Covering Trump the Reuters Way | Reuters
Reuters instructs its reporters to cover Trump as it does other authoritarian regimes »
Pre-order a signed first edition of Walkaway, which got a starred review in Booklist today! / Boing Boing
Pre-order a signed first edition of Walkaway, which got a starred review in Booklist today! »
Fauna Blog | Supporting civic engagement
This is great to see. (Via @Nora.) »
Color Of Change | Homepage
For my birthday, make a donation to and / or these are very important organizations. thx. »
White supremacist Richard Spencer hails Trump's 'de-Judaification' of Holocaust - U.S. News -
White supremacist Richard Spencer hails Trump's 'de-Judification' of Holocaust »
Berkeley: Clashes Break Out Against Alt-Right and Milo
Livefeed for #MiloatCal / #ShutDownMilo which you can watch here (@IGD_News) »
Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam - sources | Reuters
Reuters "Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam - sources" - »
traffic lights
Here are incredible long exposure photographs of traffic lights, shot by Lucas Zimmermann »
Family of 4-month-old set to have surgery at OHSU impacted by Tr - KPTV - FOX 12
4-month old iranian infant denied heart surgery by Trump's executive order »
No YOU drew a political cartoon about a microscopic organism. »
What The Fuck Just Happened, Today »
Late Night, February 1, 1982 - YouTube
35 years ago tonight… »
Artists ______ Institutions Tickets, Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite
Saturday: I'm leading a workshop for artists about how to mercy kill the institutions you've built »
Please RT. Looking for remote #perl work (paid). Up-to-date #resume in #pdf Thank you! »
Sheryl Sandberg Explains Why Silicon Valley Won’t Confront Trump - BuzzFeed News
Sheryl Sandberg thinks it’s still too early to tell about Trump »
Man who claimed mom died in Iraq after Trump's ban lied, Imam confirms | WJBK
Man who claimed mom died in Iraq after Trump's ban lied, Imam confirms »
Getting out of the startup rat race – Baremetrics Founder’s Journey
“There isn’t another runner we could lose to and we can’t ‘come in first’.” – @Shpigford »
Behavioral Targeting is Getting Scary – Mike Industries
Behavioral Targeting is Getting Scary »
events/2017-02-08-homebrew-website-club - IndieWeb
Excited to announce that next week's Homebrew Website Club will be at Dreamhost! #indieweb #pdxstartupweek »
Matter startup Huzza is acquired by Kickstarter – A Matter-Driven Narrative – Medium
Huzza, a Matter company, was just acquired by Kickstarter - bringing some cool features to crowdfunding campaigns. »
I Guess We're Grown-Ups Now #30: Home Poopin' - Goodstuff FM
Posted: I Guess We're Grown-Ups Now № 30 with @brookshelley, & @kayayarai - »
A Year’s Journey in Motion Controls – Shopify VR – Medium
If you’re even slightly interested in interaction design, read this article by @asjonish about VR motion controls. »
Covering Trump the Reuters Way | Reuters
Great rules for reporting in the New United States. »
I Am a Priest, and This is Why I’m Pro-Choice | Teen Vogue
Teen Vogue have a priest talking about why he’s pro-choice because they are the best of us: https://t.… »
Jewish people give Muslims key to their synagogue after town's mosque burns down | The Independent
In TX town, Jewish people give Muslims the key to their synagogue after mosque burned down »
Matching Donations
Matching Donations »
There’s Something Very Weird Happening Inside Russia’s Cybersecurity World - BuzzFeed News
Agree. Strange: "There’s Something Very Weird Happening Inside Russia’s Cybersecurity World" via @sheer… »
GitLab Live Stream - YouTube
GitLab are live streaming their work on restoring »
Ten Meter Tower - Video -
Leaving home in the morning »
Decentralization, democracy, and agency - Jesse Kriss
I wrote something in two places, for reasons. If you want to read it, that'd be cool. »
State representative could leave GOP over Trump concerns - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL
State Rep. @bethfukumoto says she wants to leave the Hawaii GOP over Trump concerns. #HINews htt… »
The Story Behind This Astronaut's Viral Photo Is Even Cuter Than His Dogs
So @payoletter makes my heart feel thing with this! via @gizmodo »
L.A. federal judge orders a temporary halt to part of Trump's travel ban - LA Times
Federal judge in L.A. issues emergency order forbidding officials from enforcing Trump's travel ban »
Government Employees To Trump: Censoring Science Will End With Leaks | The Huffington Post
Government employees warn Trump that censoring science will end with leaks via @HuffPostGreen »
I've been feeling very strongly about many things. »
Lake Powell and Grand Staircase-Escalante | NASA
Lake Powell and Grand Staircase-Escalante via NASA »
Hello DD meet @rborkows you will see him often »
All 6 Victims Of The Quebec City Mosque Shooting Were African Immigrants OkayAfrica
All 6 Victims Of The Quebec City Mosque Shooting Were African Immigrants »
Watch Hannah Arendt's Diagnosis of the Banality of Evil as an 8-Bit Video Game | Open Culture
Watch Hannah Arendt’s Diagnosis of the Banality of Evil as an 8-Bit Video Game »
Detroit family caught in Iraq travel ban, mom dies waiting for approval to come home | WJBK
@Radioblogger this story's been tweeted a dozen times in the last minute alone, you heartless shitstain »
White House walks back assertion military won't target US citizens overseas | TheHill
White House quickly walks back claim that military will never target US citizens »
Groundhog Day - Every Day in One Day / Boing Boing
'Groundhog Day,' but all at once »
Stop Filing Bugs, File a Container!
Excited to see @RunKit continue their work to solve this »
Refugee - Feature Documentary Film by Alexander J Farrell — Kickstarter
I just backed Refugee - Feature Documentary Film on @Kickstarter »
Trudeau abandons pledge on electoral reform - The Globe and Mail
ER is the easiest promise to break. Gets votes in elections, but the status quo always wins out after. Burned again »
Donald Trump's closest advisor Steve Bannon thinks there will be war with China in the next few years | The Independent
To every Asian American thinking our “model minority” status means we’ll survive this administration - nah »
Trump's war on science, a chronology (Week 1) / Boing Boing
Trump's war on science, a chronology (Week 1) (Hey, that's me on @boingboing! Thanks @doctorow!) »
As opioid deaths rise, pharma firm hikes price of antidote more than six-fold
Maker of naloxone injector (opioid overdose treatment) has hiked price from $690 to $4,500 »
Diplomats defy White House warning, criticize travel ban
In some cases, these quietly heroic public servants may have literally saved lives »
Oculus, execs liable for $500 million in ZeniMax VR trial | Ars Technica
Oculus to pay Zenimax $500 million for breaching NDA. »
President Bush Celebrates African American History Month
Forget Obama - this is a George W. Bush speech to mark Black History Month. »
Senate Democrats Can Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick | The Nation
If Democrats can hold onto 41 of their 48 votes, they can postpone a final floor vote indefinitely. »
A Scientists’ March on Washington Is a Bad Idea - The New York Times
A Scientists’ March on Washington Is a Bad Idea »
Collins, Murkowski to vote no on education secretary nominee -
Thank you @lisamurkowski for doing what is right for our children, regardless of party »
Senators: Where do you stand on Muslim Ban?
Tell Senators to get on the record to oppose #MuslimBan. Send a message: #NoBanNoWall #NoMuslimBan #RefugeesWelcome »
President Bannon? - The New York Times
The New York Times calls what’s happening in the white house what it is: President Bannon »
Oregon researchers warn that lack of funds, investor support threaten entrepreneurs via @PDXBizMalia »
Republicans vote to suspend committee rules, advance Mnuchin, Price nominations -
This is why the delicate flowers in the Democratic Party need to spine up. They will get railroaded. » melts down after wrong directory deleted, backups fail • The Register
Holy hell, Gitlab accidentally deleted its production data - and its backups don't work »
No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags - The Washington Post
No, they agreed to take refugees. The U.S.–Australia deal was/is about refugees. Refugees… »
No Parking Anytime: Aided by City Hall, Biking Revolution Taking Hold in NYC
This morning I was on NY1 talking about being a Citibike dad, commuting to work by bike share. »
How Each Senator Voted on Trump’s Cabinet Nominees - The New York Times
See how spineless your Democratic senator is in one easy chart. »
Republicans move to sell off 3.3m acres of national land, sparking rallies | Environment | The Guardian
Republicans move to sell off 3.3m acres of national land, sparking rallies »
Inside the Trial of Dylann Roof - The New Yorker
The Dylann Roof trial was a difficult spectacle to observe. Here is my chronicle of it for @NewYorker »
Trump transition email shows initial effort to oust all inspectors general - The Washington Post
Very troubling: Trump transition email shows initial effort to oust all inspectors general by @Steve… »
Trump is sworn in, rockets fall on Ukraine - The Washington Post
Must-read @washingtonpost: "Trump is sworn in, rockets fall on #Ukraine" »
How Donald Trump Could Build an Autocracy in the U.S. - The Atlantic
A nation of laws, but the functioning depends upon the competence and integrity of those charged with executing it »
Yiannopoulos event canceled | Berkeley News
Yiannopoulos event canceled #miloatcal »
How one reporter’s rejection of objectivity got him fired - The Washington Post
How one reporter’s rejection of objectivity got him fired. My column »
172 Iowa doctors came from countries subject to Trump travel ban
172 Iowa doctors came from countries subject to Trump travel ban »
721 people (not 109) were denied entry to the US under Trump’s travel ban - The Boston Globe
721 people (not 109) were denied entry to the US under President Trump’s travel ban »
Looking to get involved? Code Against Trump - DC
Looking to get involved? Code Against Trump »
Eliot A. Cohen Responds to Donald Trump's First Week - The Atlantic
Former Bush official: Trump administration will end in "calamity." »
These communities have a lot at stake in Trump’s executive order on immigration | Brookings Institution
These American communities have the most at stake in Trump's immigration ban »
Audio: Inmates want better treatment at Smyrna prison
Inmates have taken over James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Deleware & are holding guards hostage »
5 Calls: Make your voice heard
Can someone integrate this into the site and similar tools? I would definitely bring my air… »
5 Calls: Make your voice heard
@make5calls is a great tool for contacting your representatives. Speak up! Speak out! »
Attention Federal Employees: If You See Something, Leak Something — The Intercept
A reminder to federal employees: if you see something, leak something. Here's how to do it safely. »
this website rules »
Úll 2017
Excited to announce Úll 2017 »
オカメインコ ぽこちゃん cockatiel singing Totoro - YouTube
It is impossible to feel sad while watching this cockatiel sing the Totoro theme »
How to Flawlessly Predict Anything on the Internet — The Message — Medium
@bdgrabinski @keithcalder Make hundreds of predictions on a private account, delete the wrong ones, make it public. » | Open Source Git Management Software
GitLab are live streaming their work on restoring » | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
For my birthday, make a donation to and / or these are very important organizations. thx. »