
How to sign up for Obamacare before the deadline - CBS News
Today is the last day to register for Obamacare. Here's how »
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Watch now: The Committee on the Judiciary votes on Sessions’s nomination »
The Mythical Trump Voter |
The Mythical Trump Voter »
Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited an FBI With Vast Hidden Powers
Secret docs reveal: President Trump has inherited an FBI with vast hidden powers »
Ten Meter Tower - Video -
Ten Meter Tower - Fascinating psychological study. Some do, some don't. Not the ones you would expect. »
Handy checklist for people interested in implementing a fascist takeover / Boing Boing
Handy checklist for people interested in implementing a fascist takeover »
ICE Confirms Portland Officials' Fears About Immigration Arrests At Courthouse . News | OPB
ICE confirms Portland officials' fears about immigration arrests at courthouse. »
Report: FBI Finds White Supremacists Infiltrated Law Enforcement Agencies
Report: FBI finds white supremacists infiltrated law enforcement agencies »
Bipartisan group of federal prosecutors backs Yates -
First on CNN: Bipartisan group of federal prosecutors backs Yates @CNNPolitics »
Petition · Tell Neutrogena to stop all animal testing ·
Sign this young activist's petition! Tell Neutrogena to stop all animal testing: via @Change »
We are the organizers of JoCo Cruise. Ask us anything! : IAmA
Well hi! A @JoCoCruise AMA with me, @paulandstorm and @drew_westphal will be live at 2 PM eastern »
US Holocaust Museum's "early warning signs of fascism" sign is going viral | Mic
This sign is from the Holocaust Museum — and it's freaking people out. »
Trump’s executive order is an unconstitutional attack on Muslims.
@MagiWildcard a quick google reveals: probably more »
Steve Bannon Is Making Sure There’s No White House Paper Trail, Says Intel Source | Foreign Policy
Bannon is making sure there's no written record of what's happening in the White House »
As a Muslim video-game developer, the US no longer feels open for business | Technology | The Guardian
As a Muslim video game developer, the US no longer feels open for business »
DJ Khaled Speaks Out as Muslim-American Amid Trump's Immigration Ban
Thank you @djkhaled #theresistance #theunion »
From order to disorder: How Trump’s immigration directive exposed GOP rifts - The Washington Post
Newt urging POTUS to keep DACA in place #TweetINeverThoughtIdWrite »
Watch Live at 7 p.m. EST: How Algorithms Make Decisions About You - ProPublica
3/We're live-streaming @JuliaAngwin, @manoushz and @anildash talking digital privacy starting at 7 »
California Databases Must Not Be Used to Target Immigrants and Muslims | Electronic Frontier Foundation
California must secure its data from federal abuse. Tell your state senators to pass S.B. 54 and 31. »
Trump storm lands Theresa May in trouble over state visit invite -
Things got heated when British Parliament discussed President Trump's state visit to the UK »
Make China Great Again - The New York Times
Trump has just helped ISIS recruiters, writes @DLeonhardt »
Linus Of Hollywood Webshop — Home
11 HOURS LEFT of the LoH Webshop BLOWOUT SALE! 50% off ALL items! Use promo code: HAPPYNEWYEAR »
Read the full White House statement on Sally Yates - The Boston Globe
I've never read White House statement as nasty as Trump's attack on Acting AG Sally Yates. New low. »
.@DLeonhardt is right: This is an illegitimate nomination and Democrats should not treat it as normal. »
Trump’s hard-line actions have an intellectual godfather: Jeff Sessions - The Washington Post
Only way Bannon's language is remotely true is if you define "Americans" as "white people." https://t.c… »
5 Calls: Make your voice heard
Also is good for this stuff »
I have high hopes for @manton2's Kickstarter project! Today is it's last day! #indieweb »
Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece — Kickstarter
Final 19 hours of @manton2’s indie-microblogging Kickstarter: Just $4k short of the community-manager stretch goal! »
Get 2018 health coverage. Health Insurance Marketplace |
Last day to sign up for affordable care insurance. I used to be on the shittiest garbage insurance before the ACA. »
A Yale history professor's 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency — Quartz
Brilliant, subtle point in useful list of how to resist fascism. [via @OmanReagan]… »
Here’s a tool for finding your representatives’ local office numbers. Takes 2 seconds »
Y Combinator boss Sam Altman says he’s not going to cut ties with Peter Thiel for supporting Donald Trump - Recode
@selenalarson As long as this is the case: I have no interest in giving praise to YC. They… »
Kentucky Route Zero by cardboardcomputer
Kentucky Route Zero is 50% off on @itchio & all sales go to the ACLU - - or donate direct... »
Where's the All Lives Matter crowd at for the refugee ban? »
Slack Events, Ustream.TV: . The Web
Hey! We are doing a thing this morning over at @slackhq. Join us on the internets at 10 if you're keen »
Girl Scouts welcomes transgender girls -
@tayhatmaker i love that the girl scouts beat them by nearly 2 years »
Job Listings on CodePen
Jobs! Like... Product Developer at @ProPublica Web Design/Dev at @ProvidentCU Support Engineer @smartbear »
@collectdust @driftingfocus @waxpancake »
Pop-Up Magazine
.@PopUpMag show is mind-expanding, soul-nurturing & FUN. Tix won't last long! #dc #sf #pdx #austin #la #nyc #... »